The Importance of In-Season Training: Baseball
The Importance of In-Season Training: Baseball
You can't spend all off-season working on building yourself up to play your game and then just sit back and hope for the best.
Take the Leap
Take the Leap
Where you start has little effect on where you will end—that's completely up to you.
Do You Workout or Train?
Do You Workout or Train?
It is much different to walk into a workout session without any real point than to walk into a training session with an objective ahead of you.
No Bullsh*t: A Year in the Life
No Bullsh*t: A Year in the Life
These are three major lessons I learned in my first year of running a gym.
Training Calves and Traps
Training Calves and Traps
Josh McMillan gives the lowdown on his calves and traps work.
Monster Garage Gym: Rest Time for Meet Time
Monster Garage Gym: Rest Time for Meet Time
So your training is on point, but you still had a lackluster meet? If your nutrition is in check, your rest may be lacking.
A Lion in Iron: Women—Be More, Not Less
A Lion in Iron: Women—Be More, Not Less
The body you want is more than what you are, not less.
Are You Majoring in the Minors?
Are You Majoring in the Minors?
You might be majoring in the minors if...
 Verkoshansky, Aristotle, and the Cube Method
Verkoshansky, Aristotle, and the Cube Method
A properly constructed training system is one with a synergy between training means such that the result is greater than the sum of the individual training means.
Four Tips from a High School Strength Coach
Four Tips from a High School Strength Coach
Working with high school athletes presents the strength and conditioning professional with a unique set of challenges.
By the Coach for the Coach: Be the Bee
By the Coach for the Coach: Be the Bee
In order for the hive to survive and thrive, each bee must know her place in the hive. The same goes for your coaching team.
A Different View of Intensity and Volume
A Different View of Intensity and Volume
More is better? Not always, especially in terms of your training.
Kentucky Strong: 5/3/1 for Strongman
Kentucky Strong: 5/3/1 for Strongman
It is a basic program, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.
Knowledge and Nonsense: How Expectation Influences Food Likes
Knowledge and Nonsense: How Expectation Influences Food Likes
Did you know that your expectations play a large role in your taste preferences?
Meet Management 101: Warm Up Timing
Meet Management 101: Warm Up Timing
Timing of the warm ups is just one of the many tasks that falls under the handler's responsibility at a meet.
Four Things My Decade of Autism Fitness Programming Has Taught Me
Four Things My Decade of Autism Fitness Programming Has Taught Me
Whether you are training high school athletes, professional sports icons, or people with special needs, you're working with human movement and behavior..and there will always be underlying correlations.
Short-Term Periodization: Get More Bang for Your Buck
Short-Term Periodization: Get More Bang for Your Buck
Short, off-seasons mean one thing: you must get the most out of every workout. Here's how.
Why Use Sled Towing in Training?
Why Use Sled Towing in Training?
Whether you want to work your hamstrings or your quadriceps, the attachment point of the sled is critical.
Muscular Fatigue Versus Endurance: A Quantified Study
Muscular Fatigue Versus Endurance: A Quantified Study
Muscle fatigue and muscular endurance—each is different for every athlete.
Being Human, Part 5: A Mountain of Challenge
Being Human, Part 5: A Mountain of Challenge
The true masters of agility are not who you might think...
The Research Meathead: Static Contraction Training
The Research Meathead: Static Contraction Training
Static contraction training (consisting mainly of isometric training) can be an effective and powerful training tool, especially if it's utilized over a variety of angles.
Training for Maximum Strength
Training for Maximum Strength
Why is it that we have the greatest athletic talent pool in the world, but we don't turn out world record holders like we should be able to do?
How to Use the Dynamic Effort Method to Increase Your Overhead Press
How to Use the Dynamic Effort Method to Increase Your Overhead Press
If your shoulders are giving you problems, but you still want to work on your overhead press, you need to give this a try.
Systematically Educating Clients for Lifting Success
Systematically Educating Clients for Lifting Success
What’s the difference between training clients and educating them?
Calories Redux (Bulking and Cutting for the Natural Athlete)
Calories Redux (Bulking and Cutting for the Natural Athlete)
Think you have to gain mass before you can add lean muscle? Think again.
Monster Garage Gym: A Point Of Diminishing Returns
Monster Garage Gym: A Point Of Diminishing Returns
Is your weight gain taking you to the point of diminishing returns?
Reality Check for Aspiring Strength Coaches
Reality Check for Aspiring Strength Coaches
You dream of training elite-level athletes? Consider this.
A Lion in Iron: Training—It’s Not That Complicated
A Lion in Iron: Training—It’s Not That Complicated
If something sounds too ridiculous to actually work, it probably is. Stick with the tried and true methods.
