A Lion in Iron: You Can't Bench…
Not being able to bench may be your worst nightmare, but these powerful alternatives will help get you through.
People Do What Works
It's often a challenge to train an unmotivated client or a client with special needs. However, if you can apply some basic behavioral fundamentals, you can be empowered to take control of your training sessions and help your client reach his/her goals.
Training Block I: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
Coach X reveals the first training block in his GPP program.
elitefts™ Classic: In the Beginning
Bob Youngs describes his first training program while at Westside.
By the Coach for the Coach: Triphasic Training
To find out more about triphasic training, Todd Hammer interviewed the man behind the magic—Cal Dietz.
"I'm Too Young to be this Damn Old!": A Break in Action, ...
You know you're in love with the Iron when all you can think about is getting back on the platform...even after surgery.
Stop Training for Size, Strength, and Power
Taking some time off from training is more beneficial than you might think.
Kentucky Strong: The Circus Dumbbell: Technique & Programming
It's an event that can bring even the strongest of men to their knees. However, this program might be all you need to get the better of it.
Your Questions Answered, Part 8
In this episode, Dave shares his view on teenagers involved with powerlifting and weight training.
Football’s Over... Now What?
It's a time for a little rest and recovery, but that doesn't mean it's time for a complete absence of training.
Mental Imagery for Training
To be successful, you must be determined. You must imagine yourself succeeding.
Teaching the Hip Hinge
It's a basic movement that ALL athletes need to master, as it will set them up for safety and success down the road.
Your Questions Answered, Part 6
In this episode, Dave discusses how and when to incorporate a fifth training day into your program.
Power on Ice: Training Routines of the World’s Best Bobsled and Skeleton...
These guys and gals are jacked. They are serious about their training and every bit as strong and fast as they look… and then some.
Being Human, Part IV: Masters of Sprint
The Sports Jester is back with his fourth installment of his running technique series.
Introduction: Coach X's Original GPP Manual
An introduction to the objectives of Coach X's original GPP training program.
Breaking Down Your Training Program
Having a problem with your programming? Jennifer Petrosino can break it down for you.
Conclusion: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on Am...
As a society, we want to witness larger than life events, and this could shape the future of PED use in sports.
Bench: Bust It, Don't Let It Bust You
No matter how experienced you are, there is always room for improvement on your lifts. And sound advice from a great teacher is truly indispensable.
Results: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on Ameri...
Americans pop pills for headaches, energy, sleep, etc. So it's no surprise that athletes would want pills to help them excel.
Deadlifts, Chains, and Good Mornings
Once again, Jennifer Petrosino is ready and willing to help answer your questions.
Your Questions Answered, Part 5
In this episode, Dave shares a few tips for those preparing for their first meet.
Don't Shake the Weights!
Always try to stay inside of yourself and learn where that power is stored. Most importantly, learn how to call upon it when the time comes.
You Ask, We Answer (Round 1, Part 4)
You are just coming off an injury, and you are eager to get back to those heavy weights. Is it too soon?
Good Mornings: Understanding a Great Exercise
As one of the most effective lifts you can do for total muscular development, it is important to know how to do it right.
Hoss’s Project Jonah, Part I
Scott Cartwright has taken on an epic challenge: training his son Jonah. And you get to watch it all unfold.
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on ...
Whether it be for moral reasons or their dangerous side effects, the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports is considered by many to be a problem.
Your Questions Answered, Part 3
In this episode, Dave discusses his impressions of several familiar names he has met through the Iron Game.
Banned Fitness Phrases for 2013
Okay, so maybe they're not banned... but they, like, totally should be. You know, brah?
Your Questions Answered, Part 2
In this episode, Dave discusses the role his injuries are playing in his training.
Training or 'Working Out?'
Weight training is not a low skill activity and should not be confused with simply "working out."
Your Questions Answered, Part 1
Dave Tate answers the first reader question in the new series, Your Questions Answered.
The Little Things Add Up
Sometimes it's the little things that can push us from great to greater. See if these small tricks help you.
The Cube Method: Yeah or Nay?
Jennifer Petrosino takes an outside look at this four-day block rotation program.
Training Economy: More than Lifting
If you are hurting for both time and equipment, learning to adapt and make the most of your training program is paramount.
Beginning a New Dance
One dance may be ending, but it's the memories and the dance ahead that brings comfort and hope.
Iron Insights: Diddy’s Kong Quest
In early January 2010, the decision to prepare for a figure show came forth... and Sheena Leedham accepted the challenge.
Being Human, Part III: Pygmy Speed
Their running technique wasn't based on maximum oxygen uptake, the African pygmies focused solely on efficiency.
Under the Bar: How You Are Being Baited.
Dave discusses the logic behind product promotions and business rankings.
How to Use Finishers for Serious Results
Workout finishers have been a popular addition to the training world in the last year and for good reason.
Dips Done Right
Do these correctly and you will see the chiseled results in your chest and triceps... as well as a stronger pressing power.
Keep it simple- Eat Clean and Push Protein
Whether you are looking to gain weight, lose weight, or lean-out... a pure and simple diet is your best choice.