Control the Mob, Control the Market
Far too many coaches are putting the cart before the horse. They are fixated on personal branding, chasing clout, and racking up followers. Sound like you?
The Biggest Weaknesses in Your Overhead PressÂ
Address your weak points: upper back, scapula mobility, and core strength. Read more!
Skip's Favorite Exercise For Each Muscle Group
These exercises destroy the targeted muscle (for me), and at the same time, there is not a significant risk of vulnerability.
What Causes and How Do We Manage Injury Risk?
There is a natural risk when you push your body to its limits in strength training. While load management, sleep, and genetics all weigh in on injury risk, these strategies will help mitigate those risks so you can stay happy lifting.
3 Single-Leg Exercises with the Core Blaster
Dust off that core blaster or landmine in the corner of your gym and try these leg exercises.
Athletic Training for StrongmanÂ
Strongman competitions require strength and speed. Sprint, jump, and throw to enhance your performance and prevent injury.
Why You Should Adjust Your Program Based on HeightÂ
Learn how shorter and taller athletes should tweak their volume for optimal performance using Prilepin’s chart.
My First 500 Pound Squat Cycle
This is the exact training cycle I used in the mid-80s to squat my first 500 pounds.
The Force Continuum Overlap
A unique approach to prescribe percentage-based training to achieve specific training adaptation (thank you Louie Simmons and Charles Poliquin).
The Benefits of Isometric Training for Maximal Performance and Joint Health
Improve your maximal performance while reducing inflammation and tendon pain with isometric training.
The Joy of Programming
Discover why understanding the “why” behind workouts matters, how to blend classic and modern techniques, and what it takes to tailor programs for athletes, especially rugby players.
Why Speed Work for Bench Press Isn’t Forever
Key words: bench press and forever. It took Nate 15 years of speed work to come to this conclusion.
How To Train for Selection
Train for selection with this how-to guide with strategies ranging from aerobic capacity to calisthenics.
The First 700-Pound Bench Press at Westside Barbell
Kenny Patterson shares his intense training to his historic event of being the first to bench press 700 pounds representing Westside Barbell.
5 Reasons Why You Need Bands and Chains
Bands and chains can improve joint health and longevity. Understand the HOW, WHEN, and WHY so you can program these tools logically.
Programming Acceleration and French Contrast Methods
A new programming approach for stronger lower body strength and speed.
Brilliance in the Basics for First Responders
Our jobs as tacticians, cops, nurses, EMTs, and firefighters are complex enough. Focus on the basics in the weight room without convoluting it.
Increase ALL Physical Capacities with Strength Circuits
Strength circuits are a favored way to build strength, hypertrophy, conditioning , and power. Learn more!
Exercise Selection for Law Enforcement Officers
The physical requirements of Law Enforcement Officers are diverse and demanding. Enhance readiness and reduce injury risk with this protocol.
Why and How to Use Eccentric Overload with Athletes
You might want to implement this 2/1 technique for athlete development to enhance muscle resistance and prevent injury.
Outfit Your Garage Gym with These Equipment Must-Haves
If you’re going to do it, do it right. Not only are these equipment choices legit, they’re also affordable.
Timed Squat Sets Combined With VBT
An innovative approach with Velocity Based Training helped a track cyclist achieve remarkable results. How can VBT benefit your athletes? Case study included!
How Stress Can Impact Your Performance
Find the connection between breathing patterns, muscle stability, and performance optimization to better your athletic performance.
8 Lessons From a Life-Long Lifter
This journey is not just about physical strength, but also about personal growth, consistency, and learning to adapt and overcome challenges.
You Can Out-Train Your Recovery Debt
Find the signs of overtraining and the methods to improve recovery in the GYM.
When to Train Above Contest Weight in Strongman
Wondering when to push beyond contest weight for reps and how to structure your training program for optimal performance without compromising recovery?
Is Recomping the Holy Grail or a Waste of Time?
Recomping is a strategy of simultaneously losing body fat and gaining muscle mass aka the holy grail.
