One on One with Mick Manley
It's been a rough year for Mick, but in true Manley fashion, he chose to learn from the experience and grow as both a person and an athlete.
No Bullsh*t: The Good and Bad Side of Training
They may not always great, but they are the guaranteed aspects of training.
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Pure hard work does pay off, and most of the time, it can trump talent.
Monster Garage Gym: It Is Not If, But When
At some point in your career as a powerlifter, you will be injured. How will you respond?
The Freakshow: Relentless
For the first time in a long time, I was pain free and felt strong at the same time.
A Lion in Iron: There Can Be Only One!
We are not all immortals and this is not a quickening, so why has everyone drawn their swords?
Reno Hardcore: I Am Your Training Partner, Not Your Mother
Your partners are not your personal cheering section or your therapists. You are a team working together to get insanely strong.
Ain't No Thing But a Chicken Wing!
I hear that phrase tossed around all the time whether the sport in question is powerlifting, strongman, Olympic lifting, bodybuilding, or the luge.
Low Carb Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Pudding
This dessert is all that is chocolatey goodness...without the sugar buzz and immediate crash. Plus, it packs a protein punch!
Strong Mind: Park It
The greatest accomplishments come from a singularly focused mind and extreme determination.
Iron Subculture Podcast: The Best Lifts of 2012
Eric Maroscher, Joey Smith and Brian Carroll give me their picks and we discuss them in detail.
Why Every Training System Sucks But Mine
Bashing other programs to promote very noble...
Science and Practice: A Response to Glassman
Is Glassman correct? Is there no need for science in programming?
Kentucky Strong: Five Exercises to Build Your Deadlift
Chase added 100 pounds to his deadlift in less than a year. If you're looking to increase your pull, try these exercises.
Knowledge and Nonsense: FAQ About MMA Conditioning
Jamie Hale addresses these frequently asked questions concerning MMA training.
The Rehab Guy: Q&A
He's back! You’ve got questions? He’s got the answers to get you back under the bar.
Training with Purpose
One Size Does Not Fit All, Part 2: Utilizing a System of Qualification for American Football
Five Ways to Fix Your Deadlift Today
These tips will hone your technique and allow you to perform the deadlift safely.
Pimpin' with Kirschen
Steve Colescott, Senior Content Director of elitefts™, was able to snag an exclusive interview with the one and only Dave Kirschen. Watch out for his swag.
Hoss's Project Jonah, Part 2
One of the largest challenges with training my son, Jonah, is his diet.
NYSC Undercover: Real Lifters—A Dying Breed
For real lifters, training is more than simply a means to an's a lifestyle.
Falling in Love with the Safety Squat (Yoke) Bar
Since receiving ours, I’ve come to regard the safety squat bar as an indispensable tool in training both myself and our athletes.
Beast Reality: Keying the Lamborghini
My keys are balled-up in an angry claw, rearing back like an angry cobra ready to strike.
elitefts™ Power Squat Machine
Many argue that the barbell squat is one of the most important exercises one will ever perform...but what about those who have physical limitations?
Low Carb Dieting Without the Suffering
Here are four methods you can implement to ace a low carb diet.
Monster Garage Gym: What was Old is New Again
Fads and trends ebb and flow, but there are a few things that will always remain constant.
Dissociation Woes, Part 2
Like hip dissociation, the shoulders and scaps also require a great degree of dissociation in our movements.
Stability Is Your Problem...You Just Don’t Know It Yet
Your weak points may not always be a strength issue.
The Evolution of the Squat Suit Over the Past Twenty Years
Over the past twenty years in powerlifting, the squat suit has changed in many ways.
2013 XPC: A First Place Finish
Snoring, mounds of dextrose, and baby powder could not keep Mick from giving the 2013 XPC his all.
Kneeling Acceleration Step Up
This variation of a single-leg step up movement works to encourage drive through the rear leg.
Maximize Your Coaching Efficiency
All it takes is a little extra thought and preparation on the front end.
Kentucky Strong: Three Little Things That May Make You a Better Lifter
Are you falling victim to one of these three common lifting mistakes?
Knowledge and Nonsense: MaxCondition for Performance—Agility
Agility is a necessary factor in athletics. But how can it be improved, and how does it relate to strength and speed?
So You Think You Can Be in Bikini Shape Year-Round?
Are you ready to find out if you can stay in bikini shape year-round and still make progress on your body?
Training with Purpose
One Size Does Not Fit All, Pt. 1: Programming and Qualification in Powerlifting
Zane Geeting: 2013 SPF Ironman
I can't say that it wasn't a good meet, because it was. It just wasn't good for me.
2013 XPC: Ab Cramps and a Big Total
It feels good to reach a goal total and nab several PRs in the process.
Dissociation Woes, Part 1
Hip dissociation—the separation of the two legs and their movements at the hip joint.
Iron Insights: 'Twas the Night before Christmas
It's just like that feeling you used to get when you were eight years old, hiding under the covers and anxiously awaiting Santa's arrival.
Sleep Strategies for Strength, Speed, and Size
Sleep is something that we should all strive to improve if we value our health and performance.
The Importance of In-Season Training: Baseball
You can't spend all off-season working on building yourself up to play your game and then just sit back and hope for the best.
Do You Workout or Train?
It is much different to walk into a workout session without any real point than to walk into a training session with an objective ahead of you.
No Bullsh*t: A Year in the Life
These are three major lessons I learned in my first year of running a gym.