For all those elitefts™ readers out there that have daughters. Take a good, long look at these two beautiful, yet very cocky faces. These are the faces of my once angelic daughters, my precious little babies, who I once nurtured and bounced on my knee, on their way to a ‘Lil Wayne’ concert after I told them in no uncertain terms they were NOT to attend. Not only was it a Lil' Wayne concert, but it was held in Camden, NJ, which makes downtown Detroit look like Aspen, Colorado.
It just goes to show you, no matter how big and powerful you THINK you are. I don’t care if you can squat a half a ton raw and can bench 800 pounds...you ain’t got shit on Lil ‘Mother F*ckin’ Wayne.
If any of you dads out there need child rearing advice, just send me some questions through the elitefts™ Q&A. I've been through it all.
If you have a story of your own that beats this please post in the comments below.
We want to know...
If you have any similar type stories you can post so Steve won't feel like he is the only one. Please post in the comments below. The best story will win a free elitefts™ Live, Learn and Pass On hoodie. In your comments, you don't have to use your real name, but please enter the correct e-mail (this is not published, sold or added to any list) so we can contact you. If all the stories suck, then nobody wins. If there are less than 10 comments - nobody wins. If there are over 20, we will select one winner out of every 20 posts. The more comments and stories, the better your chances.
Yes, we are sending Steve one of these because while this cracked us up, we still feel for the man.