The Flexible Periodization Method: How to Mix Oil and Water (Part 1)
The Flexible Periodization Method: How to Mix Oil and Water (Part 1)
Within strength and conditioning, some studies indicate that strength training and endurance training are like oil and water.
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
3 Mobility Drills for Olympic Weightlifters
While being coached by Leo Totten and Mike Gattone at the NSCA National Conference, they finally got me to the point where I could actually catch a clean.
Kentucky Strong: Mental Barriers
Kentucky Strong: Mental Barriers
Mental barriers should never exist.
At the End of the Day
At the End of the Day
There is only one thing that makes us all equal in this life.
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
Training with Purpose: In Retrospect
I think it is important to look to the past to avoid future mistakes.
11 Things You May or May Not Want to Know About Dave Tate
11 Things You May or May Not Want to Know About Dave Tate
Is it true you train arms everyday? If not, is it twice a day?
Energy System Training for Football Athletes
Energy System Training for Football Athletes
The old—school meat—head coach way of asking your question is, “how do I keep my fat—ass lineman in shape without pounding their legs?”
Jennifer Petrosino: Head Check
Jennifer Petrosino: Head Check
Sometimes the hardest thing to face is not the is yourself.
Be a person of action, not excuses.
If I Could Do It All Again, Part 4
If I Could Do It All Again, Part 4
There is a fine line between having enough variety to elicit a training effect and being able to become proficient at the movement.
Developmental Strength: Modifications & Some Choices
Developmental Strength: Modifications & Some Choices
Every client has the right to an effective program. It's all about applying accommodating, modifying, and offering support.
Standing in Shit
Standing in Shit
Throw people into the shit and pick them up when they can not hold their chin above the surface anymore.
Post-Meet Reflections: Building Momentum
Post-Meet Reflections: Building Momentum
It is easy to put too much pressure on ourselves as competitors, but we have to realize that each meet is building momentum toward long-term success.
Reno Hardcore: The Flying Scotsman
Reno Hardcore: The Flying Scotsman
Mental toughness is the difference between getting huge PR lifts and missing them.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Training Update
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Training Update
What the hell could this old man have discovered that is not already known?
If I Could Do It All Again, Part 2
If I Could Do It All Again, Part 2
Thank goodness we got away from jogging a few laps before a ground—based warm—up.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts, Part 3
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts, Part 3
This edition of quick thoughts looks at hypertrophy and muscle length, the final frontier, long-term dilemmas, and the interactions of illness and intense training.
Iron Sport: The Intimidator
Iron Sport: The Intimidator
This is me cock blocking a prom picture as only I can.
A Lion in Iron: Training—Ritual or Habit?
A Lion in Iron: Training—Ritual or Habit?
Training as a habit and training as a ritual are two very different things. Which one best fits you?
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
By the Coach for the Coach: Exercise Edition
We want to teach that we move objects. We do not allow those objects to move us.
Mas—Wrestling: Attention Booturs
Mas—Wrestling: Attention Booturs
Mas–wrestling was a tool for preparing the young men of the cultures for the physical difficulties and demands of living in an isolated area where survival was the only focus.
WATCH: My Trip to Elitefts (Part 2)
WATCH: My Trip to Elitefts (Part 2)
My throat was about 80 percent closed and continuing to swell shut.
Have You Earned Your Title as Coach?
Have You Earned Your Title as Coach?
You don't just get called coach as a title. It is something that is earned.
Darden Diaries: My Trip to Elitefts (Part 1)
Darden Diaries: My Trip to Elitefts (Part 1)
He went through another couple of sets and then began to stumble and huff and puff his way over to where we were and then did something that will never escape me for the rest of my life.
Just Sayin': Mr. O
Just Sayin': Mr. O
Jay didn’t regain his Mr Olympia title by whipping Phil’s ass last night?
Reno Hardcore: Ten-Day Training Cycle
Reno Hardcore: Ten-Day Training Cycle
As we get stronger, everything changes and we have to keep adapting the program in order to keep getting stronger.
The Flexible Periodization Method: Program Design with Kettlebells (Part 1)
The Flexible Periodization Method: Program Design with Kettlebells (Part...
Do you have an emotional attachment to any exercise or piece of equipment?
Beast Reality: Shitty Days
Beast Reality: Shitty Days
It is hard to admit to ourselves that we may need to bow down to the demons to allow ourselves the time to recharge.
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 4)
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 4)
One size does not fit all. Not every guy is going wear the same tuxedo to the prom.
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Last we heard from Jesse Pierce, he was working to meet the Army's physical fitness standards. Has he achieved his goal?
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
I have a sure-fire way to add pounds to your deadlift and help you blow past your current PR.
Science of Lifting: The New Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning
Science of Lifting: The New Golden Age of Strength and Conditioning
If Reeves, Schwarzenegger, Anderson, Alekseyev, and such got us interested in lifting, then it has been Glasnost, the Internet, and cheap home media that has gotten us educated.
Monster Garage Gym: Time
Monster Garage Gym: Time
Time is the most precious thing a lifter has in the gym.
How You Take Your Total From Novice To Elite
How You Take Your Total From Novice To Elite
Training tips from Marc Bartley and Dave Tate to take your total from novice to elite.
Strong(her): Womens UGSS Documentary
Strong(her): Womens UGSS Documentary
The women of elitefts™ come together.
American Football Physical Preparation Manual: Interview with Coach X
American Football Physical Preparation Manual: Interview with Coach X
Ryan Williams Interviews™ Coach Buddy Morris on their new ebook.
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 1
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 1
There is nothing that makes up for the feeling that comes from squatting, bench pressing, or deadlifting.
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 4)
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 4)
I didn't have any idea that there was such a thing as a strength and conditioning coach.
Kentucky Strong: Five Quick Things That May Improve Your Training
Kentucky Strong: Five Quick Things That May Improve Your Training
You can’t beat the elitefts™ glute ham raise for bringing up those lacking hamstrings.
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
To be truly successful in powerlifting, one must be seriously motivated.
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
What you eat makes a giant difference on the platform.

Items 473 to 531 of 2134 total