This is part two of a three-part series.
Waves are very similar to pyramids.
Here’s an example of the wide wave loading protocol:
Set | Reps |
Set 1 | 15 reps |
Set 2 | 10 reps |
Set 3 | 5 reps |
Set 4 | 15 reps |
Set 5 | 10 reps |
Set 6 | 5 reps |
Stages or plateau loading are a combination of pyramids and straight sets. Here are a couple of examples:
For more examples regarding loading protocols, I highly recommend reading Christian Thibaudeau’s, Black Book of Training Secrets–Enhanced Edition. Most of these graphs are taken from there. Another interesting book to consider is Joe Kenn’s, Coach’s Strength Training Playbook, which is another awesome read.
My opinion regarding waves, pyramids, and stages is that they are very useful when the load stays within 10 percent of 1RM. In other words, narrow variants are ok. But I think wide variants (those explained) are mostly crap (although a gross amount of liters still use it so I guess they haven’t read Zatsiorsky’s book from 95 or Poliquin’s stuff). It is ok if you utilize reps and loads from two near repetition zones (ME/SE, SE/RE), but if you try to utilize whole repetition continuums, I guess you are confusing your body (whatever that would be). Also, you don’t have appropriate volume within each zone to drain potential adaptational effects compared to narrow variants. I again highly suggest looking at Black Book for great ideas on how to organize narrow variants for different levels of athletes. To conclude, rep schemes (utilizing whole repetition continuums) on a given exercise as a form of concurrent training is a bad choice. Avoid it.
Daily undulating periodization (DUP)
The idea of daily undulating periodization (or what is also called non-linear periodization in some circles) is to basically devote a whole training session toward a given goal (maximal strength, muscular hypertrophy, muscular endurance). Suppose you have two different training sessions—training A and training B.
Training A | Training B |
1. Squat2. Bench press3. Romanian deadlift4. Pull-ups | 1. Front squat2. Inclined bench press3. Lunges4. Horizontal rowing |
Now, you identify different training goals that you want to concurrently (parallel) achieve at the same time. Suppose they are maximal strength, muscular hypertrophy, and muscular endurance. To achieve them, you plan to use ME, SE, and RE methods and loading protocols. Now, you can mix and match and get this kind of training organization:
Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | |
Training | A | B | A | B | A | B |
Protocol | ME | SE | RE | ME | SE | RE |
Reps/Sets | 5 X 1–3 | 4 X 6–8 | 3 X 10–12 | 5 X 1–3 | 4 X 6–8 | 3 X 10–12 |
You have six combinations of training sessions combining training A and B and the three different loading protocols ME, SE, and RE. If you do three training sessions per week, you have two weeks to pass the full circle.
This kind of planning allows for week long loading waves (or undulations) that may provide variety and some kind of integrated unloading. There are a couple of studies (which I’m too lazy to find) that show better goal achievement with DUP than with linear (or traditional) periodization. I don’t want to open a huge can of worms discussing the study design and subjects, but I guess this kind of concurrent training organization has its place under the sun for a given individual aiming to achieve specific goals under a specific situation.
Coach Alwyn Cosgrove believes in DUP. I trust Alwyn Cosgrove. So, I guess I find DUP a good tool in your toolbox. Use it when you find it appropriate. To be honest, I haven’t used it yet, not on me, nor on the people I coach. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I will not use it one day. Now, let’s discuss priority lift strategies.
Priority lifts
I openly admit it. This is my favorite approach to concurrent strength training. I don’t know if anyone called it priority lifts before me or if anyone knows what the hell I’m talking about here, but I’ve called it that somehow. Because we are going to differ between different exercise categories and give them priorities, I hope that calling this method priority lifts was a smart idea. If you think it is not, feel free to contact me and curse me.
