Strong Mind: Chamberlain's Choice
Strong Mind: Chamberlain's Choice
I want to tell a story. It is about a man named Joshua Chamberlain.
USAPL American Open Results
USAPL American Open Results
I had some good PRs, some serious let downs, and a great battle with IPF world deadlift champ Mike Hedlesky.
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 4): Harry Selkow
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 4): Harry Selkow
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Harry Selkow sends a message to his younger with intense action.
Lessons from West Point (Part 3)
Lessons from West Point (Part 3)
In the final installment of the series, Mark Watts talks about the modifications to the WSBB training methods for athletes.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 5)
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 5)
In this QT, we will look at the latest research on heavy lifting and heart health.
Training with Purpose: Rebuilding
Training with Purpose: Rebuilding
I need to use my coaching eyes when I look at my own training.
Low Carb vs. No Carb
Low Carb vs. No Carb
I followed all of the rules and got huge. It was more fat jacked than truly huge.
Lessons from West Point (Part 2)
Lessons from West Point (Part 2)
In Part 2, Mark Watts talks about difficult recruitment, traveling for his own training, and adaptations to athlete programming.
Don’t Take Squat for Granted
Don’t Take Squat for Granted
Each day...every training a blessing.
My Amazing Boards
My Amazing Boards
I think it's awesome that every kid who enters my classroom gets to see images of a female deadlifting big weights.
Strong Is NOT the New Skinny
Strong Is NOT the New Skinny
It is the old, new, and eternal adjective used to describe women...
Back to Training
Back to Training
Bob Youngs is back.
No Bullsh*t: Basic High/Low Training Approach for Athletes
No Bullsh*t: Basic High/Low Training Approach for Athletes
Many times you have to work with what you have in front of you.
Monster Garage Gym: The Gear Is Ready to Go Heavier, But Are You?
Monster Garage Gym: The Gear Is Ready to Go Heavier, But Are You?
If you are new to gear, respect not only the gear but the inordinately heavier weights that you will attempt.
A Lion in Iron: F$%&ing Pick Something
A Lion in Iron: F$%&ing Pick Something
Stop overthinking cardio and just pick something.
Dr. Yessis: General Strength Can Help Improve Performance
Dr. Yessis: General Strength Can Help Improve Performance
Athletes never achieve their full potential because the training stops when the level of fitness is obtained.
By the Coach for the Coach: An Interview with Andrew Paul
By the Coach for the Coach: An Interview with Andrew Paul
This month, I will hand over the reins to a good friend and great coach and listen to a great mind, Andrew Paul!
Iron Sport: Ramblings of a Gym Owner
Iron Sport: Ramblings of a Gym Owner
I was in the middle of training and saw what looked like a strung out, homeless vagrant walk in the front door.
Developing an Athlete's Aerobic Capacity
Developing an Athlete's Aerobic Capacity
It’s not about running your athletes into the ground.
Nutrition Advice with Team Elitefts
Nutrition Advice with Team Elitefts
No matter what your goals are, you must eat to suit them.
Training with Purpose: Utilizing Different Methods in a High Frequency Approach
Training with Purpose: Utilizing Different Methods in a High Frequency A...
Take an objective look at your needs and figure out a plan that will achieve these goals.
Off Season Injury Reduction for Football
Off Season Injury Reduction for Football
Football is one of the few sports that cannot be PLAYED year round, but it must be TRAINED year round.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
The Flexible Periodization Method: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
Respiratory muscle training may be the weak link in your training program.
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 2): Dr. Eric Serrano
Learn to Train 7 Roundtable (Part 2): Dr. Eric Serrano
Team elitefts Learn to Train 7 roundtable panelist Dr. Serrano describes seven male hormone therapies.
How to Walk-On Your College Football Team
How to Walk-On Your College Football Team
Mark Watts tells how to make your move from the stands to the field on game day.
No Bullsh*t: Focus on the Brick
No Bullsh*t: Focus on the Brick
Great lifters are built one brick at a time.
Take off your iPod and love someone with your gift.
Improving Pullups
Improving Pullups
This method will have him doing more pullups quickly.
