Specialty Bars Revealed
We incorporate two of the specialty bars from elitefts™ into our regular training cycle.
The Thinker: Athletic Monitoring, Hell Week, Australian Rules Football &...
Elitefts™ Q & A Coach James "The Thinker" Smith answers your questions.
You Ask, We Answer with Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 4)
Dave shares some advice that may help you as you work through your injury issues.
Do You Have to “Suffer” While Dieting?
When it comes to dieting, why is it that everyone automatically thinks they have to suffer and deprive themselves from everything in life?
In Honor of Deacon Jones: Physical Skills for Defensive Lineman
David "Deacon" Jones revolutionized the defensive line position after 14 seasons in the NFL.
You Ask, We Answer with Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 2)
I didn't want a company that was going to be just me.
The Seven Myths of American Football Training
It's time to debunk a few old-school thoughts about football training.
The Death Lift!
Nowadays, people can put a lot of time into mastering their supportive gear and get hundreds of pounds of carryover, especially in the squat and bench.
You Ask, We Answer With Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 1)
"To go from shit to suck, is a big step" - Dave Tate
The Simple Truth About Supplements
Unfortunately, there aren't any shortcuts and there isn't any easy way.
A Lion in Iron: Ladies, Measurements Don't Matter
The scale, caliper measurements, bodyfat percentages...is that the only way you determine your client's success?
Has Powerlifting Turned Negative?
It's better to spend the time helping others than tearing them down.
By the Coach for the Coach: The Trip 2013
Enjoy the ride (including a bike ride) because it’s over too quickly.
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 3
In the third and final part of this series, I'll detail the downstreaming strategy in regards to attempt selection.
Six Lessons Learned from the LTT6
Thanks to the elitefts™ team for making this experience amazing. Not only did I take away these six lessons, I also benched 170 pounds at the compound.
Kentucky Strong: How Do You Get Your Girl to Train?
Getting your girlfriend or wife interested in training can be a real challenge, so I figured I’d get more than one opinion on this issue.
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 2
There are three fundamental strategies any reasonable athlete or coach can use to choose one’s attempts.
Knowledge and Nonsense: The Dessert Effect
Have you ever noticed the first bite of almost any food is the most enjoyable?
NYSC Underground: Dieting Progressions
Why is it that so many people struggle with trying to diet down and show the muscle that they spend countless hours building?
Teachers: Heroes Or Doing Their Jobs?
If I could not be there to protect my child, I find great comfort and peace knowing that there is a teacher assuring him/her that everything will be okay.
Using Videos and Pictures to Get Athletes to Buy In
Getting athletes to believe in their training program can be a tough task.
Carry the Weight, Lift the Weight — It’s What We Do
Give back what you have been given, and if you get the chance thank them for what they did for you
Sadistic Strength Methods: Sadiv Sets
If pulling heavy from the floor is one of your favorite pastimes, then Sadiv sets are right up your ally.
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated, Part 3
Are you doind the right things and listening to the right people?
Elitefts™ Classic: Use the Yoke Bar
Besides the safety squat bar (SSB) being rounded and not welded, there isn’t much of a difference between the yoke and SSB.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: A Break in Action, Part 3
Doing damn hard work to get back on the platform.
Benefits of Lifting Chains
Accommodating resistance, which is accomplished by training with bands and chains, has the ability to take your training to the next level.
From What You Wear to What You Do: It Matters
Whether it's shoes, equipment, or programming, your choices make a difference in how you perform under the bar.
Training with Purpose: I'm No Mechanic, but...
Planning your training and restoring a car...they're not so different.
Jump with a Purpose
Plyometrics help further develop the strength and explosiveness developed in the weight room, but they should be thought of as a way to fine tune an engine.
The Truth Behind In-Season Baseball and Softball Training
Too often, trainers get consumed with the idea that “sport-specific” training means mimicking the demands of the sport.
No Bullsh*t: The Sane Need Not Apply
"The only way to be find true happiness and success is to be a little crazy."