According to its importance, each exercise can be classified into a separate group. Depending on the author, there could be different classifications of the exercises. For example, Joe Kenn, in his book, The Coach’s Strength Training Playbook, uses the following classification of exercises:
- Foundation exercises
- Supplemental exercises
- Major assistance exercises
- Secondary assistance exercises
One classification of exercises that I will use here is the classification that Christian Thibaudeau presented in his series of articles entitled, “How to Design a Damn Good Program” published at T-Nation.com. If you haven’t read this series of articles (and actually everything this guy has ever wrote), you are missing a lot because there is more practical information in those couple of pages than in 500 plus pages in a strength training textbook. It is an awesome article and one of my favorites.
Exercise classification by Christian Thibaudeau | |
Primary exercises | This category includes a small number of multi-joint, multi-muscle, free weight, and preferably multi-plane movements. These movements allow you to use the most weight for each muscle group and place the highest demand on the body and nervous system. |
Secondary exercises | This is similar to the above except that the exercises in this category place a slightly lower demand on the body and central nervous system. |
Auxiliary exercises | This very broad category includes the isolation movements and most machine exercises. These exercises allow the use of considerably less weight than exercises in the first two categories and so place far less demand on the nervous system. |
Remedial exercises | This category contains movements, mostly isolation, whose purpose is to correct problems such as muscle imbalances or very specific weak points. Rotator cuff work, balance, and proprioception drills also fall into this category. |
Basically, Joe Kenn and Chris Thibaudeau use the same classification with some minor differences between groups. Most coaches usually reduce exercise classification to core and assistance exercises, which is more practical and easier to use. Again, everything depends on the goal of training and the context and so does the exercise classification that you use. If exercises are tools, their classifications can be different types and organizations of the toolbox. Be flexible with classifications. They are not set in stone.
According to your sport and goal, different exercises may be considered under a given group. For example, Olympic lifters may use the following classifications:
Olympic lifter | |
Primary exercises | Clean and jerk, snatch, squat, deadlift, press, push press |
Secondary exercises | Hang clean, hang snatch, high pulls, front squat |
Auxiliary exercises | Romanian deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, bench press, chins, rows, shrugs |
Remedial exercises | Rotator cuff, adductors/abductors, calves |
This could be an example of exercise classification for a powerlifter:
Powerlifter | |
Primary exercises | Squat, bench press, deadlift |
Secondary exercises | Front squat, box squat, sumo deadlift, good morning; Romanian deadlift, wide/narrow grip bench press, military press, floor press, chains, bands, incline/decline bench press |
Auxiliary exercises | Pull-through, glute ham raise, lunges, step-ups, rows, chins, Bulgarians, reverse hypers, dumbbell variations and isolational stuff (delts, triceps, biceps, calves) |
Remedial exercises | Rotator cuff, shoulder stability work, TKE |
For an average athlete looking for strength training, the following classification could be used:
Athlete | |
Primary exercises | Clean, squat, deadlift, bench press |
Secondary exercises | Front squat, Romanian deadlifts, lunges, military press, chins, rows, dumbbell variations |
Auxilary exercises | Dips, delts, calves, biceps, triceps, grip |
Remedial exercises | Shoulder, ankle, and knee pre-habilitation, neck |
Please note that different classifications may be used depending on the weak and strong points of the athlete, his level of development, training period, emphasis and other stuff. Those classifications are used to help the coach organize the training system and prioritize things according to the demands of the sport and position. With average athletes, the primary exercise would be those that give the most bang for the buck and have the greatest transfer to the field while other exercises will aim to assist that transfer and provide whole body development and injury prevention.
Because exercise categories can (or should?) have their own planning (different loading, progression, and periodization plans for different exercise categories and their usage/rotation in the training system), concurrent training can be easily achieved. For example, a powerlifter would build explosive strength with DE box squats, chains and bands, bench presses, and speed deadlifts. He would build maximal strength with ME squats, presses, and deadlifts and their special variations (secondary exercises), and he would build muscular hypertrophy with SE and RE single-leg exercises and dumbbell variations of presses, some chins, and rows.
