Stan Efferding joins Dave Tate and Sam Brown in this week's episode of Dave Tate's Table Talk to discuss a variety of topics. They review the day's leg workout and Stan and Dave talk about building a business, relationships, and how to be a better coach. Even getting into dieting and nutrition overall, they cover it all. Packed with great information you don't want to miss Stan Efferding on Dave Tate's Table Talk.
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Today's Topics Include
00:00 Introduction/Sam is an Instigator on Leg Day/Matt and Stan Intro
08:00 Pain Free Lifting/ Decision making for Training?/Know your Audience
13:00 Get Them Hooked? Dave’s Book of Clients?
20:00 Build Relationships and building a business?
25:00 Key Rocks to Becoming a Better Coach for YOUR client and Building Trust
45:00 Functional Training? Defining the Words we Use and “Calling People Out”
54:16 The BIG ROCKS of Health/Performance/Longevity/Stans Budget Blood Panel
1:09:00 Restrictive Dieting/Female Triad
1:17:06 The Health and Performance Spectrum
1:21:00 Coming out the Other End After Competing?
1:26:40 Maintain a BASE level of Badass to be Listened to
1:30:29 Work Hard so you can EARN Recovering and Earn Your Platform/ Do the Boring Shit
1:59:00 Wrap Up/ Where can you Find Stan and Matt

I am trying to get leaner as well in more of natural well balanced diet.
Trying to improve myself as well as want to right an article of my experiences as well coaching my son in travel ball and coaching other kids in hitting.
Thank-you so much,
Adam Yezer