elitefts™ Sunday Edition
I was training at Canterbury Fitness in Christchurch, New Zealand, the other day and got to talking with one of the trainers there about appropriate training programs for the fullback and wingers in rugby. What better way to put a few ideas on the table for discussion than on elitefts™?
The strength program is designed with a lower body strength and power emphasis. However, the upper body is an area that needs some additional mass as well as strength and power. This is why I have double-dayed the upper body in this program. Players training in this fashion have had some great results in regards to improving upper body size and strength on these double-day sessions.
Although speed is a major component of the physical programs for these positions, the aspect of aerobic/anaerobic mix conditioning is not to be neglected, especially for the full back position since this position often has a great deal of movement around the field in both offensive and defensive situations.
My programs have been influenced by many different ideas taken from programs on many websites, and I give my own twist to fit the needs of the players I work with.
Weight Training Program
Three-week strength/power progression
- Week 1: 3 x 5 reps @ 60% (plateau load)
- Week 2: 4 x 4 reps @ 70%
- Week 3: 5 x 3 reps @ 80%
Three-week maximal strength progression
- Week 1: 4 x 6 80% (plateau load)
- Week 2: 2 x 5, 3 x 3 85 – 90%
- Week 3: 2 x (5,3,1) 85, 90, 95+%
- Week 1: 2 x (6/5/4) wave loading style, increase weight about 2.5 – 5% for second wave
- Week 2: 2 x (5/4/3)
- Week 3: 2 x (4/3/2)
- Week 1: 4 x 6
- Week 2: 4 x (3/3) with a 20-second rest between the threes (clusters)
- Week 3: 4 x (2/2/2) with a 20-second rest between each two
Three-week size/strength progression
- Week 1: 2 x (12/10/8)
- Week 2: 2 x (10/8/6)
- Week 3: 2 x (8/6/4)
Program 1
- Split Power Snatch from Hang (three-week strength progression)
- Sprinters Squat s/s Borzov Hops (three-week power progression)
- Two Stage Parisi Step Ups (three-week power progression)
- Sprinters Sit Ups (3 x 15 each side)
- Roll Outs (3 x 15)
Program 2
- Hang Clean (three-week strength progression)
- Band Box Squat s/s Knees to Feet to Box Jumps (three-week power progression)
- Bosch Squat into Step Up (three-week power progression)
- TGU Sit Ups (3 x 5 each side)
- Hanging Leg Raises (3 x 15, 5 to left; 5 to middle; 5 to right)
Program 3
- Clean Grip Snatch from Hang + Depth Jumps (5 x 3 reps)
- Single Leg Hip Thrust (3 x 5 each side)
- Single Leg Back Extension (3 x 10 each side)
- Single Arm Rollouts (3 x 5 each side, alternating)
Program 4
- Three Position Power Snatch + Knees to Feet jumps (top of thigh, top of knee, floor x 2) 5 sets
- Acceleration Step up (4 x 6 each leg)
- Split Stance RDL (4 x 5 each leg)
- Suit Case Deadlifts (3 x 5 each side)
- Full Body Twists (3 x 5 each side)
Upper Body Sessions
AM (1)
- Push Press s/s Weight Chin Ups (three-week strength progression)
- Military Press in Split position (three-week strength progression)
- Incline Bench Press s/s Upright Row (three-week strength progression)
AM (2)
- Push Press (3 x 5, with a 15-second rest between each rep & 2 minutes between sets)
- Rack Split Jerk (5 x 1, progressively heavier each rep)
- Bench Press s/s Pendlay Row (three-week strength progression)
PM (1)
- Triple Drop Incline Bench Press (4 x 5 at each angle) s/s MMA Kettle Bell Renegade Row (three-week size/strength progression)
- Seated DB Shoulder Press (30s Style) s/s Chins (30s Style)
- Three-way Shoulder Raise (three-week size/strength progression)
PM (2)
- Low Incline DB Bench Press (30s style) s/s Hammer Row (three-week size/strength progression)
- Hammer Shoulder Press (1/2 ladder)
- Hammer High Row (1/2 ladder)
- KB circuit: Alternating Floor Press/Renegade Row/Alternating Upright Row/See Saw Shoulder Press (8 on each, 4 times through, no rest)
Explanation of Techniques:
- 30s: use a weight where you can perform between 6-10 reps until concentric failure. Rest only 30s and then continue with as many reps as you can. Continue in this fashion until you have completed 30+ reps.
