Congratulations Sam Byrd!
From Sam's Training Log:
I graduated law school last week and am now moving home, so not much training.
I squatted Saturday and everything felt heavy! It usually does after finals because of no sleep, stress and stiffness from sitting all day. Nevertheless, I managed a 725 pound squat. Yes, it was tough. But this was the first real back squat session since the RUM in January. My hip bothered me some, but not like it has. If I actually get to rest, I figured I'm good for a 765 pound one or so right now. This was a good starting point as I ramp it up for the raw 504 in September.
- hit overhead press tonight
- strict overhead press 205 x 6/6/7 reps
- flat dumbbell bench – 80 x 10, 100 x 10, 120 x 10/10/8
- cable rows – 5 sets of 12
- stretch
I also started my diet and cardio this week. I've got to get my weight down, so I can eat the last six weeks into meet.
That's all for now.