Plyometric Training for Basketball Players
Plyometric Training for Basketball Players
Strength coaches need to assess a few things in regards to basketball players and the implementation of plyometric training.
My Top 5 Strength Tools For the Combat Athlete
My Top 5 Strength Tools For the Combat Athlete
Strength training is a great way to “lay that foundation” and help an athlete develop superior strength and power endurance.
Commit to the Pull
Commit to the Pull
The great Kaz said, “Commit to the pull.”
Coping with Sciatica
Coping with Sciatica
The real purpose of this article is for me to explain the stretching regimen that I do daily to ward off the sciatic pain.
Get Jacked - Train Like a Bodybuilder
Get Jacked - Train Like a Bodybuilder
It will burn like hell, your pecs will be tired, but your joints will be fresh headed into next two exercises.
Top Ten Checklist: Do You “Train?”
Top Ten Checklist: Do You “Train?”
Below is a checklist I came up with to help you determine whether you’re truly training or just wasting your time.
A Six-Week Example for Alactic Power and Aerobic Power Running Warm Ups
A Six-Week Example for Alactic Power and Aerobic Power Running Warm Ups
I’m not writing this article to stir up the dynamic versus static warm-up debate but to suggest different variations and progressions for a dynamic warm up.
Classifying Your Clients
Classifying Your Clients
While the tests I listed are important in determining the current strength, aerobic capacity, and general health of the client, there is something vitally important that most trainers fail to consider—the ability of the client to get into basic body weight positions.
5 Front Squat Advantages
5 Front Squat Advantages
Here are five advantages front squats have over regular squats.
The Most Hardcore Article Ever
The Most Hardcore Article Ever
Give everyone within one hundred feet a look that would make an onion cry, a look that scares the souls of children and brings the common man to a standstill.
I remember chanting to myself over and over, “Get under the bar and just get it done.”
A Week of Training with Kroc
A Week of Training with Kroc
This program is very simple but has never failed to increase my raw bench strength.
Bridging the Gap Between Rehabilitation and Sports Performance Training
Bridging the Gap Between Rehabilitation and Sports Performance Training
Over the course of a few months, I frequently witnessed a person leave the physical therapy clinic restored to “functional capacity” only to return later with the same injury on a different limb, a different injury surrounding the original site of surgery/rehabilitation, or even worse, the same injury on the same limb.
Training Day: My Trip to Total Performance Sports
Training Day: My Trip to Total Performance Sports
Does where you train make a difference?
Deloading for Optimal Strength and Speed
Deloading for Optimal Strength and Speed
When you train hard for a long duration of time, you eventually have to take one step back in order to take two steps forward.
Deadlift and Learn
Deadlift and Learn
I learned that what I have been doing is working just fine and as long as my lifts keep moving.
Training for the Older Population
Training for the Older Population
It surprises me how many middle-aged people are unaware of how the aging process interacts with their training.
Getting Ready for Figure Competition with 5/3/1 Strength and Carb Cycling
Getting Ready for Figure Competition with 5/3/1 Strength and Carb Cycling
Recently, my client, Theodora, stepped out of her comfort zone and stepped on to the stage as a figure competitor.
Brain Drain: The Neurological Cost of Training
Brain Drain: The Neurological Cost of Training
Do you ever consider the energy costs of your neurological system when you plan or program your workouts or those of your athletes and clients?
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
Of course, you'll find this in Chad Aichs' bag, but you'll also find it in McMillan's.
Training the Zone: Part 2
Training the Zone: Part 2
Wouldn’t it be beneficial to incorporate some exercises into your training regimen that allow the athlete to stand while challenging the strike zone in stability, balance, rotation, and linear and lateral movement?
Squatting from Head to Toe
Squatting from Head to Toe
Here's what you need to know about The Box Squat.
How I Developed My Personal Training Program
How I Developed My Personal Training Program
As a young strength coach and personal trainer, I was like most people starting out—“I want to train athletes.”
The Rocky Boat to Recovery
The Rocky Boat to Recovery
As a Powerlifting Coach and as a professional Clinical Social Worker, when I think about the concept "recovery," I used to define it two different ways depending what hat I was wearing at the time.
Getting Over Overtraining: Five Practical Tips
Getting Over Overtraining: Five Practical Tips
Overtraining is a result of training stress in addition to the rest of life’s stresses exceeding an athlete’s ability to recover.
Training Legs: Bodybuilder Style
Training Legs: Bodybuilder Style
Here's the leg session I did on Monday.
Why Your Attitude Will Make You Weak
Why Your Attitude Will Make You Weak
I’ve been working for a year as a high school strength coach, and the one issue I have besides lifting technique is attitude.
