It’s that time of year again — holidays, joy, sugar cookies, and gift-giving. We’re looking for YOU to create your 2019 holiday gift list — a product list that will help an out-of-touch shopper buy gifts for their special and significant trainee. This is the time to be specific with your ideas: 10 Items for the Retired Powerlifter Who Can’t Tie His Shoe Laces, 5 Items for the Gym Bro in a Quest for an Instagram Total, 6 Attachments to Build a Christmas Tree Back... you get the idea.
Last year, some team members joined in, too:
- 12 Gifts to Warm the Heart of Your Anti-Social Friend by Marilia Coutino
- 5 Gym Rat Gifts for Less Than $20 by Skip Hill
- 5 Survival Must-Haves for the Parents of a Newborn Baby by Chris Janek
Each entry needs an intro, a listing of items, an explanation for each item (why), a closing paragraph, and a 3-4 sentence bio.
Check out the four examples from last year below:
- 2018's $500-winning article: Credit Card Swipe for These 5 Garage Gym Owner Gifts by Codey Williams
- 4 Gifts You Want and 7 You Actually Need for Getting Back into Lifting by Garrett Harper
- 5 Items to Make This the Fattest Chrism-ass Ever by Austin Mayfield
- 7 Gifts for the Next Instafamous Powerlifter by Robert Villanova
Send your holiday gift list to articles@elitefts.net. If your article is selected (based on cleverness, attention to detail, formatting style, creativity, good looks, PL total, etc.), you’ll be notified with a publishing date and $50. We’ll be accepting articles from now until December 15th.
After all of the Christmas gift lists are published, we'll then open a voting poll for readers and team members to choose the best list — the winner will win an additional $500!
Note: The $50 and $500 will be provided in elitefts store points. 1 point = $1. Points are redeemable upon store checkout.
1. Tom Platz thighs with Ed Coan’s squat.
2. Arnold’s chest and Bi’s with Kirill Sarychev’s Raw Bench.
3. Lee Haney’s back with Benedikt Magnusson’s Deadlift.
4. Dave Tate’s business savy and all of his hooded sweatshirts.
5. Louie Simmons and Ernie Frantz’s knowledge.
6. Lifetime free pass to every lunch buffet in the Midwest.
7. One Powerlifting Federation.
An Emax bar or a Tsunami level 3 bar....actually, both!