Lifting accessories have been around since lifting began. Accessories cover the gamut from bars to gloves to belts to hats to knee and wrist wraps. If you can think of it, it is out there. The next question is why? Very simple—people want to lift more, target different muscles, and in general, make lifting weights easier and more comfortable. So now you say, “Yes, I already know this. Get to the point.” Okay, I will.
In my quest to get bigger, stronger, faster, leaner, and better looking (still working hard on the pretty aspect), I am always looking for the best tools available and the best information on how to use these tools. This is where I became “strapped.” Strapped has different meanings to different people, some good and some bad. This reference is only to the good and positive.
Strapped, in this case, is in reference to a new line of lifting accessories by Spud, Inc. and found at www.southcarolinabarbell.com and www.Elitefts.com. These types of lifting tools have been around forever. Some are ropes tied off, and some are just the everyday things like towels with the ends duct taped. Those things are used to do pull-ups, tricep push-downs, face pulls, and really any exercise with a cable system. If you don’t believe me, go to any gym anywhere and you will see these things being used. Or watch “Pumping Iron” to really see what accessories were like in the old days.
What Spud, Inc. and EliteFTS have done is combine some of the strongest straps on earth with lifting accessories into one of the most durable and beneficial lines of equipment ever produced. Now, let me give you some history on these straps. They are not new to the world and in fact are very common in almost every town. Think of going to Wal-Mart and getting some towing or tie-down straps. Now multiply the layer and strength by at least 1000 percent and you have Spud, Inc. straps.
These straps are made to lift and haul nuclear waste containers from their origin to their final destination. These straps lift yachts out of the water in seaports like Miami! The Spud, Inc. line is there for your muscle building and strength needs when you are doing anything that requires a strap above and beyond the average! If your gym or facility does not have these straps, you are already behind.
There are various straps for any use that you can imagine. Don’t get a cheapo—get the best!
Bodybuilder/towel strap: This tool is only for the serious. You can do kneeling abs, towel pull-ups with “grip assist,” any seated or upright row or pull-down, and tricep push-downs in any direction (overhead, straight down, etc.). This strap will kick the boring out of any workout! All I can say is PUMP...PUMP...PUMP.
Long ab strap: Ever had your hands or elbows hurt when doing standing ab pull-downs? That is gone now. This strap sits on the forearm so there is no involvement from the hands or elbows. Get your ripped abs back with this pain-free alternative to kneeling abs or rope knobs hurting your hands. Plus, it is great for seated rows and various push-downs.
Short ab strap: Since you’re tough and obviously elbow and hand pain-free, then this strap is for you. It’s the same as the long one but only half the size for kneeling or standing ab pull-downs, triceps, or back work.
Upper body and ankle straps: If you are not a powerlifter, chances are that you have not seen these in action. These straps are designed for sled dragging. Sled dragging, although it sounds barbaric, is quite a good way to perform general physical preparedness (GPP). Think of Arnold Schwarzeneggar as Conan, pushing the wheel around and around until he was HUGE! This is G.P.P., which is having the anaerobic capacity to do the volumes of mechanical work required (i.e. powerlifting and heavy weight training) without getting tired. If you drag a sled with either the upper body strap or the ankle strap, you will get fit and strong plus you can show off you glistening abs in the sun.
Spud, Inc. wrist straps: Everybody has their brand of straps, but no one has straps like this. Spud, Inc. wrist straps are wider and softer than most others. You know how cheap straps can eat up your wrists and then eventually break on your biggest shrug or pull-down? This won’t happen with Spud, Inc. straps. Check out this picture—765 lbs for eight reps for shrugs. Can your straps hold this without pinching or ripping up your wrists?
Belt squat belt: This is a favorite in the powerlifting world. It’s great for the hips, quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The material is super thick and comfortable (no pinching), and you can us it on a cable system or with dumbbells or plates.
Reverse hyper straps: The old straps were much and still are like seat belts in a car, designed to stop you but also tear your skin up in the process. These straps are softer and don’t rip the skin on the calf or ankle. They come in two sizes—40 inch for the regular hyper using 25 or 35 lb plates and a 48 inch for when you load your machine with 45 and 100 lb plates.
Sled strap: This one is designed to replace your old cable or the cheap straps that came with your sled. It is eight feet long with reinforced ends. Each end comes with separate attachments, one for the sled itself and one for the upper body or ankle strap you are going to use. This makes sled dragging easier, and you get more life out of your sled investment. Put it this way—at my commercial gym, sleds get used everyday all day long. For five years I have had the same straps on our sleds with no frays or worn places. Old man cable will poke you no more!!
Neck/dip belt: This one is a no-brainer for anyone needing a multi-use neck and dip belt. It is small enough to put in your gym bag but big enough to use on any cable system or with dumbbells or plates. It comes with a chain and an easy to use safety hook. Plus, it is padded to keep your neck, head, and back soft for the ladies.
Lap strap: This is for the strongman in you. This simple idea came about after watching the strongmen try and try again to get the heavier stones during training but just couldn’t hold on to finish off the big boy stones. This small strap fits under the stone and has two handles on it. It’s like wrist wraps for the stones. Now, grab the handles and get the big one that got away!! Improve you strength and raise your capacity on your way to the top.
Strongman harness: Think about this—do you want your harness slipping as you go for the big truck pull? No, so this harness is for you. The shoulder straps are double reinforced (like you’ll need it) for comfort and strength. And it has an easy release seat buckle that adjusts for any type of puller—fat or ripped.