After you spend an appreciable number of years in the weight room and only the weight room, you start to really look for ways to spice up your training program and get some results.
You miss the days of endless energy and motivation, and you miss feeling like a kid again. Your gym probably plays pop music radio stations, which only leaves you nauseated from all the horrible commercials and love tunes.
You wanna get psyched to deadlift five plates but instead you get fired up over that guy who reads the damn newspaper in between his sets on the bench! You do have anger though, and you’re already fired up because the front desk employee told you not to drop the weights again.
So, what the heck are you gonna do?!?! I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do, and you better listen to me! If you listen to Ferruggia or Cosgrove, you’ll end up cursing out the guy at the front desk, losing your gym membership, and probably drop kicking anyone in your way as you storm out of the gym. Let’s save you from kicking someone’s ass, and redirect that energy towards training.
With spring time here, warm weather, and fresh air, you’re going to be invigorated with life and energy. To begin with, I suggest you get a sled and two straps. Next, grab one medium-sized kettlebell. If you have the desire, make yourself a heavy sandbag. Take your sled to the park, specifically near the playground with the monkey bars or pull-up bars, or if you’re really lucky, one with parallel bars. This will be a tough find, as monkey bars and parallel bars are becoming extinct at playgrounds. But, if you search, you will find. Don’t make up any sissy excuses! I prefer sled training on the grass as opposed to cement for the extra resistance, but we take what we can get, right?
Place the kettlebell on the sled for added resistance, and, if you made the sandbag, throw that bad boy on there as well. No sandbag? I bet you can find some old Olympic plates at garage sales, on eBay, or just snag em’ cheap at any sporting good store. They’ll be getting dirty so don’t look to purchase a top notch Olympic plate. Weight is weight, my friend.
So, we’re looking to have a sled with a plate and kettlebell on it, and possibly the sandbag. Warm up as you feel necessary, and get ready physically and mentally to rock n’ roll. No more crappy tunes—the tunes are either in your head or blasting through your IPod. It’s your world now so listen to what ever tunes you want!
Set up a distance of about 100–150 feet away from the pull-up bars. Go further if you want. No worries here. Your objective is to go for 30 minutes as hard as possible, resting as needed.
You will mix in the following movements (substitutions are offered):
1. Forward drags (variations below)
· arms locked out in front of you
· elbows in, fists held close together
· arms held behind body
· sumo walks
2. Backwards drags
3. Chest pressing (5–15 reps)
4. Rows
· high pulls (5–10 reps)
· rows to chest (elbows in, elbows out, neutral grip, or palms down or up; 5–15 reps)
· one-arm rows with and without rotation (5–8 reps per arm)
5. Tricep extensions (8–15 reps)
As you can see, nothing fancy with the sled moves. Primarily, you will speed walk forward and backward with the sled. If you’re 20–30 feet away from the endpoint, you can finish off with a hard sprint for added variety.
Every time you reach one end (either the start or end of the stretch), you will do 2–3 resistance movements. When you get to the monkey bars, crank out a max set of pull-ups, and then drop down and perform a bodyweight or Kettlebell lunge variation for 6–10 reps per leg. Get back on the sled and drag, row, and press your way to the other end. Once you arrive at the other end, pull the kettlebell off the sled, and crank out 10–15 reps of two-hand swings. Drop down, and crank out 15 push-ups, changing your hand spacing every five reps. Finish with a full body movement for five reps per arm, such as a clean and press or snatch.
Let’s take a look at a sample workout. Adjust your rest to work ratio as you feel necessary. This might be a GPP workout, or tweak this into an energy system training day by throwing in sprints as well.
1. Forward drag x 100 feet
2. Backward drag x 50 feet
3. Pull-ups (any grip) x max reps
4. Push-ups x 15 reps
5. Sled rows to chest x 10 reps
6. Sled chest presses x 10 reps
7. Sled triceps extensions x 10 reps
8. Forward drag x remainder of the distance
9. Reverse lunge x eight per leg with the kettlebell
10. One-arm row with kettlebell x six per arm
11. Two-hand swing x 10 reps
The work to rest ratio can easily be adjusted by resting one minute when you reach either end of the sled dragging area.
For example:
1. Sled training to monkey bars or playground
2. Rest one minute
3. Perform 2–3 strength movements at playground
4. Rest one minute
5. Sled training back to the start point
6. Rest one minute
7. Perform 2–3 kettlebell movements
8. Rest 1 minute
9. Repeat with new sled and resistance movements
It’s time to get outside and switch up your training. If you’re a high school coach, get your athletes outside often and work the sleds regularly. Too much time training inside leads to plenty of talking and not enough action!
So, next time you’re about to tear up that lazy bastard’s newspaper in the gym, order a sled and a kettlebell, and tear up the playground! Just try not to scare the kids and parents!