#276 Alan Aragon | Research Review, Nutrient Timing, Protein Intake
#276 Alan Aragon | Research Review, Nutrient Timing, Protein Intake
Alan Aragon is a nutrition researcher and educator with over 30 years of success in the field. Apply his findings!
#275 Jaden Lacaria, Nydir Hayden, Josh Gallone | Peaking for a Powerlifting Meet
#275 Jaden Lacaria, Nydir Hayden, Josh Gallone | Peaking for a Powerlift...
This unity of lifters and coaches are going places. Learn about their approach to the powerlifting game.
#274 Laura Phelps-Stackhouse | 45x All-Time World Records, Queen Bee Power, WSBB Conjugate
#274 Laura Phelps-Stackhouse | 45x All-Time World Records, Queen Bee Pow...
Listen how she utlizes Westside’s Barbell Conjugate methods. She’s here the weekend before the big PRO-AM. Get all the details!
#273 Mike Israetel | Renaissance Periodization, Is Mike a REAL Meathead? Worst Movements for Hypertrophy
#273 Mike Israetel | Renaissance Periodization, Is Mike a REAL Meathead?...
This one may be the best one yet! Dave tested him to see if he’s a real “meathead.” You will have to tune in to see if he passed!
#272 David Weck | Bosu Ball Inventor, Weck Method
#272 David Weck | Bosu Ball Inventor, Weck Method
David Weck is the inventor of the BOSU® Balance Trainer and founder of WeckMethod. Learn about his latest inventions and view on life.
#271 Rick Collins | Steroid and PEDs Lawyer, Criminal Defense, Athlete Laws
#271 Rick Collins | Steroid and PEDs Lawyer, Criminal Defense, Athlete Laws
Rick Collins is a lawyer who is internationally recognized as a legal authority in the field of testosterone and other anabolic steroids and performance-enhancing substances.
#270 Eric Bugenhagen | Rick Boogs WWE, Bulking for Dummies, Thick as Frick
#270 Eric Bugenhagen | Rick Boogs WWE, Bulking for Dummies, Thick as Frick
Let’s frickin get stacked, jacked, succulent, dense… It’s time to get thick as frick.
#269 Mark Ehnis | PowerStrength Training Systems, elitefts Outfitted, Gym Ownership Consulting
#269 Mark Ehnis | PowerStrength Training Systems, elitefts Outfitted, Gy...
Mark is an expert when it comes to scaling multiple facilities, creating a centralized operating system to deliver a consistent experience, building career opportunities for staff, and developing stronger leaders. 
#267 Leah Reichman | Largest Squat EVER, Women in Powerlifting
#267 Leah Reichman | Largest Squat EVER, Women in Powerlifting
Leah Reichman holds the record for the biggest squat and total ever by a woman under the coaching guidance of Laura Phelps Stackhouse.
#266 Chris McGrail | Combat Vet, 6X Olympia Gold, PTSD
#266 Chris McGrail | Combat Vet, 6X Olympia Gold, PTSD
The aftermath of war left him with PTSD and severe health challenges, but fueled his success in powerlifting.
#264 Ali Gilbert | Men's Health Taboos, GPP for TRT
#264 Ali Gilbert | Men's Health Taboos, GPP for TRT
With Ali’s bio information out of the way, Dave and Ali dig deeper into men’s health. Welcome back, Ali!
#263 JM Blakley | The Philosophy of Strength, The Mental Side of Lifting, Work Hard
#263 JM Blakley | The Philosophy of Strength, The Mental Side of Lifting...
JM and Dave discuss the philosophy of strength, mindfulness in training, the act of working hard, and much more!
#262 Jonni Shreve | Athlete Transitioning, IFBB Pro, Mental Health
#262 Jonni Shreve | Athlete Transitioning, IFBB Pro, Mental Health
What do you do next when you can no longer play football? Bodybuilding, naturally.
#261 Dane Miller | Garage Strength, Olympic Games, USA Weightlifting Coach
#261 Dane Miller | Garage Strength, Olympic Games, USA Weightlifting Coach
As the owner and master coach behind Garage Strength, Dane Miller is one of the United States’ most well-known and recognizable names in weightlifting, track and field, and coaching expertise.
#260 Henry Thomason | All Time WR Squat in 3 Weight Classes, Pet Dinosaurs, Texas Powerlifting
#260 Henry Thomason | All Time WR Squat in 3 Weight Classes, Pet Dinosau...
