WATCH: Table Talk — How Can You Become Part of Team elitefts?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Can You Become Part of Team elitefts?
There are a lot of strong lifters in the world. That’s not all we’re looking for.
WATCH: Table Talk — Do Your Genetics Suck?
WATCH: Table Talk — Do Your Genetics Suck?
There’s a way to know if your genetics suck — but not until you’ve given 100%. If you don’t spend enough time trying, you’ll never know.
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Build the Deadlift Without Deadlifting?
WATCH: Table Talk — Can You Build the Deadlift Without Deadlifting?
A lot of people disagree about how often you should deadlift in the gym, if at all. For 13 years of competing, this is how I trained my deadlift.
WATCH: Table Talk — How to Stay Disciplined When Training Stops Being Fun
WATCH: Table Talk — How to Stay Disciplined When Training Stops Being Fun
You can love training more than anything else in your life but that doesn’t mean it’s always going to be fun. What will you do when training becomes the most difficult part of your day?
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave's Best Cheat Meal (13,909 calories!)
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave's Best Cheat Meal (13,909 calories!)
If you have only one opportunity per month to eat the foods you want, you don’t waste it. By the end of the night I felt like I was going to die.
WATCH: Table Talk — Learning From Novice Mistakes
WATCH: Table Talk — Learning From Novice Mistakes
The annoying lifter in your gym might seem like he’s making no progress, but screwing around is exactly what he needs.
WATCH: Table Talk — Curing Common Powerlifter Pain
WATCH: Table Talk — Curing Common Powerlifter Pain
Biceps and triceps tendonitis are among the most likely aches to plague competitive powerlifters. Here are several go-to ways to manage these and other common tendon and joint overuse injuries.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much Is elitefts Worth?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much Is elitefts Worth?
This company has never existed to compete with Company A, B, or C. If you own your own business, you need to understand your culture and evaluate how that translates to a dollar value.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Can Powerlifting Become Nationally Televised?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Can Powerlifting Become Nationally Televised?
Would powerlifting be more popular if it were in the Olympics? What if ESPN aired National Championships?
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave Tate's Best Fat Man Story
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave Tate's Best Fat Man Story
I can understand how you can squat, bench, and deadlift as a fatass. The real question is, how do you survive?
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After An Injury
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After A...
Coming off a debilitating injury, respect your body’s range of motion and only push the limits when the time is right. You’re on your way back, don’t blow it now.
WATCH: The Red Flags of Online Coaching
WATCH: The Red Flags of Online Coaching
Everything you’re seeing online is a mirage. How do you filter through all the bullshit?
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk— MRV, Staying Competitive, and Coffin Dragger
WATCH: Rapid Fire Table Talk— MRV, Staying Competitive, and Coffin Dragger
Dave answers your questions from Instagram in 15 seconds or less.
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
WATCH: Have You Ever Felt Your Passion Slip Away?
It’s not going to be easy to accomplish your goals. When your will to achieve starts to fade, what will you do?
WATCH: My Worst Injury in Powerlifting
WATCH: My Worst Injury in Powerlifting
Injuries suck, but we all get them. It’s part of the game. But there’s one injury that kept me out of the gym for months at a time. The doctor told me I’d never bench over 400 pounds again. He was wrong.

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