When Life Gets in the Way
When Life Gets in the Way
Natural disasters of unparalleled proportions can bring about revelations and put "life" into an inarguably real perspective.
Dropping Weight Classes: It’s About More Than the Scale
Dropping Weight Classes: It’s About More Than the Scale
Many people think that dieting is the most difficult part about cutting weight for a meet. Yet, for Paul Oneid, the weight loss was not the obstacle... the accompanying factors were.
Training Through Tragedy
Training Through Tragedy
Life is 90% how we react to it. The question is, would you let heartache destroy you, or would you fight back like Andrews?
Change Your Clients' Behavior One Habit at a Time
Change Your Clients' Behavior One Habit at a Time
As Justin Kompf explains, "Instead of taking a bulldozer to bad health, I’m now using a pick axe, slowly chipping away at bad habits." If you have a few habits to break, here's a way that might help you succeed.
The Difference Between Chronically Overloaded Muscles and Overtraining, Part III
The Difference Between Chronically Overloaded Muscles and Overtraining, ...
As part of your training, you should include some tools and measures to make sure that you're on the right track.
Push Outside Your Comfort Zone
Push Outside Your Comfort Zone
We adapt to change by creating new comfort zones, but it is only when we continually challenge these zones and pursue our passions that we become great.
Plyometric Considerations for Young Athletes, Part II
Plyometric Considerations for Young Athletes, Part II
Is your athlete a power athlete or one with more elastic qualities? Fine tune a plyometric workout to fit their needs.
Reno Hardcore: Arrogance
Reno Hardcore: Arrogance
Arrogance, confidence, and pride all have their place. But when is it too much?
Six New Uses for the Prowler®
Six New Uses for the Prowler®
If you are like most, you have a Love-Hate relationship with the Prowler®. However, if you are only using it to work up a case of the Prowler® flu, you are missing out on these other great uses. (Plus, you may even get to keep your breakfast).
Leftover Turkey Pot Pie
Leftover Turkey Pot Pie
Nice job... you overcooked the turkey. Your ONE task on Thanksgiving day. Thankfully, the Betty Crocker of powerlifting has your back once again. (So your better half won't be able to hold your epic fail over your head for too much longer).
The Difference Between Overloaded Muscles and Overtraining, Part II
The Difference Between Overloaded Muscles and Overtraining, Part II
The first and most important part in the treatment is to remove the stress that creates the vicious circle of overloading the muscles.
Squat Experiment Conclusion
Squat Experiment Conclusion
Squat Experiment Conclusion: Front or side view. Which should you use in your training?
Thanksgiving Message from Dave Tate
Thanksgiving Message from Dave Tate
On this Thanksgiving, I give thanks to you.
Revisited Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
Revisited Recipe: Bacon Wrapped Asparagus
Just about everything is better wrapped in bacon. While we wouldn't recommend wrapping your Thanksgiving Day turkey in it—that would take too long—asparagus is a great alternative.
Revisited Recipe: Dirty Cauli-rice
Revisited Recipe: Dirty Cauli-rice
If you are getting ready for a day of cooking and baking, you may want to consider adding this tasty dish to your menu.
Simplifying the Squat
Simplifying the Squat
Incorporating bands into your squat will quickly help improve your form.
The Difference Between Overloaded Muscles and Overtraining, Part I
The Difference Between Overloaded Muscles and Overtraining, Part I
Everything was fine for a while, but after three months, my scores suddenly dropped significantly.
Gear on the Brain
Gear on the Brain
Serious lifters love it, but novice lifters have no clue how to get started. Our top gear experts answer your questions!
Women, Training, and Misconceptions
Women, Training, and Misconceptions
Every day I hear things from women that are flat out untrue.
Quick Thoughts on the Science of Lifting, Part 2
Quick Thoughts on the Science of Lifting, Part 2
While some are getting busted, others are finding new ways to improve. All in the work of science.
They are NOT Angry Birds! Normalcy?
They are NOT Angry Birds! Normalcy?
Normalcy is overrated. Desire to be extraordinary.
Egg Cups
Egg Cups
Do you need a meal that really packs a protein punch? Well, here you go. Perfect for breakfast, lunch, or even brinner (breakfast for dinner, y'all).
Chaos Method Training
Chaos Method Training
Up until the last few months, my template has been the same. It was coined the "Chaos Method."
Darden Diaries: Bicep Training for Strongman?
Darden Diaries: Bicep Training for Strongman?
Do you need to focus on bicep work while training for Strongman?
Kindergarten Tricks
Kindergarten Tricks
You’d be amazed how much I take away from the elementary school students and apply to my clients at the gym.
A Recovering Endurance Addict
A Recovering Endurance Addict
"I think you are f***ing up.” Quite a way to start a conversation, but that was how it went for me.
Like a Fox
Like a Fox
Clint, when is it time to leave one girl for another?
I’ll Never Be Strong Enough
I’ll Never Be Strong Enough
I will never ever feel strong enough. I will spend my entire life needing to be strong(er).
