Recovery Update
It has been a couple of weeks since my lower back surgery and I have to say that I'm recovering nicely. I have bouts of burning pain in my left butt cheek, hip and behind my left knee, but it's a quick pain. I'm told it's due to the decompression and the nerves growing back at a millimeter a day.
My mobility came back quickly and I'm able to bend over to tie my shoes with no pain, as well as squat down to pick something up off the floor. It's still painful to twist to my left and will result in a pinch and burn if I do it too quickly, but again, I was told that it's normal and will go away in a couple more weeks.
I've been back at work for a week now, on light duty and that will continue until my next doctor's appointment on the 13th of next month, so I'm not supposed to lift anything over five pounds or sit/stand for longer than 30 minutes which is nearly impossible since most of my work is done while sitting at my desk. My boss has been understanding thus far, but I'm not sure how he'll react after he gets the next fax from my doctor's office extending my light duty from the 25th of this month to the 13th of next month like I mentioned before.
Overall I'm happy with the way things are going and believe that once I'm given the all-clear to start physical therapy and return to training, that things should progress quickly. However, I'm going to try to pace myself so I don't screw things up again.
I also wanted to thank everyone for the emails and messages I received inquiring about my recovery and well-being. It is greatly appreciated.