The Current Buzz: CBL
The Current Buzz: CBL
Vince and Julia discuss what's on your mind: Carb Back-Loading.
Iron Subculture Podcast: JL Holdsworth's "Six Things That Really Piss Me Off!" (Episode #9))
Iron Subculture Podcast: JL Holdsworth's "Six Things That Real...
The sixth episode of the Iron Subculture Podcast features JL Holdsworth, John Meadows, Shelby Starnes, Mick Manley, Marshall Johnson, Julia Ladewski and more...
Twelve Steps to Getting Big
Twelve Steps to Getting Big
While every young guy seems to know that lifting heavy is the foundation of building muscle, most have the dietary caloric intake of a 16-year-old girl.
The Forgotten Benefit of Functional Leg Training
The Forgotten Benefit of Functional Leg Training
Instead of hitting the upper body just twice a week, we get extra stimulation because we're working the lower body by holding on to the weights, which means extra time under tension and stimulation for the traps, lats, rhomboids, lumbars, and quadratus lumborum.
My Trip to Learn To Train 5
My Trip to Learn To Train 5
This is the tale of the best weekend of my existence! I went to the Learn To Train seminar at the compound. We met some of the best minds and people in lifting, training and in life!
Shifting Paradigm: Strength/Power/Speed
Shifting Paradigm: Strength/Power/Speed
Strength, power, and speed are all interesting concepts on their own, and each has its place in a strength and conditioning program.
Love, Commitment, Pain, and Sacrifice
Love, Commitment, Pain, and Sacrifice
In fitness, great achievement can't be attained without love.
Coach X Breaks It Down
Coach X Breaks It Down
Blunt and straightforward. Coach X tells us what we need to hear.
Five Ways Strength Coaches Can Make Their Teams Better
Five Ways Strength Coaches Can Make Their Teams Better
It’s often assumed that a strength coach’s primary responsibility is to make their players better at their sport. While making the players better is essential, making the TEAM better should be the ultimate goal.
Mechanical Advantage Drop Sets:  Invention of Necessity?
Mechanical Advantage Drop Sets: Invention of Necessity?
As a 16-year old kid, I knew that when two jacked cats like this come into the gym and preach about building size, it’s time to shut up, take notes and soak up that information like a sponge.
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part I
Peri-Workout Nutrition, Part I
A fair amount of research exists about peri-workout nutrition. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of myths. So, what is true?
44 and Broken, Part 7
44 and Broken, Part 7
I’m coming to the end of the training cycle, and the meet is only a few weeks away.
Specifics of Programming
Specifics of Programming
Chad gives advice on how to calculate your program.
PL Newbie Guide
PL Newbie Guide
How to prepare, what to expect, and all that comes in between your first time on the platform.
Optimus H²0
Optimus H²0
"Now that's what I call high quality H2O." - Bobby Boucher, The Waterboy
Weight Gain: Make It Happen
Weight Gain: Make It Happen
God dealt us a metabolism that's fit for an endurance athlete, not someone big and strong. You just have to decide that you're not going to accept it.
How to Avoid the Freshman Fifteen
How to Avoid the Freshman Fifteen
The key to maintaining a healthy body and living a healthy lifestyle lies in the choices we make.
Deadlift Training
Deadlift Training
Clint shares his 10-week deadlift program.
Under The Bar: Do You REALLY Follow Through?
Under The Bar: Do You REALLY Follow Through?
Following through IS one of the most important values that is more about how it is implanted than just putting it into practice.
The Art of Balance
The Art of Balance
The science of RSS is based upon the principle that to stand upright, your body is playing an ever constant balance game with itself.
Reno Hardcore: Champions of Sport and Life
Reno Hardcore: Champions of Sport and Life
Many strength athletes are way more than just big strong muscle heads.
44 and Broken, Part 6
44 and Broken, Part 6
I am now 3 weeks out from the meet... Mentally, I have been better.
Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: Gear Tips
Off the Cuff with Brian Carroll: Gear Tips
If you’re new to the art of lifting in powerlifting gear, here are some tips you should consider. Your form will go to crap, you’ll panic and go way too deep, or you’ll go brain-dead and cut the squat by three inches.
Beyond the Cortisone Shot: Iontophoretic Therapy
Beyond the Cortisone Shot: Iontophoretic Therapy
I underwent three rounds of iontophoresis a few months ago for an aggravated nerve/tendon issue that I’m having with both arms.
Master Your Goals
Master Your Goals
During the last couple years, I've seen a very welcome change in the mindset of many guys and gals entering the gym.
Get Your Grip Back
Get Your Grip Back
My first thought is if you aren't already using it, start hook gripping. Painful, yes. Essential in this situation, perhaps.
The Science and Importance of Taking It to the Limit
The Science and Importance of Taking It to the Limit
I'm a strengthaholic. I'm consumed with lifting, learning about lifting, and teaching other people how they can lift better.
Breaking in the Ace
Breaking in the Ace
Get in the shirt and learn the groove.
