One of the first tasks I undertake when developing a program for anyone is to assess what the exercise selection options are available to the person at the gym where they regularly train. Developing programs in isolation to this are bound to fail, as substitutions will take place and the integrity of the program will be lost.
For example, this is a chart of the major movements that I would program for from the weight room of the team I currently work with:
As you can see, it is a very standard list of the most result-producing exercises. As Christian Woodford said in a LinkedIn post recently, there is about 80% commonality of most performance exercise selection in programs around the world of professional sport. Some programming exercise selection charts further divide the upper body into horizontal and vertical components, but for this example, I have just divided upper body into push or pull. This selection chart works very well with a full body program performed three days per weeks, with a total of six exercises in each session. Of course, you could easily utilize a split program of upper and lower body movements with four exercises per session being equally as productive.
As I travel around and train at commercial gyms, I see so many trainees neglecting the basic result-producing exercises and opt for a more isolation and body part approach to training. As I once heard someone say, “It’s hard to carve a spatchcock,” You have to put some meat on the bones first before you can think about specific isolation movements. Following the above selection charts will allow you to develop considerable levels of size and strength. Some aspirational goals before you consider isolating would be:
Aspirational Exercise Targets
- Trap Bar Deadlift: 2.5 x Bodyweight
- Box Squat: 2.5 x Bodyweight
- Deadlift: 2 x Bodyweight
- Back Squat: 2 x Bodyweight
- Front Squat: 1.75 x Bodyweight
- Bench Press: 1.5 x Bodyweight
- Chin Up: 1.5 x Bodyweight
- Incline Bench Press: 1.25 x Bodyweight
- Power Clean: 1.25 x Bodyweight
- Jerk/Push Press: 1.25 x Bodyweight
- Power Snatch: Bodyweight
- Military Press: Bodyweight
I would encourage you to spend at least 80% of your training time on these major compound movements and to get as close as possible to these aspirational targets before increasing the number of isolation exercises into your programs, especially if your goal is size and strength. Once you have achieved these goals there are numerous methods to experience along the training continuum. I have collated a few of my most result-producing programs for you to try, from both a sports performance perspective and also general training for size and strength for the non-sports person.
Upper Body Workouts
Workout 1
- Cambered Bar Incline Bench Press superset with Band-Assisted Wide Grip Chins: 5 x 6-10
- Trap Bar Shoulder Press superset with EZ Bar Upright Row: 5 x 6-10
- Bench (Bar Position 2) Close Grip Bench Press superset with Bar Row: 5 x 6–10
- EZ Bar Curls superset with EZ Bar Lying Triceps Extensions: 3 x 6-10
Workout 2
- Triple Angle Drop Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (45, 30, 15 Degrees): 5 x 5/5/5 or 4 x 4/4/4 or 3 x 3/3/3
- MMA Kettlebell Floor Press superset with Kettlebell Renegade Row: 4 x 6 each side
- Kettlebell See-Saw Shoulder Press superset with Kettlebell Alternate Upright Row: 4 x 6 each side
- Three-Way Shoulder Raise (Dumbbell Lateral, Plate Front, Bent-Over Cable Lateral): 3 x 12
Workout 3
- Dumbbell Flat Bench superset with Dumbbell One-Arm Row: 5 x 6–10
- Dumbbell Incline Bench Press superset with Dumbbell Upright Row: 5 x 6–10
- Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press superset with Seated Dumbbell Snatch: 4 x 6 each side
- Dumbbell Twist Curls superset with Seated Dumbbell Overhead Extensions: 3 x 6–10
Workout 4
- Five-Angle Press superset with Five-Position Chin
- Kettlebell Circuit: Floor Press/Renegade Row/See-Saw Shoulder Press/Alternating Snatch: 4 x 8
- Dumbbell Push superset with Pull Ladder: Press x 10, rest 30 seconds, pull x 10, rest 30 seconds, continue for 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1
