I decided to try and switch things up. In lieu of my usual two-day-a-week program, I've been running as of late, I contemplated adding a third day. In order to do this, I switched my main days around a bit making recovery a priority for the big three. Instead of squatting and pulling on Thursday, I thought about making it Tuesday. Since I bench on Sundays, I thought Thursday would be best suited for the assistance day. I need to do more assistance work and since my shoulder is still pussing-around, I figured a separate day would be a good idea as I won't blow my shoulder out with the first few bench movement and I'll actually be able to do some assistance work. On paper it looked like a good idea. In the gym, it didn’t go so well.
Just belt and shitty sleeves
135 for 5
225 for 3
315 for 3 - After this set I noticed how tight my back still was from benching Sunday and how loose I wasn’t!
405 for 2
505 for 2
595 for 3 - Considering my PR is 6 with this weight, I knew something wasn’t right.
245 for 3
325 for 2
405 for 1
525 for 1
650 for 0000000000000000000000 - I went to pull on the bar, the bar said "f&*% you" and I pulled something in my lower rib cage. I'm sure it’s just some cartilage that is sprained. I've done this before. It has the similar itching sensation that just can’t be scratched.
Fortunately next week is a deload week.
What did I learn?
I learned that what I've been doing is working just fine and as long as my lifts keep moving, which they are, I shouldn’t mess with anything. This is the kind of shit that happens when I try to get cute and start thinking! I’m going back to the usual Sunday bench, Thursday squat and pull regime. Turns out my low back can’t take a mere two days rest between major workouts. I'd never advise anyone to try a switch and then bail after one week, but as it turns out, I'm very superstitious.