In celebration of elitefts Home Gym Weekend we thought it would be cool to post some home gyms we've helped set up.
"Like most strength athletes, I was tired of lifting at a commercial gym (read: Cardio Club). The equipment was pitiful and unsafe. The gym staff and housewives frowned with disapproval when the chalk, boards, and chains came out.
Long story short I decided to pull the trigger and make the investment in my own garage gym. Like most people I am not wealthy. That said, I also know that replacing cheap, inferior equipment is far more expensive then buying a quality piece to begin with. I started comparing and your website was one of the only ones to list the gauge of the steel used! This was huge! Others are now following (what do they say imitation and flattery?). After a large amount of research I decided on Elite FTS. When I called I was connected to Matt Goodwin who helped me through every step of the process. After explaining my needs and wants Matt determined the Classic 3x3 was the best choice for me."
- Brian Quintana