Well this is a first, no one has ever brought their pet dinosaurs to the podcast.
#259 Jo Jordan | Spinal Surgery, 2400 Total, Perfect Storm Hardcore Training Gym
#259 Jo Jordan | Spinal Surgery, 2400 Total, Perfect Storm Hardcore Trai...
Listen to Jo explain his gnarly spinal surgery and how he keeps moving forward eating heavy doses of iron.
#258 Joe Mackey | IFBB Pro, Strongest Deadlift of 910 Pounds, Mackey Innovations, Jailhouse Strong
#258 Joe Mackey | IFBB Pro, Strongest Deadlift of 910 Pounds, Mackey Inn...
Influences from coaches John Meadows and Jailhouse Strong, Joe Mackey is the strongest IFBB pro in the world with a 900-pound deadlift. Learn more!
#257 Dr. Todd Lee | IFBB Pro, Medical Doctor, Anabolic University
#257 Dr. Todd Lee | IFBB Pro, Medical Doctor, Anabolic University
Dr. Todd Lee shares how his uncle (who looked like the Hulk) propelled his fascination with muscle to another level.
#256 Jim Wendler | Content Creation, 2024 High School Weight Training, 5/3/1
#256 Jim Wendler | Content Creation, 2024 High School Weight Training, 5...
Jim’s back to share what he’s doing differently with his high school football players this year.
#255 Travis McKinney | WPO Record Squat (5x BW), Autoregulation, Drill Sergeant
#255 Travis McKinney | WPO Record Squat (5x BW), Autoregulation, Drill S...
Travis attributes much of his programming ability to Louie Simmons. Learn how his training numbers skyrocketed.
#254 Jesse Ackerman | XFL and NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach, Low Injury Rate
#254 Jesse Ackerman | XFL and NFL Strength and Conditioning Coach, Low I...
The Defenders clinched a championship game appearance, with several players seamlessly transitioning to NFL rosters under his direct guidance.
#253 Phillip Herndon | 4 ATWR, 911 Dispatcher
#253 Phillip Herndon | 4 ATWR, 911 Dispatcher
Phillip Herndon holds 4 ATWRs and, at one point, held 6. Listen to his story and his plan behind all of the power.
#252 AJ Roberts | Competitive Mindset, Powerlifter Identity
#252 AJ Roberts | Competitive Mindset, Powerlifter Identity
UPDATE: AJ’s bench is now at 931.5 pounds at 308, which gives him a top-10 bench for the year. Plus a ton more!
#251 Andy Baker | Baker Barbell, Mark Rippetoe, PPST3
#251 Andy Baker | Baker Barbell, Mark Rippetoe, PPST3
Andy Baker has been working in the industry as a private strength and conditioning coach and personal trainer for the past 22 years. As a former Marine, listen about his coaching practice and the influence of Mark Rippetoe.
#250 Jeremy Hartman | USAPL 6x Champion, USAPL Coach of the Year, HPT Performance
#250 Jeremy Hartman | USAPL 6x Champion, USAPL Coach of the Year, HPT Pe...
Nominated USAPL Coach of the Year, learn about his strength and conditioning upbringing and his programming methods.
#249 Dave Hoff | 6x WPO Champion
#249 Dave Hoff | 6x WPO Champion
In this episode, many topics are covered, including a breakdown of the 2023 WPO Super Finals at the Mr Olympia. Take a look at Dave’s WPO belt collection!
#248 John Haack and Dan Pasholk | Lifting Highlights, Working Through Injuries, PEDs, Madtown Fitness
#248 John Haack and Dan Pasholk | Lifting Highlights, Working Through In...
Dan created the atmosphere for giants like John to grow and be surrounded by other giants. Listen to their stories.
#247 Bedros Keuilian | Man Up, Through Adversity Comes Prosperity, Fit Body Boot Camp
#247 Bedros Keuilian | Man Up, Through Adversity Comes Prosperity, Fit B...
He and his family are immigrants who escaped communism and came to the United States to find freedom, opportunity, and a better life. Listen how he made the most of this opportunity.
#246 Dan Garner | Recovery Modalities (and Metrics), Ultimate Nutrition Mentorship, Team Garner Inc.