- Football Bar Close Grip Bench Press 5 x 10 superset with Matrix Chain 5 x 5/5/5/5
Body Part Programs Options
Monday (Chest and Triceps)
Bench Press Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x (6, 5, 4)
- Week 2 — 2 x (5, 4, 3)
- Week 3 — 2 x (4, 3, 2)
- Wave Style
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (Triple Drop Style)
- Week 1 — 3 x 5/5/5
- Week 2 — 4 x 4/4/4
- Week 3 — 5 x 3/3/3
Close Grip Bench Press
- Week 1 — 4 x 6
- Week 2 — 4 x 8
- Week 3 — 5 x 10
Weighted Dips
- Week 1 — 5 x 10
- Week 2 — 4 x 8
- Week 3 — 5 x 5
Lying Triceps Extension
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Tuesday (Back and Biceps)
Prone Row Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5, 4, 3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
Weighted Chins Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5, 4, 3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
Dumbbell One-Arm Row
- Week 1 — 3 x 12
- Week 2 — 4 x 10
- Week 3 — 5 x 8
Barbell Curl
- Week 1 — 3 x 12
- Week 2 — 4 x 10
- Week 3 — 5 x 8
Incline Dumbbell Curl
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Wednesday (Shoulders and Traps)
Bradford Press and Military Combo
- Week 1 — 5’s
- Week 2 — 4’s
- Week 3 — 3’s
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5,4,3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
Three-Way Shoulder Raise Complex (Lateral, Front, Bent-Over)
- Week 1 — 3 x 12
- Week 2 — 4 x 10
- Week 3 — 5 x 8
Cuban Press and Overhead Shrugs
- Week 1 — 3 x 5/10
- Week 2 — 4 x 4/8
- Week 3 — 5 x 3/6
Dumbbell Shrugs
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Thursday (Chest and Triceps)
Incline Bench Press Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5, 4, 3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
- Week 1 — 3 x 12
- Week 2 — 4 x 10
- Week 3 — 5 x 8
Weighted Pushups
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Floor Press Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5, 4, 3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
Triceps Pressdown
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Friday (Back and Biceps)
Seated Row Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5, 4, 3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
50 Chins
- As few sets as possible
- 30 seconds rest between each set to positive failure
Standing Dumbbell Twist Curls
- Week 1 — 3 x 12
- Week 2 — 4 x 10
- Week 3 — 5 x 8
Seated Dumbbell Hammer Curls
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Saturday (Shoulders and Traps)
Cambered or Fat Bar Shoulder Press Three-Week Strength Progression
- Week 1 — 2 x 6, 5, 4
- Week 2 — 2 x 5, 4, 3
- Week 3 — 2 x 4, 3, 2
- Wave Style
Muscle Snatch from Hang Position
- Week 1 — 4 x 6
- Week 2 — 4 x 8
- Week 3 — 4 x 10
Handstand Pushups
- Week 1 — 3 x max
- Week 2 — 4 x max
- Week 3 — 5 x max
Seated Dumbbell One-Arm Snatch
- Week 1 — 12, 10, 8, 8
- Week 2 — 10, 8, 6, 6
- Week 3 — 8, 6, 4, 4
Seated Dumbbell Clean
- Week 1 — 3 x 12
- Week 2 — 4 x 10
- Week 3 — 5 x 8
Lower Body
Front Squat/Back Squat Combo — Select a weight that you can achieve three to six reps within the front squat (FS), then when you finish the set rack the bar and immediately reposition and perform the back squat (BS) double the reps you achieved in the front squat or to requiring a spot to complete the concentric rep.
- Dead Stop Front Squats, 5 x 3 — From low receiving position setup in power rack with a five-second eccentric.
- Three-Second Pauses, 3 x 3 x 3 — At quarter, half, and full squat on the eccentric phase and then an explosive concentric.
- One-and-One Half, 5 x 3— Descend into a full squat then come up to half squat pause for three seconds then go down again and explode up in concentric phase.
- Set 1: 1 x 6
- Set 2: 3/3 with 20 seconds rest
- Set 3: 2/2/2 with 30 seconds rest
- Set 4: 1/1/1/1/1/1 with 30-45 seconds rest
Wave Loading
5/3/1 x 2
- Rest two minutes between sets.
- Starting set of 5 reps at around 80-85%, then 90-92.5% for 3 reps, then 95-100% for a single.
- Repeat the wave increasing the weight by 2.5% for each set.