- ½ ladder: perform one rep then rest 15 seconds, then perform two reps. Continue in this fashion until you have completed 10 reps in one set.
Speed Sessions
All sessions require at least a 10- to 15-minute progressively increasing intensity warm up starting with mobility drills, building into ladders and mini hurdles, and with accelerations out of them.
- Dynamic warm up drills for 10-15 minutes
- Ladders: forward & lateral series
- Hurdles: lateral series, march, skip, run + 10m accelerate out
Select two drills each session and do 50 foot contacts:
- Bounding x 40m
- Power Skip x 40m
- Single leg hop L, to 22m R, to 50m, repeat with reverse distances
- Repeat Long Jumps for distance, try line to 22 meter line
- Repeat Hurdle jumps
Accelerations from different starts, 20 meters maximum distance, choose five and do two reps of each:
- Three-point stance
- Lying on chest
- Lying on back
- Lying on back, roll to left and roll to right
- Hurdle jump & go
- Standing, facing opposite direction
- Long jump & go
- Kneeling & go
- Sprinter’s set position & go
- Chip kick regather & go
- Grubber kick & go
Medicine Ball throws and sprint out after them, trying to touch or pass them on the second bounce of the MB. Do 10 throws from two different options each workout:
- Rotational throw
- Caber throw forward
- Squat into push press
- Backward overhead throw
Maximal Velocity
Select two drills from this list and do 400-600 meters total, slow walk back recoveries between maximal efforts. You do not get fast by running slow.
- Flying 28s: build for 22m and then sprint maximally to the halfway line (28 meters)
- In & Outs: hard for 20m, easy for 10m, hard for 20, easy for 10m
- Change of direction cut: sprint hard for 30m, hard cut diagonal for 10m, then hard cut off other foot to straighten for another 30m
- Straight sprints: 40m, 50m, 60m, 80m
Resisted Speed
- Sled sprints with added resistance 20kg, 6 x 25 meters
- Parachute and Release: 25 meters with parachute release then 25 – 40 meters without the parachute x 6
Conditioning Sessions
Repeated Speed
Session 1 (Maximal Aerobic Speed Session)
- Five-minute run, 1200-1400 meters
- 10 x 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off, between 180-200 meters each rep
- 10 x 30 on, 30 off, between 150-170 meters each rep
- 10 x 20 on, 40 off, between 110-130 meters each rep
- Five-minute run, 1200-1400 meters
Session 2 (Shuttle run fitness developed by Nic Gill)
- Warm-up with dynamic movement drills and a light jog
- A: 3 x 22m in <15 seconds, jog to far try line in <45 seconds, repeat x 8
- B: 4 x 35m shuttle in 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, x 10
- C: Out & Back Shuttle: 2 x 73m shuttle in 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds, x 8
- D: Rugby Suicide: Start at 1/2 way line, sprint 10m back pedal 10m, sprint 28m, back pedal 18m, sprint 40m, all in <30 seconds, turn & jog back to 1/2 way in <15 seconds, rest 15 seconds. Repeat x 8
Session 3 ( VO2 Grids inspired by Haydn Masters)
- Warm-up with dynamic movement drills and a light jog
- Run 75m in 15 seconds, jog across field 35m in 15 seconds
- Four minutes work, 2 minute rest, x 5
Weekly Plan
- AM: Speed then Strength/Power weights + Core
- PM: Rest
- AM: Upper Body Power/Strength
- PM: Upper Body Strength/Size
- AM: Cross Training or Boxing or Wrestling or Mixed Martial Arts + Core
- PM: Repeated Speed
- AM: Speed + Strength/Power weights + Core
- PM: Rest
- AM: Upper Body Power/Strength
- PM: Upper Body Strength/Size
- AM: Repeated Speed
Cross Training or Boxing or Wrestling or Mixed Martial Arts + Core
Just wanted to say thanks for all the selfless work you do. Is there a chance you could write an offseason program for centres please?
Just wanted to know if you could explain how the AM upper body sessions increase power with the rep ranges being just for strength? And do you think this program could be used for a forward to change into a back line player if I have 5 months to train