The Magic Three
The Magic Three
I think I've touched on this before, but I wanted to mention it again.
My Top Ten Training Tools for Better Workouts
My Top Ten Training Tools for Better Workouts
If you’re serious about taking care of your body and you make time to get to the gym, you need to make sure you bring the proper gear.
Best Accessory Exercise for Bench Press
Best Accessory Exercise for Bench Press
For more accessory exercises, visit our Exercise Index.
Frequently Asked Bench Questions
Frequently Asked Bench Questions
The next week you could rotate to some reverse bands with shirt off boards
Back to the Basics with Programming
Back to the Basics with Programming
You're either jumping from program to program every month, or you're taking parts of different programs and concepts you like, and throwing them together.
The Kroc Row: Training Legs with Starnes
The Kroc Row: Training Legs with Starnes
I don't believe in perfection...there's always more that can be achieved.
Not Your Typical Physical Education Teacher
Not Your Typical Physical Education Teacher
From the interview below, you’ll understand why I feel it’s important that Sam was interviewed.
Random Thoughts on Nutrition and Training
Random Thoughts on Nutrition and Training
Detric shares some random thoughts on nutrition and training with readers.
Partners in Strength
Partners in Strength
If you played sports in high school or college, you know some of the things that make those experiences unforgettable are the roar of the crowd, the blaring of the band, hearing your name announced over the sound system, and the bond between teammates.
Six Essentials of Football Preparation
Six Essentials of Football Preparation
It’s around that season where email questions shift from “How can I bench more?” to “I only have a few weeks left to prepare for the fall sports season—how can I get huge!?”
Part II: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part II: So You Think You Can Bench?
Who knew the traps were an important part of the bench press?
Muscle Cell Sensitivity and Building Lean Mass
Muscle Cell Sensitivity and Building Lean Mass
Do these three things, no matter what level you are on, beginner or professional and you will see improvements in performance, recovery, and body composition.
The Strength Coach’s Guide to Movement Assessment: Part 2
The Strength Coach’s Guide to Movement Assessment: Part 2
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed the basics of the University of Missouri functional movement screen and how we used it to determine special needs for individual athletes at Mizzou, so in part 2…
So You Think You Can Bench?
So You Think You Can Bench?
I knew I was a wreck when it came to form and setup on the bench press.
You Snooze, You Win: Wake Up To The Significance of Sleep
You Snooze, You Win: Wake Up To The Significance of Sleep
One of the toughest aspects of fight preparation is weight cutting.
T.W.I.T. Julia Ladewski
T.W.I.T. Julia Ladewski
This week in training...featuring Julia Ladewski.
Training Swimmers
Training Swimmers
Usually on EliteFTS, you hear about training those in the “power” sports, but rarely do you read about training a potential champion swimmer.
Need for Law in the Personal Training Industry
Need for Law in the Personal Training Industry
The only thing holding the personal training industry back from taking the next step is the fact that there virtually isn’t any regulation.
Luck, Miracles and the Mind
Luck, Miracles and the Mind
Luck and miracles won’t lift weights for you.
The Periodization Bible
The Periodization Bible
Another problem with the Western method of periodization is that many abilities aren't maintained.
Five 5/3/1 Questions
Five 5/3/1 Questions
Five questions, three questions, one question.
The 40 Exercises You Should Never Do
The 40 Exercises You Should Never Do
Because you DON'T want to look like him...
From Punk Skater to All-State(er): The Pat Cole Story
From Punk Skater to All-State(er): The Pat Cole Story
Four years ago, a 150-pound, self-proclaimed “skate punk”, walked into our facility looking to get bigger and stronger so he could play high school football.
10 Things You Need for Vacation Training
10 Things You Need for Vacation Training
When I travel and have no idea what type of gym I will have access to.
Three Really Cool Strength Movements
Three Really Cool Strength Movements
You probably see a lot of people who look like they’ve never worked out a day in their life.
ONE Movement: The BEST Movement for Tricep Size and Strength
ONE Movement: The BEST Movement for Tricep Size and Strength
The JM Press is a hybrid of two different exercises.
Q&A with Dave Tate
Q&A with Dave Tate
The Answer Man helps guide you from shit to suck, from suck to good, and eventually from good to great!
Breaking Them In: Beginners Guide to Lifting
Breaking Them In: Beginners Guide to Lifting
As a high school strength coach, my biggest challenge is preparing kids to lift correctly.
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 3)
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 3)
In this third installment, Martin and I talk about the evolution of metabolic training.
 Top 5 Transformation Tips
Top 5 Transformation Tips
I'm going to keep this diet article simple because I don't think this becomes a very complex issue until you're trying to get super lean or dealing with medical issues.

Items 1712 to 1770 of 2134 total