EFS Classic: The Intermediate Deadlift Cycle
The deadlift may be the purest test of strength in the iron game. Heavy weight. On the floor. Must pick it up.
Training Concepts, Recovery and Knee Rehab with Buddy Morris
These videos made me realize what I needed to do in order to preserve longevitiy in doing what I love...lifting!!
MMA Rope Conditioning
Rope training is one of the premier tools you can use in your quest for victorious MMA conditioning.
Speed Development
An athlete with more power has greater torque, leading to a quicker athlete with more top end speed.
Weight Room Lessons from the Ladies
While not as uncomfortable as spending an afternoon watching chick flicks and melodramas (that goddamn Gray’s Anatomy), this article is about to gently nudge you out of your comfort zone.
Planning the Macrocycle: Tips for the Young Strength Coach
The idea to write this article came to me while thinking of ways to improve my interviewing skills.
Paralysis by Perfect Form
I know that Tim had dabbled a bit in powerlifting a few years ago, but neither he nor Shiloe had become ‘paralyzed by perfect form.’
How elitefts™ Changed the World View of a College Student
Next to "mid-term" and "7:50 a.m. final," the ‘"freshman 15" is the most dreaded among all incoming college students.
Quick and Easy Client Assessment/Warm Up
I’ve read mixed reviews from many different coaches and trainers on how to assess your clients.
A Twist on 5/3/1 for a Recovering Weightlifter
I don't take any credit for this but instead give credit to the mind who published his idea for the 5/3/1 program—Jim Wendler.
How to Use the Sled for Virtually Everything
How many of you in the "elitefts™ family" have a sled, Prowler®, or homemade version of one of these?
Visualizing a Lift: Before, After, Here, or There?
Sports science has taught us that visualization electrically activates the corresponding muscle groups.
Sandbag Accessory Lifts
The sandbag is a staple in serious garage gyms everywhere, but it rarely crosses over into commercial gym territory.
Mass Attack
Many people confuse the message that in order to become the biggest you, you need to become the strongest you.
The Secret to Increasing Strength & Conditioning
Are you stuck and can't seem to find a way to break though to the next level? Read on...
Simple Speed: Training the Young Athlete
For many years, speed was considered some mystified aspect of sport performance that was measurable but unchanging.
The Moat and the Spine
One of the things that I've noticed that works every single time is stabilizing the spine and the equivalent force production that comes with it.
The Booty Factors
Let's just say that glute development is a big thing for both performance and physical appearance.
Lessons from My Father
This article is about the things I learned from my father growing up and how they’ve impacted my fitness.
Spotlight: Chad Walker – The Unassuming Giant
“As far back as I can remember I’ve always felt small. I have never been one to look in the mirror and see a monster.”
Cluster Training
Cluster or rest-pause training involves using short inter-set rest periods of anywhere from 10–30 seconds to produce more powerful repetitions or more repetitions with a heavy weight.
Adding Sprints to Your Training
“Hell, yeah…let’s go run a marathon!” isn't something that you’d expect a reader of EliteFTS to say without being overly sarcastic and/or under the influence of illicit drugs.
Keck's Column: HIIT is the Best, or So They Say
Team elitefts™ Columnist Michael Keck takes on HIIT training,
Everyone Needs One of These...
I’m sure that if I stay on my PC for a while longer, I could come up with more reasons, but here's what immediately comes to mind...
Under The Bar: Who You Spend Time With
Low-energy people bring you down. High-energy people elevate you.
Antagonistically Facilitated Shock Training
Antagonistically facilitated shock (AFS) training describes a novel manner in which to perform shock training or, as it’s more commonly known, plyometrics.
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
As the head strength and conditioning coach, the development of your assistants is a direct reflection of you as a professional.
Rolling Pins: They Aren't Just for Rolling Dough, Part 2
If you read the first article in this series (if not, you need to) and are using the rolling pin or elitefts™ stick to roll the areas of the upper body that the foam roller or PVC pipe can’t address, you're going to love this one.
Fast Tips for Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting has recently emerged as a hot topic, particularly for those seeking an effective tool for reducing or maintaining body fat levels.
Combinatory Training
I find that one of the most overlooked factors by strength coaches is the mental engagement of the trainee.
Dealing with DOMS
Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is characterized by sore muscles stemming from a workout 24 to 72 hours prior.
The Strength & Conditioning Internship: A Simple Guide for Strength ...
Organizing and implementing a quality internship program can enhance the overall goals of your strength and conditioning program, which has limited budgets and resources.
Is it Time to Upgrade Your Squat Rack?
The following squat rack review was submitted by one of our customers and contained so much useful info we felt the need to share it.
The Thinking Beast: The Necessity of Being a Consummate Individual
I won’t focus on only one field because I want to do the best I possibly could in each field.
Modified Rep System: The Perfect Rep for Strength and Muscle
When weightlifting or strength training, athletes tend to just try to get the job done and lift the weight or perform their prescribed number of reps any which way they can.
Using the Snowball Effect
It's February and you probably already quit any New Year's Resolution you set.
Minimal Equipment, Maximal Results—Barbell Training
There’s nothing more functional than training with barbells.
Surviving Smolov
From August to October of 2011, I did the Smolov squat routine for no reason other than I just wanted to.
Things I Learned Vacationing in the Developing World
Man, do I love vacation time. It's the best time of year for resting, recovering, reflecting, and replanning.
Timmy the Trainer: The Clueless Trainer Paradox
Remember, there is more to eliminating the clueless trainer paradox then simply doing what they cannot.
Guide to Implementing and Troubleshooting the Hang Clean
Olympic lifts are one of the most polarizing topics in the sports performance world.
Tunnel Vision
It’s very common to walk into a commercial gym or fitness center and see the most asinine movements being demonstrated without any rational purpose.
The MBA Meathead: Make Yourself Valuable
Today, you compete not only against the peers you see every day, but against computers, freelancers and potential replacements on other continents.
A Few Words About Discipline and Sacrifice
It is this fear of failure that often drives me and far outweighs the pain of discipline and sacrifice.
Back to a Pain-Free Bench
What's more important is bench pressing without messing up your shoulders in the process.
Logic Does Not Apply IV: Exercise for Weight Loss
If exercise does affect fat loss, we could create very simple experiments to determine the amount.
Blood Rayne: Training with Sickle Cell Anemia
How many times have you woken up in the morning with aches and pains after a heavy bench or squat session?
From Plyometric to Reactive Training and Incorporating the Entire Kineti...
With plyometrics, the first thought that comes to mind is probably jumping.