With an average athlete, explosive strength would be developed with Olympic lift variations, plyometrics, and explosive jumps, and maximal strength would be developed with ME/SE squats, benches, and deadlifts. Muscular hypetrophy would be developed with SE/RE single leg stuff, dumbbell variations, isolation stuff, chins, and rows.
In other words, primary exercises may use the ME loading protocol. Secondary exercises may use the SE loading protocol, and auxiliary and remedial exercises may use the RE loading protocol to achieve concurrent training approach.
Concurrent training with priority lifts | ||
Exercise group | Training goal | Loading protocol |
Primary exercises | Explosive strength, maximal strength | DE, ME |
Secondary exercises | Maximal strength, muscular hypertrophy | ME, SE |
Auxiliary exercises | Muscular hypertrophy, muscular endurance | SE, RE |
Remedial exercises | Muscular endurance, anatomic adaptation, pre-habilitation | RE |
However, if someone wants to nitpick (and that would be me), this can be considered concurrent training as a whole (because all loading protocols are present). It may not be considered concurrent training depending on which movement pattern or muscle groups we are talking about. For example, in the athlete’s situation mentioned earlier, the legs would receive explosive strength work, maximal strength work, and muscular hypertrophy work. The situation is similar for the upper body “push” muscles, but the upper body “pull” muscles (used for chins and rows) will receive only muscular hypertrophy work. Ring a bell or not?
To be considered totally concurrent, all movement patterns must receive the same treatment (ME, SE, and RE work; not necessary for DE) in a training program or it would be only partially concurrent. For this reason, most, if not all, concurrent powerlifting, Olympic lifting, and athletic training programs are partially concurrent because only the legs and push muscle groups receive concurrent treatment (with the exception of upper body pull muscles). Is this a bad thing? Certainly not! I’m just pointing it out, and because most sports revolve around legs and push muscles, this is a fine situation for me.
However, in bodybuilding, this would under develop certain muscle groups. That’s for sure. And because goals in athletic training, Olympic lifting, and powerlifting are not bodybuilding in nature and because I don’t talk about bodybuilding here (although some ideas can be certainly used with minor modifications), there shouldn’t be much concern about it anyway. Certainly, it would be very usable to classify exercises for every movement pattern (or muscle group) in addition to the sport classification already explained.
This way we could differ between:
- Sport-based or athletic-oriented classification of exercises (according to the greatest transfer to the field or event or the most used muscle groups/movement patterns in sport)
- Movement pattern or muscle group (bodybuilding) based classification of exercises
Because I’ve already given hypothetical examples of the exercise classifications for Olympic lifting, powerlifting, and average athletic training, here is a modified exercise classification based on movement patterns taken from the already mentioned awesome article by Christian Thibaudeau, “How to Design a Damn Good Program.”
