Training Around an Injury: Warm-Ups, Effective Dose, and Balance
Training Around an Injury: Warm-Ups, Effective Dose, and Balance
At times, training around an injury may be your only option in this sport. There is no easy fix, but these small adjustments can combine to keep you moving forward.
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After An Injury
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After A...
Coming off a debilitating injury, respect your body’s range of motion and only push the limits when the time is right. You’re on your way back, don’t blow it now.
WATCH: The Meathead Mobility Series
WATCH: The Meathead Mobility Series
The specific practices demonstrated and discussed in these videos improve power transfer and increase distal mobility through focus on proximal stability.
How To Understand, Prevent, and Correct Shoulder Instability
How To Understand, Prevent, and Correct Shoulder Instability
The shoulder is a complex and vulnerable joint for competitive athletes and lifters. Use these techniques to get your shoulders healthy and keep them moving pain-free.
Recovery Work for Increased Growth and Performance
Recovery Work for Increased Growth and Performance
When your progress slows and your body breaks down beyond repair, it’s time to reexamine your recovery and restoration protocol. Is it doing what it should?
Are You Overtrained or Under-Recovered?
Are You Overtrained or Under-Recovered?
Some people will tell you that overtraining isn’t real. Don’t listen to these people. Take the time to consider your recovery just as much as you consider your training.
What Type of Deload Will Help You Recover Best?
What Type of Deload Will Help You Recover Best?
Deloads are extremely useful for making continual progress from harsh training. When the time comes for you to back off the weights, make sure you do it the right way.
5thSet: Swede’s Jedi Mind Trick
5thSet: Swede’s Jedi Mind Trick
You can expect a good program to make you stronger. What I didn’t expect was a program to overhaul my neural network and solve every training problem I encountered.
Regenerative Medicine: The Future of Rehabilitation?
Regenerative Medicine: The Future of Rehabilitation?
My journey from torn muscles to new PRs led me to Dr. Parikh, an expert on unconventional methods of recovery.
My First Trip to elitefts and Talking with Dave Tate
My First Trip to elitefts and Talking with Dave Tate
My mentor and I traveled to London, Ohio and saw first-hand that some people truly never stop learning.
The Responsibilities of a Strength Coach: How Much is Too Much?
The Responsibilities of a Strength Coach: How Much is Too Much?
With all the new technology for improving athletic performance, strength coaches should remember why they are there in the first place.
Managing My Injuries with Dr. Kinakin's Specialized Rehabilitation Techniques
Managing My Injuries with Dr. Kinakin's Specialized Rehabilitation ...
Athletes and lifters must care for their bodies with the attention of every detail. For me, this meant seeking deep acupuncture, electrical impulses, and the use of a percusser.
Are Pain Killers Killing Your Muscle?
Are Pain Killers Killing Your Muscle?
Don’t confuse the masking of pain with the process of recovery.
Do Steroids Cause Injuries?
Do Steroids Cause Injuries?
Darden takes on a question that many lifters shy away from: what are the real consequences of performance enhancing substances?
LISTEN: The Power Athlete Podcast
LISTEN: The Power Athlete Podcast
John Welbourn and his coaching crew provide insight into how they create power athletes.
Corrective Work: The Overlooked Necessity for a Long Competitive Career
Corrective Work: The Overlooked Necessity for a Long Competitive Career
You may not know it yet, but you need corrective work—your longevity depends on it.
Wake Up and Build Your Muscles with Preactivation Techniques
Wake Up and Build Your Muscles with Preactivation Techniques
Stuck sitting at a desk all day? Try these movements and tips to wake up those sleepy muscles.
The Do's and Don'ts of Injury Prevention and Recovery
The Do's and Don'ts of Injury Prevention and Recovery
Beware of these injury warning signs and adjust your training program to adhere to your body’s needs.
Determining When to Back Off Training
Determining When to Back Off Training
Every online critic has his own idea about central nervous system recovery. When should you step away from the gym to accelerate progress and avoid injury?
The Mechanics of Recovery: Knowing When to Recharge
The Mechanics of Recovery: Knowing When to Recharge
Quit pretending you are a Ferrari when you are (in fact) a second-hand high-mileage Ford Focus.
You're Not as Broken as You Think You Are
You're Not as Broken as You Think You Are
How to intelligently address and repair injuries.
The Road to Recovery
The Road to Recovery
My injuries have taken me from meet platform to operating table and back again.
Eccentric Contractions and Hamstring Injury Prevention
Eccentric Contractions and Hamstring Injury Prevention
While most think shoulder and elbows injuries are all that big leaguers needs to be cautious about, the hammies should not be neglected.