A Lion in Iron: Seven Habits of TRYING to be Successful
A Lion in Iron: Seven Habits of TRYING to be Successful
Seven blunt behaviors to set you on the path to success (without the sugar coating).
You Mother F**kers Have It Easy
You Mother F**kers Have It Easy
Back when I started my journey into the iron game, even before I started coaching, there was not much to choose from.
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Ruck & Maul: Off Season Rugby Plan for Club Players
Are you an athlete struggling with off-season fat gain? Ashley Jones has the program for you.
Just Sayin: Who Defines Discipline?
Just Sayin: Who Defines Discipline?
People tend to refer to others who workout and diet regularly as having discipline.
WATCH: Bench Press Grip
WATCH: Bench Press Grip
JL shares how to fix a common bench press grip mistake.
Josh McMillan: LTT 7 Deadlift Cycle
Josh McMillan: LTT 7 Deadlift Cycle
My plan was to hit an 800—pound deadlift at the LTT 7.
3 Things You Should Always Do as a Strength Coach
3 Things You Should Always Do as a Strength Coach
In the days of the entitled millennial, nothing ruins a young person quite like giving them something they did not earn.
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
How Training for a Single-ply Meet Benefited My Multi-ply
I knew I wasn’t done powerlifting, not by a long shot, but something needed to change.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 4)
Brandon returns with a quick look at hypertrophy and running.
Metabolic Damage: Disaster or Discovery
Metabolic Damage: Disaster or Discovery
Jennifer Petrosino proves that you can be lean AND strong.
Training with Purpose: Individualization
Training with Purpose: Individualization
When it comes to training athletes, certain individualities need to be considered.
Education of a Lost Woman
Education of a Lost Woman
I want my body to be a fully functioning organism that can do, think, and be.
Reno Hardcore: Are You Sleeping for Strength?
Reno Hardcore: Are You Sleeping for Strength?
Never underestimate the power of sleep.
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
WATCH: The Romanian Deadlift
We love the RDL as a general pattern builder.
Training Frequency for Fighters
Training Frequency for Fighters
Lawrence outlines a schedule that allows a boxer to maximize sports performance and fitness while preventing the risk of overtraining.
Reprogramming the Overhead Press
Reprogramming the Overhead Press
The body has the amazing ability to adapt to any stimulus. This can be a bad thing when it comes to training.
The Practical Paradigm: Specialized Exercises Explained
The Practical Paradigm: Specialized Exercises Explained
Everything that was once old is now new again, and specialized exercises are sadly becoming part of this trend.
A Strong Immune System
A Strong Immune System
Are you supporting a strong immune system?
Three More Reasons Why Getting Old Sucks
Three More Reasons Why Getting Old Sucks
As hard as it sometimes seems, I know I would rather fight the good fight and do what it takes to stay in great shape.
By the Coach for the Coach: Perceptions
By the Coach for the Coach: Perceptions
How do you let people know that you are good at what you do and get them to believe in you?
WATCH: The Pull Through
WATCH: The Pull Through
Modify your pull through stance to help build your sumo or conventional pull.
Adaptive Sports: Competing with Extraordinary Resolve
Adaptive Sports: Competing with Extraordinary Resolve
Individuals with disabilities are being offered more and more opportunities to train and compete at a high level in various sports.
Two Diseases and the Deadliest Words for Coaches
Two Diseases and the Deadliest Words for Coaches
The best coaches are the best thieves and this is something else I stole from Brian Cain.
Your First Year as a College Strength and Conditioning Coach
Your First Year as a College Strength and Conditioning Coach
From cleaning benches to writing programs, here are some realizations that I have come across in my first year as a college strength and conditioning coach.
Iron Sport: The 30th Annual AOBS Dinner
Iron Sport: The 30th Annual AOBS Dinner
Being a huge fan of all things strength, I have been attending the AOBS annual dinner for six or seven years.
Brian Carroll: Squat Depth Progression
Brian Carroll: Squat Depth Progression
As of July 20th, 2013, I am cleared to start lifting again.

Items 414 to 472 of 2138 total