Squats/Step-Ups Variations
- Sprinter's/Bulgarian Squat
- Parisi Step-Up (Two-Phase Step-Up)
- Bosch Squat/Step-Up
- Single Kneeling Start Step-Up
- Kneeling Squat
- Box Squat
- Power Snatch and Step-Up (Cosner Complex)
Deadlift/Good Morning Variations
- Snatch/Clean Grip Deadlift
- Split Stance
- Good Morning Combo
- Single-Leg (Other foot braced on wall)
- Sumo Deadlift
- Hip Thrust on Bench
- Zercher
Lower Body Power and Strength
- 2 x Push
- 2 x Pull
- Push
- Squat (Back Squat, Front Squat, Overhead Squat, Zercher Squat, Box Variations)
- Single-Leg (Split Squat, Sprinter’s Squat, Step-Ups, Bosch)
- Pull
- Olympic/Total Body (Power Snatch, Power Clean, Deadlift, Pulls)
- Hamstring/Lower Back (RDL, Good Morning, Hip Thrusts)
Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%+
Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80%, 85%, 90%, 90%+
Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85%, 90%, 95%,95%+
Week Plan for a Rugby Prop Forward in Pre-Season
- Warm-up with superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 and Single-Leg Hip Thrusts and Kettlebell Swings
- Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor superset with Knees-to-Feet Jumps
- Band Box Squats superset with Box Jumps
- Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press superset with Upper Body Plyometric
Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60%
Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80%
Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70%
Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90%
- 1 x Upper Body Push and Pull 10/8/6
After training at night, too dangerous to do before any running.
- Trap Bar Deficit Deadlift 5 x 10
- Sprinters Squat 4 x 6
- Split Stance RDL 4 x 6
3 x Push/Pull Superset Choice
- Incline (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered)
- Shoulder (Bar, Dumbbell, Cambered, Trap)
- Flat Press (Close Grip, Reverse, Floor, Bench)
- Row (Bent-Over, Pendlay, Trap Bar, Yates)
- Chin (Bar, Towel, Rope)
- Traps (Reverse Shrug, Dumbbell, Trap Bar, Upright Row, Seated Snatch, Seated Clean)
Week 1: 4 x 6 with 75%
Week 2: 6/5/4/4 with 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%+
Week 3: 5/4/3/3 with 80%, 85%, 90%, 90%+
Week 4: 4/3/2/2 with 85%, 90%, 95%,95%+
- Warm-up with superset of Bosch Squat and Borzov Hops 3 x 5 and Single-Leg Hip Thrusts and Kettlebell Swings
- Clean or Snatch or Pulls from Floor superset with Knees-to-Feet Jumps
- Band Box Squats superset with Box Jumps
- Push Press or Split Jerk or Band Bench Press superset with Upper Body Plyometric
Week 1: 4 x 6 with 60%
Week 2: 5 x 3 with 80%
Week 3: 6 x 4 with 70%
Week 4: 4 x 2 with 90%
- Triple Drop Dumbbell Press (45/30/15 Degrees) 5 x 5/5/5 superset with One-Arm Dumbbell Row 5 x 10
- Four-Way Shoulder Raise (Kettlebell Shoulder Press, Dumbbell Laterals, Plate Front, Cable Bent-Over Raise) — 2 x 12
Love reading your work - especially this piece.
Currently, I am operating on a 5 day training program - 3 upper body and 2 lower body split.
Within my upper body workouts I am currently using 3 compound exercises and 2 accessory exercises to compose my work. The main compound lifts I use just now are barbell bench, military press, chin/pull ups and a row variation. I like to operate in 3-week blocks and was just wondering if you would recommend using the same set/rep ranges for each compound lift per week? so for example, Monday - bench press, chin ups & military press 2x (6/5/4) and then Wednesday Incline bench, pull up, pendlay row 2 x (6/5/4) with a different variation of exercises on Saturday with the same set/rep range before progressing to week 2 2 x (5/4/3)?
Any feedback would be great.
Great article to read - as always!
Thanks for your reply.
That's extremely helpful. I have a couple of additional questions around this and a few other topics in which I'd really appreciate your input on. Would I be able to e-mail you?
Just want to say thanks for this article, it came at the right time!
Love your comment about programs being 80% similar. Social media can be a bit overwhelming with new exercises and claims of what works best, when in reality it comes down to simple things done well.
I have a couple of questions.
1- What is your reasoning for wave loading some exercises (2 x 6/5/4) whilst others you keep as straight sets/reps (4x6)?
2 - In the comment above you mentioned you do primary push/pull movements on their own at the start of the workout. Is that to ensure quality of movements? What are your thoughts on having antagonist push/pull sets for primary lifts?
