The Fire
I have such an urge to get back under the bar that there are few things I can compare it to.
The Sour Project (Episode 1): Ericka, Ericka, Ericka...
I have a hard time being a cheerleader for someone who praises half squats and barely-there benches
My SPF Powerstation Pro/Am Results (with video)
My training went relatively well going into this meet and I expected to hit some PRs, but things never seem to go as planned.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Deadlifter
In the end, as powerlifters, strength athletes, and combat sport practitioners, we go to extremes to succeed.
By the Coach for the Coach: It Isn't the Strongest of the Species T...
I like to think that, as a profession, we're much better than we were.
My Experience with Strength Training in the Military
Sometimes I would question what kept me going back to train; I rarely set a new record.
A Case for Wide Squats
Squats should be looked at as more of a movement, not simply a specific muscle developer, and the entire body should be involved in the lift.
Dave Tate and Julia Ladewski on Sport Training, Part 2
In the second part of this two-part interview, Dave speaks to Julia Ladewski about the importance of comprehensive program in order to prevent injuries.
Dave Tate and Julia Ladewski on Sport Training (part 1)
Dave Tate and Julia Ladewski talk athletic training.
Mental Aspect of Olympic Weightlifting
I was known around my gym and by other area lifters as the guy who hit himself, headbutted objects, and always had plenty of ammonia on hand.
Spacial Awareness
Yeah, I’m pissing and moaning a lot about bullshit, but this just isn’t necessary.
Iron Subculture UNCENSORED with Dave Tate
Dave shows up for work pretty riled up. He feels the need to say some things...
Building a Super Hero Chest
The key to a lean anterior upper body (mainly chest and abs) is your total amount of body fat.
Visualizing a Lift: Part 2, Ritual Reinforcement
This is your only chance; how do you want this set to go down?
Quick Thoughts on the Science of Lifting
It’s something to be concerned with if you’re a competitive athlete because folks are obviously getting busted.
IronSport: Cannonball Run Shoulder Day
I call it cannonball run because when it was done, my shoulders looked like (and were as lethal as) cannonballs.
Disable Your Strength Limits, Focus on Pain
Take the time to fix your aliments and you'll be thanking yourself for those three weeks that gave you continued years of pain-free training.
Maintaining Upper Back Tightness in the Squat
If it is a weakness issue, you should be adding good mornings and Zercher squats to your assistance training.
Unilateral Strength Training: Experts' Roundtable
If you want to get strong as hell, you’d better not overlook unilateral (single limb) strength training. These exercises offer the perfect complement to your bilateral (double leg/arm ) movements to help keep your strength gains plentiful.
Band Pull-Apart Super Series for Healthy Shoulders
One of the biggest issues we face at our gym is shoulder health.
The Rough Patch
It seems that when most folk are going through a rough patch in life, lifting gets them through it.
The Coach
He taught me more about the deadlift in ten minutes than I had managed to learn in two years. Just imagine what might happen over the next twelve weeks leading up to my next meet.
Core Curriculum
Strength and conditioning professionals, including seasoned veterans with many years in the trenches, might find themselves hard pressed to provide rationale for core exercises that they're programming for their athletes.
It is the sympathetic system that is most dominant and therefore most active. Ever wonder why you feel fatigued? This is why!
Doing What NEEDS to be Done (Part 1)
Next, I’ll write about how I adopted this principle into that very thing which gets in the way of our training…"LIFE!”
What Programs Will Get You Brutally Strong?
So, to sum up: pick a program you believe in, work HARD at it and get brutally strong.
Targeted Tension Training
A key to success in virtually every major lift is the ability to create, store, and release tension when the time is right to express proper strength.
Iron Sport: How to Become a Dominator
The dominator gene is not so much a physical attribute, but an element of will.
Is Your Squat Too Low?
Avoiding the “tuck under” during heavily loaded squats will save you years of pain and injury and will lead to more consistent training and better, stronger results.
Dave Tate on the Learn To Train Seminar 4
Hard training, brotherhood, learning from one another, and all for a great cause...LTT4
Setting Up a Strongman Program
Setting up a strongman program is no different than any other type of program.
Strength: What Are You Going to Do with Yours?
I’m going to push through that ache in my hips, that sting in my shoulder, and get that damn PR.
Learning to Learn: Becoming the Strength Coach You Were Meant to Be, Part 2
Self-education is probably the most important factor in being successful. I will take you on a journey to all the sources from which I get my information and how to learn from each.
If You Were Thinking, You Wouldn’t Have Thought
Holistic health. Why isn't this realm of information mentioned on here among powerlifters and bodybuilders?
Interns and Impact, Part Three: The Impression You Make on Your Peers
For every great friendship you develop during your internship experiences, I can guarantee you will have a nemesis or two.
Learning to Learn: Becoming the Strength Coach You Were Meant to Be, Part 1
Based on what has been presented to you, you can now coach knowing there are specific steps that athletes go through in order to learn.
IRON: How to Take Control of Life and Live It on Our Terms
It has been nearly a year since I last had a bad day and I feel like a completely different person now.
What to Do Between Sets
I'm sure you've witnessed people at the gym yapping away between sets to the point that their workout turns into a marathon.
Can CrossFit Make You Better?
Raise your hand if you’d accept a time travel invitation to train with Arnold and company back at Gold’s Venice during bodybuilding’s golden era.
Thank God It's Deload Week
I was fortunate enough to attend a seminar at DeFranco’s Gym that was hosted by Joe DeFranco, Jim Wendler, and Date Tate. It was there that Dave first introduced me to the concept of a deload.
You Can’t Get Jacked if You’re All Jacked Up: How to Warm Up Your Client...
All you need is five minutes to foam roll, five minutes to do the breathing and bracing, and five minutes to do the dynamic warm up and you’re all set!
Deadlifts as Finishing Movements
You work the heaviest most compound movement last when you're at your weakest.
Five Man Maker Moves for Athletes
If you’re looking to go from pine shining bench warmer to Captain, starter, and all-district, take these for a spin in the coming weeks and watch your athleticism explode.
Stand on the Shoulders of Giants
Only now can I truly appreciate the measure of the man that is my father. His heart and dedication to those closest to him, in my opinion was and still is his greatest trait.
High Powered Journaling
I feel that tracking by exercise slots makes it easier to watch the progression of the movement. It is also easier to observe progression of that exercise slot over time when you have multiple weeks’ worth of information consolidated into one place.
The Newbie: Fun at the Bottom
During the beginning stages of this strength circus called “powerlifting,” I’m finding a serious need for patience.
Troubleshooting the Unrack on the Bench Press
Unracking the bar without losing your positioning is key.
Post-Pregnancy Tummy Flattening
I'm a huge fan of stabilization exercises, standing ab exercises, and the like.
The Basic Workout Template and FAQ
There are a number of things that can be done to help a lifter that has a weakness off the chest.
Neck and Trap Training for the Strength Athlete
Training the musculature of the neck and trapezius is often ignored by many lifters.
Wide or Narrow Grip Pull-Downs/Pull-Ups: Does It Make a Difference?
Wide for wide, in for in, in for out, out for in—we've heard all the catch phrases for where to hold the bar on a lat pull-down.
How the LTT Seminars Evolved (and I Grew Right Along with Them)
I recognized Dave Tate's passion in myself. I live, eat, breathe and sleep this. Hell, I only have sex cause Jeremy Frey told me that it would make me recover faster.