Within the field of college strength and conditioning, Bryan Mann is synonymous with the practical application of scientific research. Strength and conditioning coaches who are able to sift through research and determine what is of value to their athletes are the coaches that are at the top of the field. Earning his doctorate degree while helping lead the University of Missouri to perennial power in multiple sports is indicative of his tenacious work ethic, dedication to his passion, and unwavering integrity when preparing athletes.
I first met Bryan at the CSCCa National Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah Spring 2005. As part of an open roundtable discussion, Bryan was able to explain complicated training methodologies in a very understandable way. The good coaches have a way of doing this. Since then, Coach Mann has been a tremendous resource for me as a strength and conditioning coach. Bryan’s knowledge and application of the APRE system has not only helped his teams and athletes achieve their goals, but has also helped the teams of all the coaches he has influenced. Dr. Mann has researched, modified, and optimized this system to help lifters and coaches alike.
Topics in this Podcast:
- How and why Bran Mann started using Velocity-Based Training (VBT)
- Strength-Speed versus Speed-Strength
- Athlete considerations for VBT in a team setting
- The origin of Coach Mann's implementation of APRE in collegiate athletics
- Why APRE works in a team setting
- Job security and the transition to academia