Knee dominant pattern (or quads) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Olympic back squat (hip width stance, upright torso), power squat (wide stance, moderate torso lean), front squat |
Secondary | Lunge variations, split squat variations, leg press, barbell hack squat, dumbbell squat |
Auxiliary | Machine hack squat, step-up variations, leg extension variations, sissy squat |
Remedial | Terminal knee extension (with band), band leg extension |
Hip dominant pattern (or hams/glutes) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Deadlift, Romanian deadlift, stiff-leg deadlift, sumo deadlift, snatch grip deadlift |
Secondary | Good morning variations, glute ham raises, leg press (feet high on pad), single leg Romanian deadlift |
Auxiliary | Reverse hyper, pull-through, leg curl variations, cable hip extension, hyperextension |
Remedial | X-band walks, Cook lift, Swiss ball leg curl, band leg curl |
Upper body horizontal push (or pecs) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Bench press |
Secondary | Incline bench press, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell incline press, neck press, plate loaded push-ups |
Auxiliary | Cable cross-over, flyes variations, pec deck machine, chest press machine |
Remedial | Swiss ball push-ups, wobble board push-ups |
Upper body vertical pull (or back width, lats, and teres major) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Pull-ups, chin-ups |
Secondary | Parallel pull-ups, mixed grip pull-ups, towel pull-ups |
Auxiliary | Lat pull-down variations, straight arm lat pull-down, pull-over |
Remedial | External/internal shoulder rotation, scap push-up |
Upper body vertical push (or shoulders/ delts) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Military press, push press |
Secondary | Press behind the neck, log press, seated press, dumbbell press variations, Bradford press |
Auxiliary | Machine shoulder press, lateral raise variations, front raise variations, lateral raise machine |
Remedial | Cuban press, external shoulder rotation |
Upper body horizontal pull (or back thickness—rear delts, traps, rhomboids) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Barbell rowing, log row, chest supported rowing, seated rowing |
Secondary | One-arm dumbbell row, corner row, fatman pull-ups, dumbbell chest supported rowing |
Auxiliary | High pulley cross-rowing, low pulley cross-row, bent over rear delt raise, machine rear delt, chest-supported incline rear delt raise |
Remedial | Chest-supported incline dumbbell shrugs, seated cable shrugs (scapular retraction), traps three raise, YTWL, Cuban row |
Elbow flexion (or biceps) | |
Category | Sample Exercises |
Primary | Standing barbell curl, Scott bench barbell curl |
Secondary | Hammer curl, seated dumbbell curl variations, Scott bench dumbbell curl, reverse barbell curl (standing or Scott bench), Zottman curl |
Auxiliary | Machine curl, cable curl variations, concentration curl |
Remedial | Upper arm supination with sledgehammer or Thor's hammer |
Elbow extension (or triceps) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Close grip bench press, close-grip decline press, triceps dips |
Secondary | Close-grip incline press, reverse-grip bench press, JM press, decline barbell triceps extension, decline dumbbell triceps extension, flat barbell triceps extension, flat dumbbell triceps extension |
Auxiliary | Overhead dumbbell triceps extension, overhead bar triceps extension, cable triceps extension variations, triceps extension machines |
Remedial | Close grip push-up on Swiss ball, close grip push-up on wobble board |
Total body (Olympic Lifts) | |
Category | Sample exercises |
Primary | Clean and jerk, snatch |
Secondary | Hang clean, hang snatch, push press, pulls, shrugs |
Auxiliary | Jump squats, depth jumps, split squat jumps, step-up jumps |
Remedial | Dumbbell clean and snatch variations |
Using this movement pattern-based exercise classification, different goals can be achieved via different distributions of loading protocols. I will give an example using Chris Thibaudeau’s classification of loading protocols.
Distribution of loading protocols according to the goal selected | |||
Relative strength | Absolute strength | Muscular hypertrophy | |
Primary | Strength | Strength | Functional hypertrophy |
Secondary | Strength | Strength; functional hypertrophy | Functional hypertrophy; total hypertrophy |
Auxiliary | Strength; functional hypertrophy | Functional hypertrophy; Total hypertrophy | Total hypertrophy |
Remedial | Strength endurance | Strength endurance | Strength endurance |
The training sessions for intermediate lifters can be easily designed using the presented information. The attribute, “intermediate” is based on the work of Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore, authors of Starting Strength and Practical Programming. Both books are a must in your training library. For more information, please read my review, “What I Have Learned from Practical Programming” published at EliteFTS.com.
