Maybe you just don’t know how to f&*%ing bench! Then we suggest you read these tips.
1.) “They don’t grab the bar tight.” – Dave Tate
2.) “Lack of over-all body tightness.” – Dave Tate
3.) “Dynamic effort method.” – Dave Tate
4.) “Keep the bar in line with the wrist and elbows.” – Dave Tate
5.) “They do not ‘set’ the weight.” – Dave Tate
6.) “1. Big AIR. 2. Pull the bar apart. 3. Leg drive.” – Joe
7.) “The article Dave did for T-Nation was and is the best ever. Maybe you don’t know how to f*ing bench.” – Josh
8.) “Bench Training for Gear and Raw by Matt Wenning.” – Anderson
9.) “Being told that not everyone benches best with a massive arch and their upper traps on the bench. Find your own grove.” – Ben
10.) “Don’t push the bar off you. Push yourself away from the bar.” – Jason
11.) “Tight back.” – Kurtis
12.) “Just getting your upper back and core strength in line with your chest strength to allow for maximal strength through leg drive and the rest… (Raw Bench).” – Justin
13.) “If you lift it really fast, it’s not heavy.” – Brian
14.) “Don’t push the bar off you. Push yourself away from the bar.” – Yuri
15.) “Get your weight on your traps.” – Colin
16.) “Grant McRenolds told me to just push it bitch…stop f*ing around. Put everything into perspective.” – Des
17.) “Bench too low on your chest.” – Rob
18.) “I agree with Josh! The best video ever! The best tips: 1. Tight back. 2. Elbow under the bar. 3. And my favorite, PUSH YOURSELF INTO THE BENCH.” – Danijel
19.) “Squeeze the fuck out of the bar.” – Dan
20.) “Just press it.” – Jon
21.) “The directions for a tight set up by Dave, I think. Most people have no idea how to perform the lift correctly.” – David
22.) “Full scapular retraction for more power!” – Andy
23.) “Dave’s six-week bench press cure video. I watched it, put those tips to work and went up 25 pounds in three weeks.” – Ryan
24.) “Speed bench stuff.” – Frank
25.) “Retract the scapulae. Don’t cock the f*ing wrists.” – David
26.) “Don’t miss!” – Andrew
27.) “If you’re not a shw, don’t try to bench like one. Instead of raising your head and touching low, keep your head down. Raise your chest into your shirt and tear it apart. Stretch the chest panel until it bursts.” – Brian
28.) “Be tight.” – Nicolas
29.) “Only bench once a week. No other training. Boards, shirt, home.” – Karsten
30.) “Keep elbows under the bar.” – Nick
31.) “Push yourself away from the bar, not the bar away from you.” – Drew
32.) “Be tight from grip to heels.” – Tommy
33.) “Don’t push the bar back, push the bar UP. Straight up is a shorter distance than arcing back. I think it was Dave who said, ‘Pushing the bar back is the best way to smash your teeth out’.” – Kirsten
34.) “Nut up and push it.” – Jim
35.) “Lower the weight with the lats.” – Joe
36.) “Technique first, weight second.” – Buddy
37.) “Actually let the spotter help you get the bar off the rack, or else you’ll lose tightness in your back.” – Mike
38.) “Courtesy of 24 Hour Shitness- Don’t bring the bar all the way down to your chest. In fact, don’t bench press at all. Do some crunches on a stability ball instead.” – Mario
39.) “Train partials with a narrow grip in order to have same range of motion as regular bench, but avoid wear and tear on shoulders.” – Marc
40.) “Chains.” – Jonathon
41.) “Larry P to Louie Simmons, ‘You need triceps’.” –Jeff
42.) “Tight setup- no tap dancing feet during the lift.” – Dave
43.) “Train with people who know how to bench.” – Lucy
44.) “Wendler’s ‘benching is all about the elbows’ from the bench press exercise index. It helped me a lot with staying tight on the way down, flaring, tucking and taking the bar out of the rack.” – Adrian
45.) “Never lose control. Talk to people who know how to use a shirt. Jack your boobies.” – Lindsay
46.) “Belly to the bar is the best shirted advice I’ve given.” – Chris
47.) “AJ Roberts’ Tips video and Dave’s T-Nation article.” – Michael
48.) “Shut up and lift.” – Dave
49.) “Squeeze the pencil between your shoulder blades…Chad Aichs video.” - Mark
50.) “Tuck! Tuck! Tuck! Flair!” – Thyge
51.) “Eat pizza pops before training.” – Rob
52.) “Look good on the way down.” – Jim
53.) “Take more shit.” – Kenny
54.) “Pull the bar apart.” – Adam
55.) “How to properly set up…more specifically, squeezing our shoulder blades together and driving your traps into the bench like you are trying to break it off.” – Jerome
56.) “Push YOU AWAY from the bar, not just drive the bar up.” – Adam
57.) “Crush the bar with your hands.” – Jonathon
58.) “George Halbert used to tell me to squeeze my hands tighter, which helped greatly at the time he told me that.” – Matt Wenning
59.) “Other than basic form advice, being told to do board presses. I have very long arms and board presses are the only thing that ever really helped me. They helped me to become faster and used to heavy weights.” – Aaron
60.) “Just keep pushing, no quitting early. Push until you lock it out, or your form breaks down.” – D.m.