...but here's how I'm getting better.
Power Cleans
I warmed up and worked up thoroughly to 95 pounds - kept the weight there for the reps that are in sync with my 5/3/1 numbers and on my third set, I pushed my reps. The reason they still kind of suck is that I'm really not that fast of a lifter. I'm more like a middle-distance work horse, but it's all good and they're feeling better already.
- 65 x 5
- 85 x 3
- 95 x 3
- 95 x 3
- 95 x 8
In between every set:
- BW Bench Jumps x 6
- 180 x 3
- 205 x 3
- 230 x (6) left a couple in the tank
- 75 x 10
Hanging Leg Raises
- BW x 8
Slacked. Gotta fight the winter lazies a little harder.