Difficult training and experimenting with programming always caught my eye. I have always enjoyed the process of working towards goals much more than actually reaching the goal itself. Moving into equipped lifting made me fall in love with the sport, and training, all over again.
Having max effort (ME) for Squatting and Deadlifting on alternating weeks made things a bit safer for me and made me more conscious of how small an improvement was needed to have a successful and productive session. I adopted the mentality of “Chip your variation PRs” and continue the climb as opposed to shooting for the moon, and in turn, shooting yourself in the foot early on by having nowhere to go.
This program is a combination of conjugate style ME and dynamic effort (DE) days and bodybuilding style accessory days to maximize blood flow. This was originally written for equipped lifters and was then modified for raw lifters. The 4-day split allows you to catch up if days must be broken up due to travel, life, etc.
One thing I have to strongly consider when writing my own programming now is the amount of travel I have due to meets that I work at (both directing and refereeing). I often only have access to a combo rack the Friday night before the meet.
In this case, I push Friday's accessories forward to Wednesday, do my normal DE Lower on Thursday, and save the ME Bench Press for the combo rack Friday night after PM weigh-ins. This also allows me to travel with a smaller gym bag consisting of wrist wraps, a bench shirt, and a one and two-board paddle.
Deadlift variations and DE squats are done in briefs and sleeves if equipped.
*IMPORTANT* Only do the equipped work or the raw work. Please read carefully and don’t try to do both! For any squats involving a box, the height should be slightly above competition depth and you will lightly touch down on it instead of pausing or rocking onto the box.
Another thing that I would personally add on the DE and ME lower days after the main work would be some grip training such as plate pinches for time or handle-based holds with something such as a rolling thunder. But this is up to you whether you want to add this.
Gym Equipment Needed:
- Chains
- Light, Medium and Heavy Bands (Pairs)
- Buffalo Bar®
- Bully or Cambered Bar
- elitefts Safety Squat Bar
- Squat Box
- Platform with Band Pegs or something comparable
4-Day Outlaw Program
Day 1: ME Lower (Sunday)
Week 1: ME Squat: 6 to 8 sets Working up to a Top Single of around RPE 9
- Equipped Bully Bar Squat to Box with Chains (Briefs and Knee Wraps) -OR- Raw Free Squat on Comp Bar
- Speed Pulls with Chain - 10 x 2 Ascending - 45% to 60% + 10% Chains
- Weighted Back Extension (Plate held or barbell) 2 x AMRAP
- Banded Walking Marches (Medium band through Buckle Belt) 2 x 60 seconds
Week 2: ME Deadlift: 5 to 7 sets Working up to a Top Single of around RPE 9
- Equipped Deadlift with chain / Reverse Band Deadlift from Floor (Suited) -OR- Raw 1 inch Deficit Deadlift on Comp Bar
- SSB Squat to Box with Bands - 8 x 3 Ascending 48% to 55% + Light or Medium bands
- SSB Good Mornings 2 x 12
- Banded Glute Bridges (Back supported on bench) 2 x 60 Seconds
Week 3: ME Squat: 6 to 8 sets Working up to Top Single of around RPE 9.5
- Equipped Full Kit / Suit on Comp Bar (with wraps) -OR- Raw Duffalo Free Squat
- Banded Block Pulls - 8 x 3 Ascending 52% to 60% + Double or Heavy Band
- Weighted Back Extension (Plate held or barbell) 2 x AMRAP
- Banded Walking Marches (Medium band through Buckle Belt) 2 x 60 seconds
Week 4: ME Deadlift: 5 to 7 sets Working up to Top Single of around RPE 9.5
- Equipped Deadlift from Floor on Comp Bar (Suited) -OR- Raw Pull from the Floor on Comp Bar
- Duffalo Bar Squat to Box with Bands - 10 x 2 Ascending 55% to 60% + Double or Heavy Band
- SSB Good Mornings 2 x 12
- Banded Glute Bridges (Back supported on bench) 2 x 60 Seconds
Day 2: DE Bench + Full Body BB Frequency (“A” Day) (Monday)
- Using about 50 to 60% of Raw Bench Press for 8 x 3
Weeks 1 and 3: Banded Raw Bench Press (+ light to medium bands)
Weeks 2 and 4: Chained Raw Bench (+25% in chains)
Accessories (all weeks)
- Flat Dumbbell Press + Dumbbell Brick / Close Press - 2 rounds of 20 + 10
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 2 x 12
- Dumbbell Skullcrushers + Tate Press - 2 rounds of 15 + 12
- 4 Way Shoulders (Front, Lateral, V-Frame, A Frame) - 2 rounds of 7 on each movement
- Chest Supported Row 3 x 12
- Underhand Lat Pulldown 2 x 12
- Pullups - 3 x AMRAP
- Alternating Seated Leg Extensions - 2 rounds of 10 together + 10 each leg + 10 together
- Standing or Lying Single Leg Curls - 2 x 20 each side
- Angled or Lying Leg Press - 2 rounds of 10 wide + 10 narrow + 10 each leg + 20 calf raises
- Triceps Underhand Pushdown + Overhand Pushdown - 2 rounds of 15 + 15
- Cross Body Hammer Curls - 2 x 12 each side