LISTEN: ACL Prevention Podcast with Dr. Tim Hewett
LISTEN: ACL Prevention Podcast with Dr. Tim Hewett
TIm Hewett is an international leading expert in the field of injury prevention, with a special focus on ACL risk factor and prevention research
Lessons from Zane
Lessons from Zane
There's always someone that has had the same dilemma as you and made it out successfully.
You're Injured—Now What?
You're Injured—Now What?
Get back in the gym with these simple fixes.
Heroically Overcoming the Villiany of Injury and Depression
Heroically Overcoming the Villiany of Injury and Depression
Super Zane snorts kryptonite like an ammonia inhalant and laughs in the face of rehabilitation.
What Exercises Do More Harm Than Good?
What Exercises Do More Harm Than Good?
Modification and alteration for hypertrophic gratification.
Lift to Live
Lift to Live
While most powerlifters live to lift, Paige lifts to live.
Not all Fatigue is Created Equal
Not all Fatigue is Created Equal
Not all fatigue is the same. Understanding the mechanism behind adaptation is crucial to progress.
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Rustproofing the Iron Warrior
Aging is inevitable. What are some ways to manage its unforgiving cycle?
Overcoming Adversity: My Bodybuilding Battle with Auto-Immune Disease
Overcoming Adversity: My Bodybuilding Battle with Auto-Immune Disease
Do you let life knock you down or can you overcome adversity?
Iron Legacy: Good Joints
Iron Legacy: Good Joints
Good joints, not the kind you smoke, are vital for bodybuilding.
No Bullsh*t: The Banded Hip Series
No Bullsh*t: The Banded Hip Series
The hips are the foundation for both the squat and the deadlift.
The More You Get Hurt, the More You Get Hurt
The More You Get Hurt, the More You Get Hurt
I was on cloud nine and feeling like I had dodged a bullet.
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Friday Technique Video: Shoulder Integrity Exercises
Do you want to keep benching, deadlifting, and squatting heavy? Then you better keep your shoulders healthy.
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
Head Games: Training the Neck to Reduce Concussions
Concussions have become a major issue in sports and coaches have a responsibility to protect their athletes
Off Season Injury Reduction for Football
Off Season Injury Reduction for Football
Football is one of the few sports that cannot be PLAYED year round, but it must be TRAINED year round.
NYSC Undercover: Fred Duncan and Coach X Hypertrophy Roundtable (Part 1)
NYSC Undercover: Fred Duncan and Coach X Hypertrophy Roundtable (Part 1)
Lift consistently and the demand is perceived as worthy of increasing muscle to handle the work.
Brian Carroll: Squat Depth Progression
Brian Carroll: Squat Depth Progression
As of July 20th, 2013, I am cleared to start lifting again.
Digging Deeper: Stretching
Digging Deeper: Stretching
Stretching. This little ten-letter word has the capability to cause chaos.
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Last we heard from Jesse Pierce, he was working to meet the Army’s physical fitness standards. Has he achieved his goal?
Under the Bar: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Under the Bar: Who, What, Where, When, and Why
Four and a half months post-surgery…and the hip feels good.
Three Common Dysfunctions That Lead to ACL Injuries in Female Athletes
Three Common Dysfunctions That Lead to ACL Injuries in Female Athletes
Strengthen your athletes the right way and teach them how to move properly.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 6)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 6)
Brian Carroll learns how to stiffen his core.
Injury Reduction for Football: The Ankle Joint
Injury Reduction for Football: The Ankle Joint
A look at the fan's perspective of injuries in pro football and some preventive strategies for a few of them.
Clint Smith: Healthy Rotator Cuffs
Clint Smith: Healthy Rotator Cuffs
A video explanation of the exercises I practice for the rotators.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Me Training Me
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Me Training Me
Please excuse this dialogue that I’ve had with myself. It is done in an effort to show that I will try to be responsible as I start training.
Nebo Barbell How-To Videos
Nebo Barbell How-To Videos
Six how-to videos, sure to get you strong(er).
An Open Letter to Zane Geeting
An Open Letter to Zane Geeting
It takes courage to come under the scrutiny of strangers.
Beaten Down and Broken
Beaten Down and Broken
Do not push through legitimate injuries because you are too tough or hardcore.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 4)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 4)
Brian’s plan of action to rebuild a powerful back.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 3)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 3)
The third segment in Brian Carroll’s journey to a strong(er) back.

Items 296 to 354 of 496 total