Six Things You Aren’t Doing
Let’s take a look at what you aren’t doing that’s holding you back from that 5.2 lbs of muscle your new protein powder said you would add.
My Advice to High School Athletes
After working with high school athletes on a daily basis for the past year, there are a few things I strongly suggest all high school athletes start doing immediately to improve in their sport.
TUFFEN Up Your Conditioning
Want to know how to get more out of your athletes in their conditioning sessions and maybe more time in the gym, too?
What It Takes to Be a Better Than Average Powerlifter
I have learned in powerlifting as with life that if you want to be successful you have to move past your comfort zone.
Three More Reasons Why Fitness Still Sucks
In my previous two articles, I’ve given you six reasons why I hate fitness; now I’m going to give you three more.
Training Alone, Part 3: Benching Alone
Every now and then, we all read a news report about someone who was accidentally killed by bench pressing alone, a terrible tragedy that can be averted by training sensibly and safely.
S4: Week 5-8 of 12 Week Training Plan
As of week five, weak points have been determined and modifications to the program have been made.
My 13 Personal Training Rules
While my programing is a bit of a mess right now, I do still follow most of the same rules I've used for the past few years.
Squat Training and Cycle
Hopefully this program can give you some ideas on how to get strong, do it smart and make progress.
Strength-Power Potentiating Complexes
I’ve found a great way to increase your athletes’ verticals and explosive power through strength-power potentiating complexes.
Suspended Push-Ups with Blast Straps
To increase the difficulty of this exercise, try placing your feet on an elevated surface or a stability ball.
NFL Stats Update from DeFranco's Gym
See how the NFL players from DeFranco's Gym are doing this season.
What Bob Youngs Taught Me
I don’t have to squat 1000 lbs—or even 500 lbs—to tell you what I learned about life, death, and strength in just a few email messages from Bob Youngs.
The Wolves of Discipline and the Phalanx
The information that follows can be used to reach your athletic goals, fitness goals, or any other area of your life.
Time Management: A Balancing Act
As every lifter who has a job knows, making time to train can be an arduous task, especially if you’re rotating shifts or spending valuable time traveling to and from work.
CK FMS - The Spud's Take
The kettlebell side is mostly skill and re-certification on all the basic moves plus that damn snatch test.
Bring your Bench Press Alive with the Dead Bench
A one second pause at the bottom of the bench press movement causes a 55 percent disruption of the benefits derived from stretch-shortening during the bench press.
Juliet's Gym Etiquette
So if I was to do them in this session, my situation the way it is, I would be taking a perfectly good exercise and making it potentially bad or ugly.
S4: Week 1-4 of 12 Training Plan
This is week 2 of a 12 week plan I've been creating for a group of lifters in the gym.
Improving Rate of Force Production for the One-Arm Shoulder Press
As a certified HKC (Hardstyle Kettlebell Certified) training for Pavel Tsatsouline’s Russian Kettlebell Challenge (RKC) and Beast Tamer Challenge, I’m looking for an edge to help myself “tame the beast.”
Bench by Numbers
The more intently you focus on single points during a training session the more the body will do what you want it to do.
Sure Thing Investments
There are many ways that we can show our athletes that we care and are willing to invest in their lives.
Training for the Fat Guy
Because I have written a few articles on gaining mass and getting big, it’s only fair that I send some love to the fat guys who want to get in shape and feel better about all that mass they (hopefully) gained from all the time spent eating big and training as heavy as they could.
The Ten Percent Rule
If you’ve read speed training articles, watched most presenters and DVDs, and gone through coaching education, you’ve heard it—the rule.
Coordination Training: A Continuum of Development for Young Athletes
The myths and falsehoods associated with coordination training are plenty.
Add Some Spice to Your Warm Up
The most important and overlooked part of your training session is the first 5–15 minutes, also known as the warm up.
What You Don’t Know about the Push-up
The push-up is quite possibly one of the best exercises athletes can do.
Two Reasons for Throwing Out Crunches and Sit-Ups
The torso musculature was meant to transmit force, not produce it.
There Isn’t Any Such Thing As a Day Off
The idea that someone somewhere is always getting better than you should never leave your mind, particularly if you’re an athlete.
Training Alone, Part 2: Squatting Alone
If you find yourself alone all the time or just occasionally, squatting is a difficult and at times dangerous activity even with the benefit of spotters and training partners.
One Week of RAW
On the 3rd rep of 660 I dropped the bar and decided to walk away without risking injury.
Frequently Asked Question of the Month
When you tell people they'll last practically forever - they don't believe you.
Interview with Dr. Patrick Jacobs
Tony interviews Florida Atlantic University professor, Dr. Jacobs.
Killer Calves: Add Almost an Inch in a Few Months
The higher volume has added almost 3/4 of an inch to my calves in the last couple months.
5/3/1 System—Not Just for Football Players and Powerlifters
This past winter I had the unique privilege of working with Curtis Granderson as he was about to switch teams from the Detroit Tigers to the New York Yankees.
Football Practice Programming Considerations
Would you rather know everything there is about training but not be allowed to implement it or not know anything about training and overtrain your athletes?
Build It Before You Need It
Whether you’re pressed for time or want to get straight to the weight, the thought of skipping over those warm-up exercises and routines seems to always cross our mind.
The Seven Principles and You
Whenever we evaluate programs to decide how good they are, we can always come back to the seven fundamental principles to help point us in the right direction.
Training Young Athletes and M.O.L.D
The long-term approach to youth fitness and sport training is an essential ingredient and critical component of understanding how to work with clients in this very sensitive demographic
Training Rotational Movement Patterns
I’ve uploaded three videos of our plate rotation series that can be implemented with large groups of athletes and are great for teaching rotational movement patterns to beginners.
Triple Extension Is Important for All Athletes
“Speed training” is the latest fad to squeeze money out of misinformed coaches, parents, and athletes.