#246 Dan Garner | Recovery Modalities (and Metrics), Ultimate Nutrition ...
Dave and Dan talk A LOT about recovery modalities and the metrics associated. Everyone can get their blood checked and read the data, but what are the metrics telling you? Where do you start to make change?
#245 Jordan Wong | American Pro, Pec Tear, Showcase Strength and Fitness
#245 Jordan Wong | American Pro, Pec Tear, Showcase Strength and Fitness
Learn about Jordan Wong’s pec tear at the American Pro, his journey getting there, and his plans for recovery.
#244 Logan Varner | 2200 Total, South Side Elite, Texas Powerlifting
#244 Logan Varner | 2200 Total, South Side Elite, Texas Powerlifting
A fixture in Texas Powerlifting, here’s what Logan is Varner is doing for the sport.
#243 Vigorous Steve | Liver King's Blood Work, Steroid Talk, PED Breakdown
#243 Vigorous Steve | Liver King's Blood Work, Steroid Talk, PED Br...
Steve has a passion for everything that revolves around bodybuilding and optimizing performance through supplements and performance-enhancing drugs.
Dr. Ashley Contorno | VeggieLifter, South Bay Strength Company, Physical
Dr. Ashley Contorno | VeggieLifter, South Bay Strength Company, Physical
Owner of South Bay Strength Company, Ashley Contorno shares how her approach to life created a powerful brand and thriving outlook on life.
#241 Matt Nichol | NHL & NFL Sports Recovery, Athlete Nutrition
#241 Matt Nichol | NHL & NFL Sports Recovery, Athlete Nutrition
As a coach for over 26 years, Matt is recognized as one of the preeminent authorities in the world of sports performance. Learn more!
#240 Kassem Hanson | N1 Education, Recovery, Biomechanics
#240 Kassem Hanson | N1 Education, Recovery, Biomechanics
Kassem Hanson is the founder and head educator of N1 Education. In this episode, learn more about Kassem and N1 with Dave Tate and Tom Sheppard.
#239 Jim Smith | Diesel Strength and Conditioning, Ageless Athlete Certification
#239 Jim Smith | Diesel Strength and Conditioning, Ageless Athlete Certi...
Jim is the founder and owner of Diesel Strength and Conditioning and the creator of the Ageless Athlete certification – the world’s most complete longevity-based training system.
#238 Dr. Stuart McGill | Back Pain, BackFitPro, McGill Big Three
#238 Dr. Stuart McGill | Back Pain, BackFitPro, McGill Big Three
Dr. Stuart McGill is here! More than going over the intricacies of low back pain, learn more about the legend himself.
#237 JP Price | Strong Barbell Club, First 1,000-pound Raw Squat, ATWR
#237 JP Price | Strong Barbell Club, First 1,000-pound Raw Squat, ATWR
JP has dominated the ranks. Listen to his journey and how he stays relevant and active in the powerlifting community.
#236 Zac Meyers | "The Hulk," The American Pro, ATWRs
#236 Zac Meyers | "The Hulk," The American Pro, ATWRs
On the road to the American Pro, learn more about Zac Meyers (a 2x ATWR holder).
#235 Laura Phelps | 45 All-Time World Records, 775 Pound Squat, Westside Barbell
#235 Laura Phelps | 45 All-Time World Records, 775 Pound Squat, Westside...
Laura strives to honor her mentor, Louie Simmons’ legacy by continuing to educate others on properly implementing the Westside Barbell Conjugate Method.
#234 Dave Kirschen | 2061 Total, 11x Bodyweight Totals in 2 Classes, Top elitefts Author
#234 Dave Kirschen | 2061 Total, 11x Bodyweight Totals in 2 Classes, Top...
Dave had an incredible journey in powerlifting. A friend of Dave for over 20 years, and as the top author of elitefts, follow his equipped journey.
#233 Mike Van Wyck | Wycked Training
#233 Mike Van Wyck | Wycked Training
A huge influencer for IFBB pros and amateurs hungry for more muscle. Learn more about Mike!
#232 Aram Grigorian | 4weeks2thebeach, The Real Coaches Summit
#232 Aram Grigorian | 4weeks2thebeach, The Real Coaches Summit
Aram attests that meatheads struggle with the same things gen pop does. Here’s his coaching approach to find solutions.