Fighting 1000 lbs. in Kandahar
Fighting 1000 lbs. in Kandahar
Most people aren’t willing to risk life or limb in a backyard meet. Yet, that’s what happened as Kandahar Airfield hosted its second annual “1000 lbs. Club” powerlifting challenge in Afghanistan.
Getting the Most Out of Your Combine and Pro Day Prep
Getting the Most Out of Your Combine and Pro Day Prep
The most important thing to remember when prepping for any sort of football combine is that you aren’t getting ready for a football game.
Fasts and Sprints for Fast Fat Loss
Fasts and Sprints for Fast Fat Loss
Losing weight, specifically fat, is a struggle for most.
44 and Broken, Part 5
44 and Broken, Part 5
I’ll need to learn how to either let go of the past (misses) or to re channel the energy into something positive and EAT.
Training the Younger Generation of Athletes
Training the Younger Generation of Athletes
Now more than ever, the younger generation of athletes (and their parents) are looking to gain an edge.
There Is a Place for Everything
There Is a Place for Everything
While you won’t, and shouldn’t, agree with everything they do or say, it’s important to stay open-minded enough to figure out what you like and what you don’t like about their philosophies.
The Ladder…Good? Bad? Both.
The Ladder…Good? Bad? Both.
Ladder drills should be included in the dynamic warm up phase of a complete strength and conditioning program on occasion to change things up and keep it fresh.
Failure Is Under-Rated
Failure Is Under-Rated
What if I said that failure is, in fact, an option and it can actually improve your performance and understanding of the task at which you failed?
A Summer of Life Learning
A Summer of Life Learning
I have yet to meet someone who is "balanced" and also great at what he does or at the top of his game in his selected sport or field.
Wretchedness Training
Wretchedness Training
Wretchedness Training
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 4
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 4
We use 2-, 3-, and 4-board presses, different grips, and different bars; we're always tricking the body.
By the Coach for the Coach: Be a Better Coach
By the Coach for the Coach: Be a Better Coach
I've been doing a lot of soul searching about what the goals are for this article series.
44 and Broken, Part 4
44 and Broken, Part 4
I’m half way through the training cycle for my meet. I almost forgot how hard training for a meet is on your body.
Ladders to Success
Ladders to Success
Ladders—get stronger, fitter, and faster, all without touching a treadmill or resting for light years between sets.
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 3
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 3
We're looking for great mechanics and the ability to understand different movements.
Load Shift Training
Load Shift Training
You are only as strong as your weakest link; when that link breaks, the related injury can keep you out of the gym for an extended period of time.
Gym Lift Carryover for Strongman
Gym Lift Carryover for Strongman
Andy Deck weighs in on the best gym lifts to help your strongman training.
A Very Different View of Training
A Very Different View of Training
I prepare an athlete to develop optimum control of his body as he moves, which is why I view core stability a failure as a basic model of athletic training.
How to be a Superman with Your Knees
How to be a Superman with Your Knees
I was told that I had a twelve- to eighteen-month recovery ahead of me and that I would never have 100 percent use of my leg again.
Weighted Dip Ramblings
Weighted Dip Ramblings
Weighted dips force you to handle your body weight, plus an additional load
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 2
How to Develop a High School Football Player, Part 2
I care about results and that’s what we get—results!
Reno Hardcore: I Am An elitefts™ Athlete
Reno Hardcore: I Am An elitefts™ Athlete
I hadn't competed in anything since college and that fire was raging again after the meet.
How to Use Chains And Bands
How to Use Chains And Bands
Is the use of bands and chains some magical tool that will create supermen?
More About Informational Integrity
More About Informational Integrity
I simply don’t like frauds who attempt to practice their fraudulence at my expense.
Under The Bar: Did You Miss This?
Under The Bar: Did You Miss This?
What better way to write a column then to just post a bunch of random stuff I have posted in my log, the QA, Facebook and Twitter?
44 and Broken, Part 3
44 and Broken, Part 3
I’m three weeks into my journey to return to competition after a six-year layoff. So far I have received a lot of positive feedback for putting my quest out there.
Top Five Most Hated Prowler Exercises
Top Five Most Hated Prowler Exercises
The Prowler is one of the best conditioning tools around.
Training the Female Athlete: Culture, Education, and Motivation
Training the Female Athlete: Culture, Education, and Motivation
The girl steps into the gym for the first time and is met with the smell of sweat and the sound of metal clanging violently.
Training Tips for the One-Man Wolfpack
Training Tips for the One-Man Wolfpack
If getting a crew together to train is out of the question, there are things you can do to make training on your own suck a little bit less.
44 and Broken, Part 2
44 and Broken, Part 2
I’m 44, have a list of injuries that keep me from walking, never mind lifting, but I’m not done yet.
How to Keep Your High School Athlete's College Strength Coach from Hating Your Guts
How to Keep Your High School Athlete's College Strength Coach from ...
As football season approaches, many athletes are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to put all their hard-earned, off-season gains to the test on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and maybe even Monday nights.

Items 1063 to 1121 of 2134 total