Dropping Deadlifts Drops Your Progress
Believe it or not, science can play a big role in your podium placement. The "nervous system first" approach can improve your lifts, and keep you lifting longer.
Why Your Grandpa Should Get Under the Bar
Read about real-life applications and the importance of training for specific tasks, debunking the thought that machines are safer for the elderly.
5/3/1 and Run: Training for a Race
This comprehensive 20-week training program blends endurance and strength training to get you prepared for your next race.
Choose Your Training Mode
The mind-muscle connection is an important mode to use for training. Here's another one...
Successful Box Squat Cycles
Rather than just writing one cycle, I’ve decided to make an easy to follow quasi-article that contains all the different cycles for the squat that I’ve used with success. YES to chains and bands.
Master These 5 Things Before Hiring a Trainer
Save your hard-earned money by learning how to train yourself. You'll never need to hire a trainer again.
Specialty Bars for Combat Professionals and First Responders
Discover why these specialty bars are indispensable for first responders and military personnel, providing unmatched value that extends far beyond the gym.
Adapt or Lose: Nonlinear Periodization
Discover the benefits of nonlinear training and its impact on strength, power and speed.
What to Do With Your Head in the Deadlift
Learning what to do with your neck and head in your deadlifts might give you just what you need to hit a new PR. Don't take head positioning for granted.
Build Your Ruck Without Breaking Your Body
Did shuffling with a ruck for 30-40 miles a week wreak havoc? Absolutely. Learn now to build your ruck SMARTER and STRONGER.
5 Keys to Getting the Most Out of Your Training Program
Programming is important, but having a foundation that allows you to tackle your programming is the key. Don't forget these 5 pillars to get the most out of your training.
The Pros (and Cons) of Whole-Body Training
In the second article of this series, we look at the pros and cons of utilising a whole-body approach with your training.
How to Beneficially Program a Side Plank
The side plank is one of the toughest exercises to do correctly. Use these cues and tips to get the most out of your side plank positions.
Training Thoughts and Ideas From a Lifetime in the Trenches
Ashley Jones started training in 1979 and has coached athletes and general population alike. Forty-four years later, he shares some of his most poignant takeaways.
Scale the Summit 6 Weeks Out
Peaking for your meet day should happen around six weeks out. Here's a thorough plan to make sure you get the most out of your lifts when the time comes to step on the platform.
Correct Application and Execution of The McGill Big 3
The McGill Big 3 has been used for over three decades to help people recover from back pain. However, with the surge in online gurus and overnight trainers, the Big 3 has often been butchered and changed from its original intent.
The Lost Art of Whole-Body Training: Lessons from History
Whole-body training is highly underutilized in today's world, and yet, it's one of the fundamental programming methodologies to date.
The Importance of Strength Training for Young Female Athletes
Female athletes require good coaching and programming, just like their male counterparts. However, our industry frequently does them a disservice. Let's change that.
Muscles and Movements
"Train movements, not muscles." This philosophy isn't completely wrong, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Learn how to build a program that does both.
Conditioning for Powerlifters
Powerlifters equate cardio and conditioning with losing strength gains, but that couldn't be further from the truth.
A Case for Creatine Use in Soccer
Creatine is one of the most studied ergogenic aids on the planet. However, most people who use creatine do so for strength gains. Surprisingly, creatine can offer a lot more, especially for anyone playing soccer.
Achievements, Success, and Fulfillment
Most powerlifters chase success and fulfillment through PRs and competition, but there is success to be had in the process. Don't forget that.
Move Faster with Your Abdominal Wall
Functional running starts with solid breathing and bracing. Learn how to breathe and brace during exercise, and watch how much smoother movement feels.
Level Up Your Accessories
Accessory movements, by definition, are nonessential. But I beg to differ. Learn to get more out of your accessory movements and watch your progress skyrocket.
Powerlifting Federations Are a Service Industry Business
Powerlifting federations are a business first. So make sure you align yourself to a federation that speaks to your philosophy, values, and ethos.