From the vault of elitefts audio footage, we're finally sharing with you an incredible interview with columnist Dr. Scott Stevenson.
Stevenson has studied a variety of disciplines at high levels. He holds a PhD in exercise physiology and is both ACSM and NSCA certified, as well as being a licensed acupuncturist, board-certified Chinese herbalist, and Oriental bodyworker. In addition to his unmatched scholastic abilities, Stevenson is a decorated bodybuilder, having competed in many challenging shows. His philosophy in training and in science is to blend higher knowledge with real-world experience while constantly keeping an open-minded approach to growing the mind and body.
In this interview, Stevenson discusses his background and explains how each of his disciplines have contributed to his life. Discussing the merits of academia, Stevenson engages in discourse regarding his time of balancing educational and bodybuilding goals.
Disclosure: Elitefts does not profit from the sales of The Fortitude Training eBook or traffic to Scott Stevenson's website. We choose to share his work, products, and services simply because we believe he is among the best coaches in the industry. - Dave Tate