I will give two examples aimed at increasing explosive strength (via Olympic lifts and explosive jumping), maximal strength, and muscular hypertrophy. One is based on the whole body split and the other is based on a lower/upper split. Here is the example of the whole body split:
Whole body: Training session A | ||||
Movement Pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A. | Total body | Auxiliary | Step-up jumps | DE |
B. | Knee dominant | Primary | Squat | ME |
C1. | Vertical push | Primary | Military press | ME |
C2. | Vertical pull | Primary | Chin-ups | ME |
D. | Hip dominant | Secondary | Romanian deadlifts | SE |
E1. | Horizontal push | Auxiliary | Push-ups | RE |
E2. | Horizontal pull | Auxiliary | Cuban row | RE |
Whole body: Training session B | ||||
Movement pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A. | Total body | Primary | Clean | DE/ME |
B1. | Horizontal push | Primary | Bench press | ME |
B2. | Horizontal pull | Primary | Barbell row | ME |
C. | Knee dominant | Secondary | Front squat | SE |
D1. | Vertical push | Secondary | Dumbbell press | SE |
D2. | Vertical pull | Secondary | Pull-ups | SE |
E. | Hip dominant | Auxiliary | Single leg Romanian deadlifts | RE |
Whole body: Training session C | ||||
Movement pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A. | Total body | Secondary | Hang clean | DE/SE technique |
B. | Hip dominant | Primary | Deadlift | ME |
C1. | Horizontal push | Secondary | Dumbbell bench press | SE |
C2. | Horizontal pull | Secondary | Seated rowing | SE |
D. | Knee dominant | Auxiliary | Lunges | RE |
E1. | Vertical push | Auxiliary | Dumbbell l-rises | RE |
E2. | Vertical pull | Auxiliary | Pull-over | RE |
Here is the lower/upper split:
Training A: Lower body squat | ||||
Movement pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A. | Total body | Primary | Clean | DE/ME |
B. | Knee dominant | Primary | Squat | ME |
C. | Hip dominant | Secondary | Romanian deadlift | SE |
D. | Knee dominant | Auxiliary | Lunges | RE |
E. | Abs and pre-habilitation stuff | RE |
Training B: Upper body horizontal | ||||
Movement pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A1. | Horizontal push | Primary | Bench press | ME |
A2. | Horizontal pull | Primary | Barbell row | ME |
B1. | Vertical push | Secondary | Dumbbell press | SE |
B2. | Vertical pull | Secondary | Pull-ups | SE |
C1. | Horizontal push | Auxiliary | Push-ups | RE |
C2. | Horizontal pull | Auxiliary | Cuban row | RE |
Training C: Lower body deadlift | ||||
Movement pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A. | Total body | Secondary | Hang clean | DE/SE technique |
B. | Hip dominant | Primary | Deadlift | ME |
C. | Knee dominant | Secondary | Front squat | SE |
D. | Hip dominant | Auxiliary | Single leg Romanian deadlift | RE |
E. | Abs and pre-habilitation stuff | RE |
Training D: Upper body vertical | ||||
Movement pattern | Category | Example | Loading protocol | |
A1. | Vertical push | Primary | Military press | ME |
A2. | Vertical pull | Primary | Chin-ups | ME |
B1. | Horizontal push | Secondary | Dumbbell bench press | SE |
B2. | Horizontal pull | Secondary | Seated rowing | SE |
C1. | Vertical push | Auxiliary | L-rises | RE |
C2. | Vertical pull | Auxiliary | Pull-over | RE |
Once we arranged the training sessions, we can plan progressions for loading protocols.
Weekly progressions for loading protocols | ||||
Loading protocol | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 unload |
ME | 5 X 3 | 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1 | 6 X 1 | 4 X 1, 10% weight |
SE | 4 X 6 | 5 X 5 | 5 X 5 | 3 X 5, 10% weight |
RE | 3 X 12 | 3 X 10 | 3 X 8 | 2 X 10 |
Olympic lifts | ME: 5 X 1SE: 4 X 2RE: 3 X 5 | ME: 5 X 1SE: 4 X 2RE: 3 X 5 | ME: 5 X1SE: 4 X 2RE: 3 X 5 | ME: 5 X 1SE: 4 X 2RE: 3 X 5 |
Stay tuned for part three!!
Elite Fitness Systems strives to be a recognized leader in the strength training industry by providing the highest quality strength training products and services while providing the highest level of customer service in the industry. For the best training equipment, information, and accessories, visit us at www.EliteFTS.com.