Today’s guest built a career as an athlete, intern (a ton), assistant, and director (a ton) until he landed in the NBA as the Head Strength and Conditioning coach for the Phoenix Suns. Listen to his story!
The man, the myth, the legend JM Blakley, joins Dave and Sam to discuss getting a little better every day, the nuances of coaching, the limits we place on ourselves, and much more!
Athletes spend most of their time with strength coaches. Learn how Phil Matusz finesses his role as the head football strength coach for Boston College.
Nothing like getting together with pals and talking old powerlifting stories. From Louie Simmons trying to break your fingers after beating you in the stomach, to having rules made specifically about you.
JM Blakley and Dave Tate have had their fair share of tendon problems. From tears to tweaks, they’ve learned how to strengthen their tendons to help lengthen their careers and put up bigger numbers. From ultra-heavy reps to ultra-light ones, here’s a variety of tendon tools at your disposal.
Sometimes ego helps you out in powerlifting. Sometimes it doesn’t. Here’s where the ego will bite you, and how to mold yourself for your best lifting and life.
Everyone likes putting their own tweak on popular programming. Louie Simmons was not very receptive when he learned Mark Bell had changed his, however. You’d think a 180-pound squat PR would speak for itself, but apparently it was still no good.
What are people most interested in seeing on the podcast? Who would be the perfect guest? Which topics should be covered? Talking the future of the podcast and when Dave is returning!
Stop screwing up your deloads and you’ll see less back pain and significantly increased performance. Then stop screwing up how you tie your shoes! Done incorrectly, small movements can add up to exacerbate back pain.
What does the fitness landscape look like for beginners, and what can we do as trainers to help them best? It’s oversaturated with con artists, and we need to understand the beginner’s perspective to be able to help them best.
Who becomes great? What matters now to keep your legacy moving to the next generation? Steve Goggins is Dave Tate’s pick for the most underrated powerlifter, and he has his theories for why he isn’t mentioned.
If you’re struggling to make your workouts fit a new and tighter schedule, Dave Tate shares his pro tips for making 3-day and 2-day week splits work with great results.
Dave Tate and Brian Alsruhe both know you can't do the same thing forever and expect results. In the pursuit of maximal performance, you have to find your way to step ahead of the crowd. How do you identify what your own edge is?
Great coaching, brawls and talking trash all go hand in hand at elite powerlifting gyms. When Dave Tate has a story to tell about Westside Barbell, it's a good idea to stop and listen.
Being jacked as hell got your shoulders a little tight? Here's how you fix your squat bar position for better performance, less pain, and a bigger total.
Need a little bit of bulking inspiration? Swede Burns and Dave Tate trade tips. Swede lays out the entirety of his diet he used to maintain a 330-pound bodyweight as a powerlifter.
Looking to beef up your upper back or increase your bench and squat numbers? Of course you are. Check out Dave Tate's best advice on how to structure your routine to best gain upper back strength.
Dave Tate sits down for an episode of the Table Talk with Mark Bell and his co-hosts of the Mark Bell's Power Project, Nsima Inyang and Andrew Zaragoza. Dave and Mark talk about their past time training together, and life and business lessons they've learned since then.
Vincent Dizenzo, Jim Wendler, and Matt Rhodes come together to deliver a classic tale of body odor, sketchy needles, and a whole lot of that sweet power bloat. Complete with quite a few verbal jabs at each other in between, like does losing weight even count as a challenge as a super heavyweight powerlifter?
Elite multi-ply powerlifter and world-class coach and educator Brian Carroll is on the Table Talk Podcast today to chat with Dave Tate. Whether it's Brian's methodology or his experience as a lifter and a coach, this under the bar duo is a wealth of knowledge.
Debating switching stances? How can you know which one is better for you? Dave Tate drops some wisdom on how you'll know when it's time to switch, and how to best train the deadlift.
Table Talk #47 coming in live to answer your questions and teach you a thing or two! In today's Table Talk Dave Tate will be focusing specifically on beginners and their programming for this episode.
Listen to JM Blakley talk about the reasons behind his supplemental exercise choices when aiming to increase his already massive numbers. Apply these to any of your lifts and you might find what you're missing in your current program!