When the big Metal Gear sale happens, serious lifters know that it is time to stock up! When making those big decisions, it is great to have the members of Team elitefts™ to bounce your questions off of. Our top gear gurus help you make informed choices and share tips to get the most out of your equipment.
With the great elitefts™ Metal sale my awesome girlfriend is giving me Christmas early. I've only used single-ply squat suit, no briefs and a single-ply bench shirt. I am looking to make the step up to multi-ply,with a conventional squat and deadlift. What gear would you recommend? I have some time as my next scheduled meet is on March 2.
Thanks, Marshall... and thanks for sharing all your great articles on the site.
What is up, Mikey?
Awesome great question! This is a great time to buy, 40% off! I have two suggestions for squat and deadlift gear. When it comes to squatting there are only two options, Jack and ACE Pro! If you want a suit that is a little more forgiving, a little more comfortable, provides a ton of rebound, but lacks a little on support (compared to the Ace) then you need a Jack Pro Squat Suit. If you want a suit that is an absolute suit of armor, bullet-proof, stops 1100-pounds dead in the hole, but lacks a little in rebound (as compared to the jack) then you need the Ace Pro Squatter. A combination of the both in my opinion is the way to go. I use the Jack Pro Squat Suit and Ace Pro Briefs. Stopping power and super duper rebound. For conventional deadlifts, the Single-ply Metal Deadlifter is still a legend! But if you want a suit with straps then get the Metal King Pro Deadlifter. Hope this helps you out, now get goin' on the order and get to smashing PRs!
Marshall Johnson
Is it okay to wash/dry Metal IPF gear to shrink it up? I have an IPF deadlift suit that I feel has stretched out a bit. Don't have the time or money to buy a new one before my meet.
David Adamson
You can try, but it likely won't make a difference since it's polyester. You may be better off sending it out to be taken in a bit which will cost exceptionally less than buying new gear.
Jo Jordan
I wore my Metal briefs yesterday for my deadlift workout. They're the same briefs I've had for over a year. Although I've moved up a weight class, my measurements in my thighs are mostly the same. I put on MAYBE an extra quarter inch. I had the same struggles as usual when putting them on, nothing different, but the leg section in the front of my briefs absolutely killed the top part of my thighs on both legs. It felt as if there was a belt cinched where the hem of the brief was and after each set, it got tighter and tighter. I couldn't finish the workout with briefs and had to take them off. Has this happened to anybody and, if so, what was the reason? When I got home, I realized that while I C-clamped the back of the briefs, I only hung myself from the back of the briefs and not the front. I was able to just pull them up without assistance. Might this have been the reason?
It might have been. I usually need to hang from both the front and the back to really get them to sit right.
You might also want to use the basketball trick on the seam. Just wet the briefs down and stick a deflated basketball in the leg opening where it's too tight. Pump up the basketball as much as you can and leave it in overnight. It should help stretch the seam just enough so that it does not place quite as much pressure. If you do not have a basketball handy, Chad Walker's head is an excellent substitute.
Speaking of gear... HUGE sale on Metal Gear today!!!
-Dave Kirschen
Hi Jo,
I want to take advantage of the sale going on now for powerlifting gear. I am a new user to powerlifting gear and I have been using Metal Pro briefs size 52. I have gained a few pounds since I started using the gear and the hips are really tight, tight to the point where my hips have been hurting me since Saturday's training.
Anyways, my squat stance is as wide as I can go in the half-power rack I have in my gym (60") and my deadlift is wider with a sumo stance. Can you recommend a suit that I could squat and deadlift in both and if I wanted to buy two suits, could you recommend one for deadlifting and once for squatting. Also, what sizes would I need?
When I bought the size 52 briefs they were easy to get on, especially in the hips area but now they are pretty snug to get on.
Thanks in advance.
Either the Ace suit or the Jack suit would be the best option to squat and pull in since they are designed for wide stance squatters, but also work very well for those that pull sumo.
I'd suggest a size 58 suit if you're pulling in suit alone, but a 60 if you're planning on wearing briefs under it.
If you're going to buy suits separately then I am a fan of the King Sumo Deadlifter since it always gave me good speed off the floor and great carryover at the top. Sizing would be the same as above.
Let them know Jo sent you.
The Juice is worth the squeeze,
Jo Jordan
Gear whoring all the way!
I've done some raw meets and do tons of raw training in the off season. Its vital. But can anyone say that they don't enjoy spending 30 minutes and needing three dudes to help you get dressed properly? Or the feeling in the bottom of the squat when your straps are cranked and the whole world goes black, except your face which is purple and bloated? Then there's the waking up the morning after a gear session and you're covered in little cuts and bruises because your gear is digging in at all the right places.
Not to mention standing up with, or holding in your hands things you never thought were possible. But as soon as you hit that number, the next 10-20 pound 'what if' jumps into your mind.
Who cares if people say gear is 'cheating' or 'I'd rather know what I can do'? I'll always hold dear the Louie quote where he says, "He's never seen a bench shirt on its own bench press 600 pounds." If you're competing, may the best man win! I'm going to bring the best gear to my meets and if he's smart, so is my competitor. So it is still me against him, and us versus the iron.
I don't think I could've said this any better! Its perfect!
-Mick Manley
Hey Bob,
How do you suggest that a novice lifter progresses into gear?
- Aaron
We get a lot of questions on the Twitter chats about how to get started lifting in gear. My advice is to start out slowly and add as you go. I see some people get into as much equipment as possible for their first meet. One of two things usually happens; they either bomb out or get hurt.
In your first meet, wear single-ply stuff. Then after a couple of meets move to double-ply. A couple of meets after that you can add in briefs. Basically, add a layer every couple of meets and build up. This will allow you to learn how to use the equipment better while allowing you to focus on getting stronger instead of spending a lot of time learning tricked-out gear right off the bat.
Be Positive,
Bob Youngs