- Rear Delt Cable Crossover - 2 x 20
Day 3: REST
Day 4: DE Lower (Thursday)
Week 1:
- Duffalo Bar Squat to Box with Chains - 10 x 2 Ascending 48% to 60% + 20% Chains
- Banded Speed Pulls - 6 x 4 Ascending 45% to 55% + Heavy or Medium Bands
- Elevated KB Leg Lifts (standing on a box with toes under KB handle) 2 x 10 each side
- Glute Ham Raises (may be assisted) 2 x AMRAP
Week 2:
- Bully Bar Squat to Box with Bands - 8 x 3 Ascending 50% to 55% + Doubled Bands
- Deficit Speed Deadlifts - 10 x 2 Ascending 50% to 58% + Double or Medium Bands
- Reverse Hyper® 2 x 15
- Banded Kettlebell Swings 2 x 60 Seconds
Week 3:
- SSB Squat to Box with Chains - 10 x 2 Ascending 50% to 60% + 20% Chains
- Paused Deadlifts - 8 x 3 Ascending 55% to 60%
- Elevated KB Leg Lifts (standing on a box with toes under KB handle) 2 x 10 each side
- Glute Ham Raises (may be assisted) 2 x AMRAP
Week 4: Deload Day
- Squat at 60% using the bar that provides the most relief on joints for you 4 x 3
- Deadlift at 60% on standard deadlift bar 4 x 3
- Reverse Hyper® 2 x 15
- Banded Kettlebell Swings 2 x 60 Seconds
Day 5: ME Bench + Full Body Bodybuilding Frequency (B day) (Friday)
Week 1:
- Equipped Shirted Bench: 5 Reps to 3 board, 4 reps to a 3/3/2/2, 3 Reps to a 3/2/2, 3 Reps to a 2, 2 Reps to 2 board - OR - Raw Bench: 6 Reps at RPE 7.5, 4 Reps at RPE 8, 2 Reps at RPE 8, 10 Reps at RPE 9
Week 2:
- Equipped Shirted Bench: 4 Reps to 3 board, 3 reps to a 3/2/2, 3 Reps to a 3/2/1, 3 reps to a 2/1/1, 2 Reps to a 2/1- OR- Raw Bench: 5 Reps at RPE 7.5, 3 Reps at RPE 8, 1 Rep at RPE 8.5, 12 Reps at RPE 9
Week 3:
- Equipped Shirted Bench: 4 Reps to 3 board, 3 reps to a 3/2/2, 3 Reps to a 3/2/1, 3 reps to a 2/1/Touch, 2 Touch singles both with commands -OR- Raw Bench 6 Reps at RPE 8.5, 4 Reps at RPE 8.5, 2 Reps at RPE 9, 10 Reps at RPE 9
Week 4: Deload Day
- Raw Bench Press at 60% 3 x 5
Accessories (all weeks)
- Single Arm Alternating Dumbbell Press - 2 rounds of 10 Together + 10 each arm + 10 together
- Incline Dumbbell Tri-set: Underhand Fly + Triceps Ext w/ Twist at Top + Standing DB OHP - 2 rounds of 10 on each movement
- Seated Shoulder Press 2 x 15
- Close Grip Lat Pulldown 2 x 12
- Single Arm Kettlebell Rows 2 x 10
- Seated Leg Curls w/ Holds 2 x 25 (perform a hold every 5th rep)
- Belt Squats 2 x 15
- Walking DB Lunges 2 x 14-20 steps
- Triceps Rope Pushdown + Overhead Ext - 2 rounds of 15 + 15
- Alternating DB Curls 2 x 10 each side
- Seated Rear Delt Fly 2 x 12
Day 6 + 7: REST
This program is designed to be repeated for multiple blocks to chip and PR each variation over time. A journal or online tracker is strongly encouraged to write down progress and make more responsible choices.
Some would disagree with the shirted bench being on for three consecutive weeks with every fourth session off. But for me, learning the groove of the shirt and being able to touch lighter weights at lower boards and the chest is crucial. I am a strong believer in the simple fact that if you want to get better at something, you must do it and do it often. Finding a shirt groove takes time, and you certainly won’t find it by NOT being in the shirt!
When you initially start this program, I would advise performing Week 1 twice, using the first week to get settled on what bars and accommodating resistance will be used. During this intro week, do not take the MEs in an all-out fashion, but rather to an RPE 8 and use that to appropriately gauge the next week when you start the program for real.

Travis Rogers currently resides on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where he owns and operates a strength training facility, "The Bear Cave." He also works as a graphic designer, and 10th and 12th grade ELA teacher, and is active in the community with his 501(c)3 charity organization for underprivileged children. In addition, he is the WRPF MD and DE state chairman, a national-level referee, and a meet director for the surrounding area.
Travis has been in the top-10 198 rankings for the last four years in both sleeves and wrapped divisions. After double quad rupture surgery, he's begun a new journey in equipment. In his first meet back from surgery, he totaled 2138 in the unlimited 198 division.

Did not understand rpe at 9. Best bench in competition 214
Best dead 330 but don't seemed to make much progress from there
Do squat to box in work outs but 135 range. Bench 205 he for 5x3 light 10x3x195.
RPE 9 is one rep possible left in the tank, RPE 9.5 would be no reps possible left, but could still add a small amount of weight.
It means 4 reps total with 2 of those reps to a 3 board and the final 2 reps to a 2 board.
Quick question: At the end of your Outlaw program, following the deload week, do we attempt 1RMs for the three principle lifts?
Huge thank you. This is an excellent split and change, especially for anyone loyal to conjugate/WSBB routines.