In Praise of the Barbell
In Praise of the Barbell
The barbell has been vilified and unfairly characterized as an "unsafe" and "unnecessary" outdated member of the "fitness center."
 Moving Past Socialization
Moving Past Socialization
After my last two discussions on women’s roles and expectations in strength, it’s time to truly identify some strong women in action.
What We Don’t Know in High School
What We Don’t Know in High School
Staying true to my pseudonym, I wanted to write an article that gives coaches an insight into their athletes’ minds, particularly the mind of a high school athlete.
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
Elitefts Equipment 101: New & Improved SS Yoke Bar
EVERYTHING you wanted to know about the new & improved SS Yoke Bar plus a TON of training information.
Crunches: Not as Bad as We Thought?
Crunches: Not as Bad as We Thought?
I've been reading more and more on the internet about how crunches and sit-ups are evil and anyone who does them will ruin his back and a host of other bullshit stories like that.
Coach X is Back
Coach X is Back
I feel like the book Where's Waldo, except this is "Where's Coach X."
Social Distortion: Kobe and Arnold
Social Distortion: Kobe and Arnold
I need you to ask yourself a question: how bad do you really want to be great?
A Powerlifter at Your Age?
A Powerlifter at Your Age?
I'm 70 years old... and I just competed in my first powerlifting meet.
Being Human, Part II: The Kenyan Story
Being Human, Part II: The Kenyan Story
One of the most basic skills in athleticism is running bio-mechanics. But what if everything that coaches believe about proper form is incorrect?
I (Can't) Complain
I (Can't) Complain
Bridal bootcamps and free water... who needs it?
Training for Fitness Versus Training for Performance
Training for Fitness Versus Training for Performance
Time serves as the main tenet behind goal setting and management. Time is also what separates the training of two qualities that are misinterpreted by fitness professionals and clients alike.
Lessons from Competing
Lessons from Competing
The benefits of competition can be far greater than winning a title; however, you have to learn to commit.
Tough Love: You and Your Diet
Tough Love: You and Your Diet
You asked about what to eat, elitefts™ responded. We didn't sugarcoat it, either.
44 and Broken, Part 9
44 and Broken, Part 9
It’s done and in the books. I competed at the 16th annual RPS Power Challenge on October 21, 2012.
Let's Talk About the Deadlift
Let's Talk About the Deadlift
Tips to improve your technique and strengthen your performance.
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part III
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part III
I wanted to wrap up this LTT write up with the second day of the seminar. While I can't say for sure how the attendees feel, this is always my favorite part of the weekend.
The Weekly Caloric Method
The Weekly Caloric Method
Your body isn't a robot, and you shouldn't treat it like one. Learn how to track your calories the proper way in order to get into the best shape of your life.
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part II
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part II
This time around, I was actually able to listen to the speakers without being dragged into the dungeon of doom (aka: the elitefts2 basement) for interviews.
Maxing Out
Maxing Out
You want to be fresh when you take your max attempt, so a ton of reps and sets are not a good idea when maxing out.
Carb-y Cookie
Carb-y Cookie
A Q&A twist: Murph asked for help and received a goooood answer.
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part II: To Carb or Not to Carb
I’m going to discuss two schools of thought on this issue: to immediately carb-up post workout or to prolong or completely avoid carbs post workout.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: The Physical Culture
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: The Physical Culture
We have come full circle, to the time when we are now called the “Physical Culture” once again.
elitefts™ Classic: Training Log Tips
elitefts™ Classic: Training Log Tips
If you haven’t been reading the training logs, you’ve been missing out on some great “in the trenches” training advice.
Opportunity Through Injury
Opportunity Through Injury
Nearly everyone I’ve ever talked to who has been hurt says that the hardest part is being unable to perform at his or her sport or activity.
44 and Broken, Part 8
44 and Broken, Part 8
This is the last time you’ll hear from me until it is in the books.
Monster Drinks May Kill You, But This Won’t
Monster Drinks May Kill You, But This Won’t
A geyser of energy drink erupted from my nostrils as I read an article from the Huffington Post claiming that Monster Drinks may be linked to five deaths.
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar, Parts 17 & 18
2000 elitefts™ Strength Seminar, Parts 17 & 18
This is part seventeen and eighteen of the original elitefts™ Tour De Force Strength Training Seminar (video). We will be posting all parts of this seminar so keep checking back.
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part I
A Very Ladewski LTT, Part I
My LTT experience usually begins on Thursday— a little earlier than everyone else. During the last LTT in May, I worked with a dozen youth athletes doing some speed training work, and I was invited to do so again this time.
Training Guys and Girls: Is There a Difference?
Training Guys and Girls: Is There a Difference?
I noticed that the guys responded well, yet I couldn’t figure out why the girls weren't getting it and didn’t want to try.
What I Learned from Strongman
What I Learned from Strongman
I decided to make a list of five things that I learned along the way and think are relevant to all sports, training structures, and goals in or outside the gym.

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