A Lion in Iron: Think First, Train Second
Do you think in absolutes? A poor mindset can sabotage your training progress.
The Angry Coach: A Big Part of My Coaching Philosophy
Do you know the difference between a coach and a cartoon character?
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Six Bench Tips
No matter where Dave goes, he still dishes out advice.This time, he covers benching.
Training with Purpose: Properly Tapering Volume and Intensity
Moderate your training for optimal gains.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Optimal Breathing for Maximal Strength
Four videos to increase your strength.
WATCH: The Traits of a Champion
Do you have the strength of will to say, “Screw everyone. I know I can do it”?
Wise Words for Aspiring Strength Coaches
The under-the-bar and academic experiences needed to become a successful strength coach.
A Lion in Iron: Motivation Only Takes You So Far
If you want to see your goals through, you must have concrete reasons and the mentality to do so.
How to Deal with Difficult Coaches
Clashing with challenging coaches or parents? Here are the most effective strategies to help cope with them.
The Research Meathead: Training to Failure
Train to Failure, or Not Train to Failure? That is the Question!
Ruck & Maul: In Season Physical Preparation for Rugby
Ashley outlines the physical preparation program for each member on the rugby team.
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
It’s not gay to have your crotch over a man’s face if they’re bench pressing. If they’re not bench pressing, it’s another story.
Beast Reality: 2013 Training Retrospective
Here is to a new year of paying attention to those little things. They do make all the difference.
No Bullsh*t: Fairness Sucks
In powerlifting and in life, the goal is to constantly gain an advantage to ensure your own victory and to prepare, perform, and prevail.
Darden Diaries: I Can Do All Things
It took him more than a decade to answer my prayers. But in 2006, when he did, it helped to form me into who I am today.
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
The term strength and conditioning usually brings visions of a meathead coach loading plates, spotting athletes, and screaming motivational words.
Set and Rep Schemes in Strength Training (Part 1)
Regardless of your training objectives, key training parameters could be varied and progressed on different time scales
The Education of a Tactical Meathead: Getting Jacked and Making Money (P...
He is back with more advice on getting jacked and pocketing that per diem cash!
WATCH: Training IFBB Pro Cory Mathews
Josh Bryant shares training videos that explain mechanical advantage drop sets, origin and insertion supersets, and eccentric movements.
Are We Teaching Speed and Quickness?
Somehow, it is universally accepted that if you increase your strength and do running specific drills, you will increase your speed and quickness.
The Flexible Periodization Method: What Does French Press Coffee Have to...
Hint… It is not the caffeine.
Creating Effective Goals instead of Resolutions
Understanding these five things about goals before you set them will ensure success in the new year.
Science of Lifting: Westside for the Average Joe
I want to offer a personal counterpoint to this idea that Westside style programming is only applicable to elite or enhanced lifters.
Monster Garage Gym: Powerlifting and the Secret
You have the power through your positive thoughts to take your powerlifting to another level of success and achievement just like Dorothy, who had the power all along to go where she needed to go.
The Sad State of DIII Strength and Conditioning
We were promoting what was right, but small private schools sometimes do not have the money to do what is right.
Training and Coaching: Getting It Done (Part 2)
Coaching, training, planning...it is all in a days work.
Integrative Bodybuilding: Do Not Forget What You Already Know
Maybe it really is all in your head...
Training and Coaching: Get Under the Bar! (Part 1)
It's incredible what you can learn under the bar, especially as a strength coach.
Programming for Competitive CrossFit
Looking at CrossFit competitions, there is only one constant and that is that there are no constants
By the Coach for the Coach: The Left Coast Edition
How can we work to improve this profession so that we can make a true living?
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind? (Part 3)
Let Karsten take your circuit and endurance training to a brand new level.
Reignite Progress with New Science
In recent years, there have been several paradigm shifts in training theory as new research is published.
Training with Purpose: Programming Thoughts and Considerations for the N...
Naspinski once again visits block periodization and offers tips you can apply to your training in the coming year.
5 Things That Are Wrong with This Country
Fixing these issues with our athletes will not fix our country, but we all need to start where we can make the most impact.
Crossing the Line Into the CrossFit Box
Seriously?! The first thing that an IFBB physique pro talks about is CrossFit?
In Praise of the Eight-Day Training Week
You might have your training plan right but your recovery plan wrong.
The More You Get Hurt, the More You Get Hurt
I was on cloud nine and feeling like I had dodged a bullet.
Down and Dirty Guide to Increasing Training Frequency
It is time to get you ready to lift heavier more often than you ever thought possible.
Just Sayin: Do Not Bitch
Have some eggnog and tell yourself that you will be back to beast mode soon enough.
Strong Mind: Chamberlain's Choice
I want to tell a story. It is about a man named Joshua Chamberlain.
USAPL American Open Results
I had some good PRs, some serious let downs, and a great battle with IPF world deadlift champ Mike Hedlesky.
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 4): Harry Selkow
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Harry Selkow sends a message to his younger self...live with intense action.
Lessons from West Point (Part 3)
In the final installment of the series, Mark Watts talks about the modifications to the WSBB training methods for athletes.