Hitting Goals in the New Year
Hitting Goals in the New Year
Are your goals realistic and attainable? Murph recently gave his advice to this Q&A post.
A Magical Day
A Magical Day
Days that go right may be few and far between, but when you have one like this... it's just badass.
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
The Most Impressive Display of Grit
Mental toughness is almost as important as physical strength when it comes to breaking through barriers and fears. And these young men have what it takes.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 5)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 5)
The final installment of Jeremy Frey's Block Periodization for Powerlifting presentation.
Specialized Training Programs for Children with Disabilities
Specialized Training Programs for Children with Disabilities
It's an area that is in dire need of attention; however, basic programming knowledge will not suffice. If you want to help children with disabilities, specialized knowledge and insight must first be gained.
Dave Tate Speaks at CrossFit HQ
Dave Tate Speaks at CrossFit HQ
They wanted to learn more about powerlifting... so they called in Dave Tate, of course.
Five Tips to Make You (or That Have Made Me) a Better Coach
Five Tips to Make You (or That Have Made Me) a Better Coach
You want your athletes to grow and advance their skills... why shouldn't you as well?
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
You do not have to wait for the New Year to develop extraordinary resolve, but if the calendar is a useful reminder, use it to your advantage.
Develop Speed with the Tear Regime
Develop Speed with the Tear Regime
With this method, speed won't only be admired and pursued...it will be attained.
Training and DL Advice for a Bicep Nation Hopeful
Training and DL Advice for a Bicep Nation Hopeful
Darden really IS the deadlift go-to guy.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 4)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 4)
Frey continues his block periodization for powerlifting tutorial.
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military (Part 2)
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military (Part 2)
Jesse Pierce competed in his first powerlifting meet. However, as a soldier, the real task was waiting for him after he stepped off the platform.
Weaker Than my Wife: Gym Idiots
Weaker Than my Wife: Gym Idiots
You're not the only one who has to suffer through it. Marshall Johnson has experienced his own commercial gym woes.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 3)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 3)
Frey continues his block periodization for powerlifting tutorial.
Making the Transition
Making the Transition
Personal training and strength and conditioning coaching... the two require a very different mindset and approach to programming.
Locking Out a Deadlift
Locking Out a Deadlift
If you want to deadlift a lot, you have to deadlift a lot... and discover your weaknesses.
It's the Littlest Things That Can Make the Biggest Difference
It's the Littlest Things That Can Make the Biggest Difference
When it comes to competition, you want to make sure everything is in order—even the tiniest things. As Eric Maroscher points out, one thing is definitely key.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 2)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 2)
Frey continues his discussion on how to apply block periodization to powerlifting.
Iron Insights: Mindset
Iron Insights: Mindset
She imagines, she competes, she lives... she's always in the arena.
elitefts™ Crossword Puzzle
elitefts™ Crossword Puzzle
A mental puzzle to test your knowledge of the lifters, products and training methods that are a regular part of the elitefts™ culture.
By the Coach for the Coach: Stronger Than the Sum of Our Parts
By the Coach for the Coach: Stronger Than the Sum of Our Parts
Todd Hamer interviews former professional boxer, Joe Divosevic.
Getting Children with Special Needs Excited to Exercise
Getting Children with Special Needs Excited to Exercise
Getting kids to exercise is never the easiest of tasks, especially when working with those who need a little more attention. However, it's all about finding what brings them joy.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for  Powerlifting (Part 1)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 1)
Frey goes into detail on how to apply block periodization to get the most out of your training.
Overcoming Genetics
Overcoming Genetics
Not everyone is born with the natural ability and physique to be a powerlifter. However, if your are not one of the blessed, it doesn't mean you can't be.
Training for Mass
Training for Mass
Want to get HOOOGE? Read this.
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 3)
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 3)
Another installment of Kroc's course in mental intensity!
Developing Your Own Training Philosophy
Developing Your Own Training Philosophy
To be a great lifter, you must be willing to find out what works for you in a program and what doesn't. And you must be willing to devote the time to doing so.
Jennifer Petrosino Interview
Jennifer Petrosino Interview
We are very proud to introduce Jennifer Petrosino to Team elitefts™!
Training the Elderly and the Obese: The "Give Up" Guide
Training the Elderly and the Obese: The "Give Up" Guide
Not every client is a genetically gifted, young woman without any chronic ailments. This is real life, and trainers need to be able to work with all demographics.
A Recovering Endurance Addict's First Lifting Injury
A Recovering Endurance Addict's First Lifting Injury
Working around the pain: the key is knowing when to pick your battles... or you won’t be in the fight at all.
My Westside Barbell™ Experience
My Westside Barbell™ Experience
The Mental Aspect of Westside Barbell: How I lived it, learned from it and pass it on.