#231 Massenomics | Lift Hard. Live Easy., Tommy DeFea and Tanner Baird
#231 Massenomics | Lift Hard. Live Easy., Tommy DeFea and Tanner Baird
Massenomics is known for its lighthearted approach to the strength and fitness industry. Their motto: “Lift Hard. Live Easy.”
#230 Bryce Krawczyk | Calgary Barbell, 4x IPF Open World Deadlift Records, Canadian Powerlifting
#230 Bryce Krawczyk | Calgary Barbell, 4x IPF Open World Deadlift Record...
Bryce has won nine CPU National Championships across both raw and classic, and has broken a total of four IPF Open World records in the deadlift.
#229 Graciano Rubio | Isabel CrossFit WOD, 330-Pound Snatch x 30 reps
#229 Graciano Rubio | Isabel CrossFit WOD, 330-Pound Snatch x 30 reps
You can take a strongman out of the sport, but you can’t take strongman out of the guy.
#228 Graciano Rubio | Wallstreet Weightlifter, The 50 to 1 Method
#228 Graciano Rubio | Wallstreet Weightlifter, The 50 to 1 Method
Graciano is best known for applying both CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting movements toward his strongman training.
#227 Josh Bryant | Programming, Mindset, Tactical Training, Specificity
#227 Josh Bryant | Programming, Mindset, Tactical Training, Specificity
Continuing the conversation, Josh Bryant speaks more on programming, mindset, and tactical training in this episode.
#226 Josh Bryant | The Big 3, Jailhouse Strong, Coaching World Record Holders
#226 Josh Bryant | The Big 3, Jailhouse Strong, Coaching World Record Ho...
Josh creates the strongest individuals, helping them become their best selves while assisting tactical athletes. Learn more!
#225 Jim Wendler Throwback | 5/3/1 Training for High School Athletes, Values and Qualities
#225 Jim Wendler Throwback | 5/3/1 Training for High School Athletes, Va...
We’re throwing it back to our 3rd EVER podcast with Jim Wendler! Find out why this is our most popular episode of all time!
#224 Crew Cast | Dave Answers Your Questions: High Intensity Training, Conjugate, Weight Gain
#224 Crew Cast | Dave Answers Your Questions: High Intensity Training, C...
We’re sharing Crew Cast #7 with you. These extra MONTHLY shows are exclusive for the Crew Cast. Join the Crew today!
#223 Chad Aichs | Courage Barbell, 4th Highest Total in History, Mental Health
#223 Chad Aichs | Courage Barbell, 4th Highest Total in History, Mental ...
At one time, he held the fourth-highest total in history, the highest full meet bench in history, and the fourth-highest squat in history.
#222 Anthony Hobaica | 10x Body Weight Total, 3 Arnold XPC Championships, Animal Cage
#222 Anthony Hobaica | 10x Body Weight Total, 3 Arnold XPC Championships...
He quickly came up the ranks, holding world records in both raw-wrapped and sleeve categories, including three overall Arnold XPC Championships and totaling ten times his body weight in 181 and 198 classes. 
#221 Bob Merkh | Atlantic City Barbell, All-Time #5 Squat, Right Behind Hoff
#221 Bob Merkh | Atlantic City Barbell, All-Time #5 Squat, Right Behind ...
All-time top-5 squat and bench, Bob is one spot away from Dave Hoff. Listen how he trains and learn about his strength upbringing.
#220 Table Talk Crew | VIP Training Retreat, Discord
#220 Table Talk Crew | VIP Training Retreat, Discord
As we embark on the FIRST Table Talk Crew Training Retreat this weekend, we’re kicking off the party at the table. 
#219 Joey Szatsmary | Szatstrength
#219 Joey Szatsmary | Szatstrength
Joey is back with business and training updates. Welcome back, Joey!
#218 Ali Gilbert | Men's Health, Testosterone School
#218 Ali Gilbert | Men's Health, Testosterone School
Ali (the Queen of Testosterone) helps busy men get jacked and look great naked. Let’s sift through all the bullshit.
#217 Joey Smith | Nebobarbell, 700 Pound Bench Press in 4 Weight Classes, Team elitefts
#217 Joey Smith | Nebobarbell, 700 Pound Bench Press in 4 Weight Classes...
A team member of elitefts for the past 16 years, Joey Smith joins us to talk about everything Nebobarbell.

Items 60 to 118 of 523 total