Training Block III: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
Training Block III: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
The final block in Coach X's GPP program... Get ready to work.
“I’m Too Young to Be This Damn Old!”
“I’m Too Young to Be This Damn Old!”
If you aren't sweating, you're not working hard enough.
Roasted Muscle Sprouts
Roasted Muscle Sprouts
Dad tested, kid approved—the veggie for every man looking to get strong(er).
A Multifaceted Approach to Pull-Up Improvement
A Multifaceted Approach to Pull-Up Improvement
Barring injury, everyone should be able to do at least ten quality pull-ups.
LTT3 Lost Footage: Vincent Dizenzo
LTT3 Lost Footage: Vincent Dizenzo
Putting a program through its paces and getting enough sleep will really help you SFW.
A Relationship That Will Last a Lifetime
A Relationship That Will Last a Lifetime
This Valentine's Day, we are helping you express your feelings for your one true love.
Kentucky Strong: Qualities of the “Private Sector” High School Strength Coach
Kentucky Strong: Qualities of the “Private Sector” High School Strength ...
If you want to be a successful strength coach in the private sector, you should possess these qualities.
The Best of Jim Wendler
The Best of Jim Wendler
Happy Birthday to the one and only...Jim Wendler!
No Bullsh*t!: The Four Types of Extra Workouts
No Bullsh*t!: The Four Types of Extra Workouts
These can make a significant difference in your training, technique, and strength gains.
Tips for Overthinkers
Tips for Overthinkers
Sometimes it should be more about feel and less about numbers, more about quality and less about quantity.
LTT3 Lost Footage: Mountain Dog Crew
LTT3 Lost Footage: Mountain Dog Crew
These short seminar clips will make you think about what you eat and how you approach your daily routine.
Picking Your Prowler® Flu Poison
Picking Your Prowler® Flu Poison
Which Prowler® is best for you?
Strength: An Endangered Species
Strength: An Endangered Species
It's a trait that has faded over time, but it will not be forgotten.
Sprinting on Sand: Good or Bad?
Sprinting on Sand: Good or Bad?
Or perhaps it's just another excuse you can use to head to the beach...
Why I Love the Multi-Purpose Bar
Why I Love the Multi-Purpose Bar
It adds variation to your routine AND offers health benefits? No wonder it's true love.
Could This Be It?
Could This Be It?
After strain, abuse, and injury, "Why do you do what you do?"
Strength and Conditioning for Rugby: Must Haves
Strength and Conditioning for Rugby: Must Haves
After recently being let go by the Australian Rugby Union, I've had time to contemplate what is important in rugby strength and conditioning—basically the "must haves" rather than the "nice to haves."
Training Block II: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
Training Block II: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
It's time for the second training block in Coach X's GPP program.
Your Questions Answered, Part 15
Your Questions Answered, Part 15
What does Dave think about the eBook method movement?
The Grind
The Grind
It's something lifters often forget to do. Do you?
Get Strong and Conditioned for Life
Get Strong and Conditioned for Life
Stick with a basic routine, and you will get to where you want to be.
Your Questions Answered, Part 14
Your Questions Answered, Part 14
In this episode, Dave offers advice for new business owners.
Q&A Starring Jeremy Frey
Q&A Starring Jeremy Frey
Training, programs, and supplements—here's the gist from Jeremy.
What Is Your End Game?
What Is Your End Game?
Being a strength coach is one of the greatest jobs on earth, but you must be prepared.
Your Questions Answered, Part 13
Your Questions Answered, Part 13
Dave, in fact, has been an anti-overhead press guy long before John ever was. Why?
Dizenzo: Rebuilding My Bench
Dizenzo: Rebuilding My Bench
Somebody has a video camera, and he's not afraid to use Vincent's journey to a better bench press.
Taking You from Curling in the Squat Rack to Squatting in the Curl Rack
Taking You from Curling in the Squat Rack to Squatting in the Curl Rack
Hey brah, forget about curling in front of the mirror. If you want to look good with your shirt off and be strong as shit, this is the program for you.
Your Questions Answered, Part 12
Your Questions Answered, Part 12
Where's the "So You Think You Can Deadlift?" series? It's already here.
The Football Crisis: An Intern’s Story
The Football Crisis: An Intern’s Story
An underlying tension is driving a chasm between the way that teams and private facilities go about developing their football players...and it's growing.
Monster Garage Gym: Tough Love...Friends Don't Let Friends Squat High
Monster Garage Gym: Tough Love...Friends Don't Let Friends Squat High
The truth may not always be what they want to hear, but it's what they need to hear.

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