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 2)
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 2)
Matt Kroc shares some tips on the mental aspects of high performance lifting. Matt Kroc’s Training Log Articles by Kroc.
The Blue-Collar Lifter
The Blue-Collar Lifter
Working long hours, taking care of the kids, and training at a commercial gym whenever you can squeeze it in? Yeah, you might be a blue-collar lifter. But busy or not, nothing keeps you from the iron.
Reno Hardcore: Neurological Considerations
Reno Hardcore: Neurological Considerations
Muscle memory is extremely important when it comes to lifting. However, have you instilled your muscles with the correct memory for proper technique?
Analysis of Bench Shirt Carry Over
Analysis of Bench Shirt Carry Over
How much does a shirt improve your lift? This study gives you an idea.
Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: the Jack Conventional Deadlift Suit
Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: the Jack Conventional Deadlift Suit
Save your manhood. If you are a conventional deadlifter, you need this suit.
A Movie Review
A Movie Review
Stevie P. goes Ebert and Roeper.
Why Do We Do This?
Why Do We Do This?
If you are a lifter, you already know the answer.
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 1)
Matt Kroc Lost Footage (Part 1)
Matt Kroc shares some tips on the mental aspects of high performance lifting.
 Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
Scott Yard: Going for Personal and American Records
His main goal at the USAPL North East Regional Championships was to total at least 1,800 pounds, but that doesn't mean Scott didn't try to shatter a current American record as well.
The Strange Case of Dr. Strength and Mr. Power
The Strange Case of Dr. Strength and Mr. Power
Functional training, circuit-style workouts are the latest fashion at gyms today. But what do they really do for an athletes strength and power output?
The PTC Philosophy: Preparation of an American Football Player
The PTC Philosophy: Preparation of an American Football Player
Sports and strength coaching is all about biology. Physical performance is all about biological adaptations, and training is about manipulating and improving biological outputs.
Does the Calorie Equation Work?
Does the Calorie Equation Work?
Calories consumed and calories burned...but is there more to the equation?
Q&A with Jeremy Frey
Q&A with Jeremy Frey
From powerlifting and programming to strength coaching advice, Jeremy Frey has the answers.
By the Coach for the Coach: Lessons Learned
By the Coach for the Coach: Lessons Learned
One's coaching philosophy and training strategy is shaped by more than personal preference...it is molded by one's thoughts, experiences, and lessons.
I've Got 99 Problems but My Shoulder Ain’t One
I've Got 99 Problems but My Shoulder Ain’t One
As one of the most complex joints in your body, your shoulder is something you want to take the time to strengthen and protect. Follow these tips to avoid shoulder issues.
Under the Bar: Four Ways to Tell if Your Coach has a Clue
Under the Bar: Four Ways to Tell if Your Coach has a Clue
The basics of training are scientific and finite. Does your coach or trainer actually know the facts?
5/3/1 and 40
5/3/1 and 40
A training program is not "one size fits all." As Jesse Rosenberger discovered, you will have your own keepers, mistakes, preferences, and throwbacks.
Ramblings of an Old Gym Rat
Ramblings of an Old Gym Rat
All of us have a story about the first time we fell in love with the iron. However, some of us have more of an unconventional love affair.
 The Iron Sport Strength Method: Injury Protocol
The Iron Sport Strength Method: Injury Protocol
Ever wonder what to do if you have an injury? Stevey P. has his own method for handling those annoying pains.
Using the Force-Velocity Curve to Build Better Athletes
Using the Force-Velocity Curve to Build Better Athletes
The force-velocity curve is one of the most important concepts to understand when aiming to increase athletic performance.
The Three Teachers
The Three Teachers
There were once three immortal teachers named Failure, Mistake, and Consequence.
The Importance of Playing Games with Young Athletes
The Importance of Playing Games with Young Athletes
Kids today have more excuses for staying indoors than they did 15 years ago. Thankfully, these tips will get them excited to wake up and run out the door in the morning.
Because the World Needs More Heroes
Because the World Needs More Heroes
With the right drive and determination, you can conquer your goals. You can be an inspiration.
Getting a Bench Shirt On...Alone
Getting a Bench Shirt On...Alone
Benching alone? And with a shirt? Clint Darden has a few tricks up his sleeve for geting that sucker on.
The Role of Athletics in Youth Development
The Role of Athletics in Youth Development
Youth participation in athletics is more than just a pastime, it is a valuable resource for growth and positive development.
Evolution or Epidemic?
Evolution or Epidemic?
The human body was designed for movement, but we are moving less than ever before... and we are suffering because of it.
Strongman Training for Noobs
Strongman Training for Noobs
Strongman and strong man. There's a difference. If you want to be a Strongman competitor, you might want to consider these useful tips.

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