3 - Do you value the GHR? (As I couldn't see it in your exercise toolbox!)
1. Purely to vary the stimulus I prioritise an exercise and apply 6 sets via wave loading and use a different set/rep structure for the next movement which maybe straight sets or maybe clusters then in 3 or 4 weeks change the order and move another exercise into the primary position
2. I used to do all my exercises as super sets but after chatting to a powerlifting coach decided to follow his advice and keep the primary push and pull as stand-a-lones and then superset the other movements
3. I love the GHR and consider it very important it is not in that toolbox list only because at my last club the GHR was badly designed and I never used it there
Hope that helps and feel free to send me other questions to this email address cheers ashley
Firstly, your articles are bloody fantastic.
I was wondering if you could share with me a wee example from some of your professional halfbacks and what they are doing in the off season? In terms of weights, speed and conditioning.
Hope all is well and from the previous comment I'll be seeing you in OZ. I don't have your current email, it's from your previous job. Someone asked me about a paper you wrote back in 1991 about the 300 yard shuttle test and the file on the journal site is corrupted, or just plain old doesn't exist. If you can send me an email at mannjb@health.missouri.edu I'd appreciate it.
As preseason approaches here in the UK, I’ve a player (hooker) looking to get stronger, add some size and also improve fitness. Whilst I agree that hunting 2 rabbits will leave you hungry, do you think it would be possible to add a gym/ field-based metabolic element to the above strength and size programme for a front row player? And if so, before or after strength training or an entirely different session on the same day (double day)? Keen to hear your thoughts.
New to this industry and elitefts.com but an absolute gem of a find.
Thanks in advance,
Session 1 Beastly Circuit Run Session
Hang Clean or Hang High Pull
Front or Back Squat
Push Press (Front or Behind Neck)
Bentover Row
Romanian Deadlift
6 reps on each movement then;
1. Down and up shuttle run, 0 – 5 – 0 – 10 – 0 – 15 – 0 – 20 – 0 – 25 – 0 go as far as you can in 45 seconds
2. Bronco modified reps, down and up on the goal line on the 22m, 40m, 60m lines x 1
3. Scotland Anaerobic Test’ down & up on the goal line sprint to 5m line down & up sprint to goal line, down & up, sprint to 22m line and sprint back to goal line, rest 15 seconds x 4
4. Shuttle variation: start on 5 metre line back pedal to goal line, down & up on the goal line, sprint to 22m, jog back to goal line, slide 5 metres left, down & up, sprint to the 22m line, jog back to goal line, slide 5 metres right, down & up, sprint to 22m line
5. Malcolm drill with back pedal, 3 reps as fast as you can, Start on the ground at half way line, up and back pedal to 10m line, down & up, sprint to far 10m line, down & up, then back pedal to half way line (1 reps)
6. Bear crawl from goal line to 15 metres and back to goal line up and sprint to 22m line and back to goal line
Session 2 (Full Body Strength): 6 x 6 Step Load working up to a 6RM
I x Lower Body Push
1 x Lower Body Pull
1 X Upper Body Push
1 X Upper Body Pull
Session 3 (Strongman Circuit):
1 – Trap Bar Overhead Walk/Tyre Flip/KB Windmill
2 – Prowler Push/Hang Clean & Push Press with Powerbag/Suitcase Deadlift
3 – Sled Drag/Walking Lunge with Power Bag Overhead/Half Turkish Get Up
4 – Farmer’s Walk/Power Ropes/Plate Sit Up
1 x major lower body lift (Squat)
1 x major upper body lift (Push)
Session 4 (Otago Circuit): Row 300m in <1 minute/10 Full Burpees/10 x 36kg 2 arm swing with KB/10 x Reverse Lunge each leg/10kg Med Ball slam to ground 10 each side x 8
1 x major lower body lift (Hinge)
1 x major upper body lift (Pull)
Hope that helps, cheers, ashley
This is gold dust. Many thanks. Would you recommend wave loading for the strength exercises on sessions 3 and 4 and varying the exercises every 4 weeks? I’ll be cycling this programme over a 12 week preseason block.
Can I assume you’d recommend additional training activities such as hypoxic swimming, repeated sprinting and conditioned games to all players? If so, where would you fit this in around the above gym-based training? Please note I work with amateur/ youth players so time and recovery ability are the most limiting factors. The jigsaw that is rugby conditioning!
Thanks again,