I dieted since January 2011 with the help of Shelby Starnes. I went from a morning weight of approximately 265 pounds, down to 214 pounds, and then back up to 245 pounds.
My last article described a week of diet and training with Shelby during the final phase of a fat loss diet. This article will provide a look into a week of diet and training with Shelby while gaining muscle, and minimizing fat gain.
Personally, transitioning from a fat loss diet to a muscle building diet was a welcome change. Moving from a very low carb diet, to a diet where I was getting 250 grams of carbs daily, was simple, but not without some challenges. After re-introducing carbs into my diet, my hunger increased substantially. I was ready for the next meal every two hours. I had to make sure I had enough approved carb sources available (Ezekiel bread, oatmeal, rice, sweet potatoes, fruit, veggies) and lean protein cooked and ready to eat. The battle to eat according to Shelby’s plan became more challenging now that I was hungry. The only way to combat this hunger was to prep lean protein and approved carb sources a few different times a week and pack my food in a cooler for consumption during the day. Compliance was made possible through food preparation. At least once a week, I cooked 12 eight ounce chicken breasts in a slow cooker with some chicken broth and spices. I like to cook them until they get to the consistency of “pulled chicken breast.” I can mix the “pulled chicken” with a variety of calorie-free sauces, veggies or approved carb sources.
My favorite side-effect from adding carbs back in my diet, was the strength increases. Most movements are near or beyond lifetime highs, despite being 20-30 pounds lighter than my heaviest bodyweight. Some specific highlights: barbell back squat widow maker of 285 x 21, and benching 355 x 4 after hitting 345 x 4.
Relating to my current appearance, we’re looking to bring up the weakest of the weak points. Last week, Shelby had me up the carbs 10 grams every meal on leg day and back day. During 2012, I will continue gaining muscle and strength.
I'm currently lifting four days a week and continue to do fasted morning cardio three days with no strength training. Below are sample diets; one is from an off-day and the other is from a strength-training day.
Off-Days (three per week)
Meal 1
- ½ cup (uncooked) oatmeal with cinnamon
- 60 grams of whey protein isolate
- 1/3 cup of almonds
- coffee
- multivitamin
Meal 2
- 2 slices of Ezekiel bread
- 4 tablespoons of natural peanut butter
- 1.5 cups of chopped chicken breast in calorie-free hot sauce
Meal 3
- 1 box of egg whites (45 grams of protein)
- 15 grams of fish oil tabs
- 1.5 cup of frozen blueberries
- coffee
Meal 4
- 1.5 cups of chopped chicken breast
- ¾ cup of sweet potatoes
- 1/3 cup of walnuts
Meal 5
- 10 oz. of fatty beef
- 1 medium-sized apple
Meal 6
- 5 whole eggs with hot sauce
- 3 grams of evening primrose oil
Meal 7
- 60 grams of whey protein isolate
- 1 tablespoon of EVOO
Strength Training Days (4 per week)
Meal 1
- 3/4 cup (uncooked) oatmeal with cinnamon
- 60 grams of whey protein isolate
- 1/3 cup of almonds
- coffee
- multivitamin
Meal 2
- 3 slices of cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread
- 4 tablespoons of natural peanut butter
- 1.5 cups of chopped chicken breast in calorie free hot sauce
Meal 3
- 1 box of egg whites (45 grams of protein)
- 15 grams of fish oil tabs
- ½ cup (uncooked) of oatmeal
- 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries
- coffee
Meal 4
- 1.5 cups of chopped chicken breast
- 1.5 cups of sweet potatoes
- 1/3 cup of walnuts
Training Shake (drank in 1/3’s pre/peri/post):
- 80 grams waxy maize
- 2 teaspoon BCAAs
- 80 grams of whey isolate
Meal 5
- 1 cup cooked white rice
- green veggies
- 1.5 cups of chicken
- hot chili sauce (25 grams of fat and 5 grams of carbs)
Meal 6
- 5 whole eggs with hot sauce
- 3 grams of evening primrose oil
Meal 7
- 60 grams of whey protein isolate
- 1 tablespoon of EVOO
I drink about 5-6 liters of water each day. I will occasionally drink diet soda.
