Across all elitefts channels and platforms, here’s some of the best—the top-10 most read, viewed, and conversational content from July. In this spread, we have content starring Christian Anto, JM Blakley, Swede Burns, Dave Tate, Erik Eggers, Vincent Dizenzo, and more!
Are your glutes activated? Are you hinging? Is it hard to reach depth? Falling forward? Answers to these questions may reveal that the stance you're favoring is doing nothing for your squat.
elitefts Strength History proudly recognizes @j.m.blakley as an authority on the bench press with some impressive stats!
Swede Burns, the creator of 5thSet, lets us inside and shows us around his life and 5thSet philosophy. Watch how he came up with his method, how it works, and really why he does what he does. Swede also lets us know how his business works and the things he thinks about in order to grow and optimize his system.
The last 9 months in a nutshell.
Life story. Consistency works with any diet. Also, check with elitefts coach @intensemuscle he’s got years of experience with diets and programs.
Dave Tate's Train Your Ass Off Program takes the guys through a continued campaign of the squat technique. These guys would be classified as regular squatters but far from experts. Watch how Dave works with them on their breathing, body bracing, arch position, and grip technique to finely tune their squat for optimal performance. Ideally, with a precise squat technique, they will ultimately be able to see an increase in their squat weight and strength.
Based on my brief observations of the garage training crew (and conversations with my son), these are a few of their Keys to Progress. These macro components (“the Keys”) have contributed to their above-average gains in size and strength.
How’s this for a #transformationtuesday from elitefts coach @vincentdizenzo?
In this episode of Train Your Ass Off, Dave Tate introduces the group to the squat and specifically the box squat. Dave focuses on the proper technique to execute the squat but also gives important insights on how to train. If you're looking to improve and increase your squat, you'll want to watch this entire episode.
So you think you can deadlift? Tim thought he could, then we posted an absolutely disgusting video of him pulling 315 pounds on Instagram. It was so bad, in fact, that we had to get one of our top team members and inventor of 5thSet Swede Burns to come to our S5 Compound and fix Tim's deadlift. Watch how Swede implements just a few slight queues to the deadlift to make it look great! Add these to your deadlift and let us know how it works!
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