Happy New Year, everyone!
Here's our best-of-the-best content collection from 2020. You'll find our top articles, programs, YouTube videos, coaching logs, and products.
As we move to 2021, we want to continue to produce the best content to help you achieve your training goals. As we tidy up our processes, intentions, and resources, help us help you by completing a short survey.
We're offering 5 eBooks—more than $120 in value—to our followers and fans who complete it. We'll be using your feedback to guide our content throughout 2021 and beyond.
If you're not immediately redirected to the eBooks after completing the survey, email Sheena at sheena@elitefts.net.
Psst! Scroll down to the bottom of this article page to snag a free eBook from Dave Kirschen: Gear—The Ultimate Guide to Equipped Powerlifting.
- 12-Week Powerlifting/Strongman Hybrid Program
- Conjugate Powerbuilding 3-Week Split
- A Fast Way to Get Stronger in the Bench Press!
- How to Gain 65 Pounds of Muscle in Two Months
- WATCH: 17 Band Exercises Powerlifters Can Do at Home
- 12-Week Powerlifting/Strongman Hybrid Program
- Conjugate Powerbuilding 3-Week Split
- How to Write Your Own Program
- A Beginner's Guide to Programming Conjugate for Strongman
- World Record 12-Week Squat Cycle
- Swede Burns' Horrifying Bench Press Injury *GRAPHIC CONTENT*
- The Thing About Westside Barbell That Nobody Talks About
- A New Exercise for Strong Lats, Big Triceps and a Monster Bench
- So You Think You Can Deadlift? | Swede Burns
- Expert Deadlift Tips For Max Effort With Dave Tate
Happy New Year!!! Go get it in 2021!