Graston Torture
Let me just tell you that I was reluctant to post my log because of how shitty my sessions were for squats, and I was hoping to have a respectable bench day to make myself feel better about the squat day, but I didn't.
So, I woke up at 6:30 a.m. to drive 1.75 hours up to Sioux City, Iowa, to see Dr. Sean Charter out of Vital Wellness Chiropractic.
The dude does phenomenal work with his Graston technique. I've been to him probably about three times now and always was fixed within a few days of getting the work done. Well my hamstring has been bothering me for about a month now, so I set up an appointment to go see Dr. Charter. My sub scapular area was also giving me problems, so I had him work on that as well.
The video doesn't even show how painful this really is, but if you turn the volume up real loud, you can hear the tools scraping the muscles.
That's half the video, it all didn't upload for some reason.
There's more below.
The video is very long, but there is A LOT of good information in it, so skim over it at least.
Here's the portion where he finishes my leg and starts on my back.
Here's the rest of the back, which I think is the coolest one because it really shows the injured area being exposed. He compares me to a piece of meat and his tool is a meat cleaver, it wasn't as bad as the hamstring behind my knee, though.
After all of this, I went to the gym and was instructed to squat like I normally would...well I shouldn't have.
- 690 x 2 straps down
- 690 x 2 straps down
add reverse bands
- 795 x 1 – I missed my second rep – I came up and just stopped. When my training partners took the weight off my back, I had an instant pain in the same spot Dr. Charter just worked on.
I shut it down, as it was a pretty bad pain. I'm still 12 weeks out, so I wasn't going to make it worse. I tried to do some accessory work, but it was just too much.
I went in the next day and did some stand ups in the power rack to work on my form and keeping my elbows down on the squat, because I think that's what was causing me to get hurt.