Monday–Lower Body
Dynamic Warm-up
Leg Extension (warm-up)
- 80 x 20
- 115 x 20
- 140 x 20
Leg Press doubled average/doubled light bands
- 4pps x 20 (5 paused on bottom, 15 regular)
- 3pps x 20 (10 paused on bottom, 10 regular)
- 3pps x 15 (15 paused on bottom)
Barbell Back Squat
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 5
- 225 x 5
- 275 x 10 x 2 sets (very hard second set)
Leg Curl
- 145 x 12 x 6 sets
- 80 x 10 x 6 sets
Standing Calf Raise with DB (30 seconds between sets)
- 50 x 20 x 5 sets
Toe Press on Leg Press
- 5pps x 20
- 4pps x 20
- 3pps x 20
Wednesday–Triceps and Shoulders
Fat Bar Close Grip (using an imaginary 2-board)
- 135 x 10
- 225 + 50 lbs of chain x 10
- 275 + 50 lbs of chain x 8
- 225 + 50 lbs of chain x 6
Dip Machine (2-1-4 count)
- 3p x 12
- 4p x 13
- 3p x 14
Seated Band Tricep Press Downs – Double Minis
- Double Minis x 20 x 2 sets
A1 (no rest between A1 and A2)
Scapula Plane Lateral Raise
- 20 x 20
- 20 x 15
- 20 x 10
Plate Raise
- 45 x 20 x 3
HS ISO LATERAL Rear Delt Drop Sets
- 35 x 10 into 25 x 6
- 35 x 6 into 25 x 5
B1 (no rest between sets)
Med Ball Front Raise
- 20 x 20
- 10 x 20
- 30 x 20
C1 (no rest between sets)
Med Ball Overhead Press
- 30 x 20
- 10 x 20
- 20 x 10
Notes: I feel like my triceps were hit hard and I really liked the dip machine.
I really wanted to focus on actively contracting each muscle being worked. I tried to up the density of this workout, rest periods were minimal <30 seconds in most cases.
Pullover (4-2-4)
- 90 x 10
- 135 x 10
- 180 x 10
- 225 x 4
Iso-lateral wide pull downs (4 count negative)
- 2pps x 12
- 3pps x 11
- 2pps x 12
Chest Supported Horizontal Row (fast-1-4)
- 180 x 14
- 135 x 12
- 135 x 8
Barbell Deadlift (Trying to improve my form, every rep was done with form reset from a dead stop)
- 135 x 5
- 225 x 5
- 275 x 5
- 315 x 5
- 335 x 5
- 275 x 5
- 225 x 5
DB rows
- 75 + 25 lbs of chains x 35
- 75 x 20 controlled
- 75 x 10 controlled
Log Rows
- 95 x 10
- 135 x 10
- 185 x 10
- 225 x 10
Sunday–Chest and Biceps
Joe Defranco “handcuffs”
- 10 x 5 sets
elitefts average band pull-aparts
- 10 x 5 sets
BB bench pointers on rings
- 45 x 10
- 140 x 5
- 190 x 5
- 235 x 5
- 280 x 4
- 325 x 4
- 345 x 4
- 355 x 4 (rep 4 was very slow)
- 275 x 11 (paused)
Incline Press (5 count negatives)
- 185 x 5 x 2 sets
- 165 x 5 x 4 sets
Standing palms up DB curl
- 15 x 10
- 25 x 10
- 35 x 10
- 40 x 10
BB Drag Curl
- 10 x 6 sets
Fat Gripz k-pipe curls (thumb-less reverse curls with DBs)
- 15 x 10 x 7 rounds