Finding Your Motivation: Strength Training for Survival
Every rep felt like I was defending myself all over again.
VERY Brutal Leg Training
Have you have ever wondered what a Mountain Dog leg training session looks like?
Women: Running into Trouble
But then I watch my friend, Jessica, running on the treadmill, day after day, year after year, running like a madwoman and going nowhere.
Anonymity and the State of Powerlifting
Powerlifting isn't a sport that lacks for melodramatic opinions.
Manual Labor and Strength and Conditioning: Is There a Connection?
This article is a bit of a 'shout out' to my dad for making me do hard manual labor when I was a kid.
Rhythm Required: Developing Scapulohumeral Rhythm for a Big Bench and Sh...
Are you constantly getting stapled on the bench press by weight you know that you can handle?
Four Pre-Season Football Conditioning Drills with the Prowler
Are your football conditioning drills getting you into game shape or simply sprint shape?
Kinetic Energy Accumulation Training
Preview from the author's book. Christian's work can be found at
Cardio for Meatheads
When it comes to cardiovascular exercise, many gym goers either flat out don’t care or they toss in a lackadaisical 30-minute session on the elliptical following their weight work.
Why We're Training
Whether you’re training to get stronger, gain muscle, become better at your sport, or look good at the beach, there is a common denominator—supercompensation.
3 Things You'd Better Know if You Want Strong(er) Triceps
Kicking back some thoughts on tricep training...
Ten More things That Piss Me Off About Commercial Gyms, Part 1
Following the success of part one and part two of the much discussed "Twenty Things That Piss Me Off About Commercial Gyms" blogs and having received many comments asking for another edition, we think it's as good a time as any to unleash a little more Strength &Performance gold for your reading pleasure.
Is It Block Training, Concentrated Loads, or...?
I’ve been reading with interest—and amazement—the many articles that have been appearing lately on the use of the “block” method.
Three Tips for Improving the Effectiveness of Your Pulling Exercises
Remember, the quickest way to improve aesthetics and overall performance is to bring up your weak areas.
Elbow Pain and Strength Building Ergonomics
For the hardcore lifters out there, these few things may help in decreasing the pain and letting you continue to lift and get stronger when time off isn't an option.
Kettlebells Make a Good Braking System
The main functions of the core are stabilization, rotation/anti-rotation, and anti-extension.
Some Things Never Change
When you get rid of the smoke and mirrors, you always, always, always come back to the basics.
McMillan's First Bodybuilding Competition Write-up
I have to say that this 20 week training/dieting/cardio cycle for this bodybuilding show was by far the hardest thing I've ever done.
Why Monster Trucks Shouldn't Be Driven in the Express Lane
An exercise or training program’s success or failure is rooted in the execution of its work.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Football Strength Training Programs
Just as all great football teams have common traits (good defense, team work, great coaching), all football strength programs share common qualities that set them apart from the pack.
RDLs Are For Everyone
Whether you are a strength athlete, powerlifter, Olympic lifter, or just into general fitness, the RDL is one of the best exercises around.
A Letter to the Haters: What You Can Learn from Bodybuilders
Those of us who toil in the weight room day after day attempting to better ourselves receive a lot of flak for being vain, self-obsessed, and egotistical.
Energy System Development for Powerlifting
Energy system development is seemingly one of the hottest concepts in the fitness industry lately.
Introducing the Shoulder Tornado: The Best Shoulder Warm Up You Aren...
In this article, I'll introduce you to a brand new shoulder warm-up drill that we use before any upper body movements.
All Aboard the CrossFit Bus!
The word "balance" shouldn't be on the lips of elite athletes, "specialization" should.
The elitefts™ Learn to Train 3 Seminar "LTT3” and the Lies We Tell ...
Just twenty minutes in and the seminar is already worth ten times the cost of admission.
You Have the Power
The two-thirds power formula is a handy method for comparing the two lifters to decide who is actually stronger.
Words of Wisdom: Extraordinary Resolve
Since you faced cancer and survived, how has it impacted your view on life and what is really important to you?
Top Five Kettlebell Exercises for Football Strength
Kettlebells are a perfect tool when it comes to building strength, explosiveness, and flexibility for football.
Beyond the Bounds of Known
Stepping outside the bounds of what is known might be what you need to do to continue to make progress.
Seven Steps for Building the Perfect High School Lineman
Here are the seven steps for building the perfect high school lineman.
Shaun's MMA Fight Recap
I needed boxing training as well, that is a must for me. I found that boxing really helped my style all around.
How I Train
Anyway, this is what's been working like a charm for me. If anyone has any questions, I'd be happy to clarify whatever you need.
Improving the Bridge
The bridge (aka plank) is a very simple exercise that has managed to accomplish the feat of being both loved by many and also hated by many.
Club Sports Conundrum: Part II
The solutions to these problems are as multi-faceted as the nature of the problems themselves
Hitting with a Rubber Hose
The two ends of the hose aren't firmly connected, just as the two adjacent joints in a lift must be firmly locked in. No, I'm not saying they can't move, but they must be supported.
I can’t remember where I heard it most recently or if I heard it anywhere, but the term ‘energy leaks’ has been coming out of my
Five Ways to Improve 'On the Field' Speed
Not only does speed kill, it wins games and wins championships.
Get a Grip
Nothing is more empowering than possessing a pair of sinewy forearms bundled with thick veins that descend from your sleeves.
Limited Edition Military Prowlers Benefit Wounded Warrior Project
The Prowler is a great tool that can dramatically improve your athlete’s conditioning levels – just make sure you’re thinking critically about the ways you’re implementing it into their training programs and the results will speak for themselves.
Explosive Dead Hangs
Clapping at the top of a pull-up doesn't make it explosive anymore than clapping in the bottom of a dead hang does.
The Greatest Program in the World
Choosing the “right” program can be an intimidating decision. The truth is, this might not be as critical a decision as you think.
Six Lateral Strength Exercises for Crazy Football Speed
Here are six lateral strength exercises you can use in your training program to ensure that you’re building real world game speed.
Wild Thing: Pitching Strength
It's essential to strengthen the external rotators because the internal rotators will grow exponentially stronger from so much throwing if nothing is done to correct the imbalance.
Going Pro
I started experimenting with single ply gear a few months ago including Metal IPF V-Type Squatter, Metal IPF King Presser, and Metal IPF Deadlifter.
The Ten Commandments of Athletic Development
Here are the ten commandments of athletic development as I see it, independent of which training system you've chosen to follow.
The Effects of Specialized Exercise Variables for the Purpose of Maximiz...
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between muscular overcoming, yielding, and holding during training for absolute strength on the bench press.