This was the wildest and best meet weekend ever. As you know, I’ve been training for my first raw full power meet since December. After the SPF Worlds, I wanted to take a break from my shirted benching and try something different and challenging. I thought a raw full power meet met that challenge. I looked at the raw lifters’ numbers from 2009 to get an idea of what a respectable total would be for my weight class, and came to the conclusion, after looking these numbers over, that I could get close to some of the top lifts if I really put my nose to the grindstone and applied myself like I never have before. I called Jeremy Frey and told him what I wanted to do, and without flinching he said, "Cool, let’s do it. You’ll hit all these numbers in three months, I promise you."
Tim and I left North Carolina Friday morning on our way to Chattanooga, Tennessee. It’s only a 4.5 hour drive, but due to rockslides everywhere on all major interstates along the state line, we’d have to take some goat trails to get there. With all the snow, ice and rain, there were detours everywhere. So, 4.5 turned into 6.5 hours. Not a huge deal, but quite an obstacle.
After arriving, we went straight to the meet location and weighed in. I weighed 286 pounds on the dot. I know, eleven more pounds and I could have been in the 275 class, but I didn’t really care about losing anymore weight. I was just ready to lift. Tim and I left the weigh-ins, got a room and went out to eat with Dave Hoff and Bob Coe. We had a great time and ate like kings. I was even able to embarrass Bob, which is hard to do. He’s a funny guy and much louder than me. The first time we met was in Vegas at the seniors a few years back. He remembered everything Phil, Jason and I did back then. It was great seeing them and sharing a meal. These are the things I like the most about meets: seeing all the lifters, eating out, talking shit and having fun. The camaraderie at all the meets I’ve ever been to is second to none. It’s like seeing your extended family once or twice a year. I always look forward to it.
After dinner, Tim and I went back to the room to relax and crash. We got up at 6:30 AM. Kelly and Britt arrived late that night, so we got them up and went to breakfast. The meet meeting started at 8:30 AM, so we shot over to the location after breakfast and got settled in. After arriving, I started seeing familiar faces. My good friend and teammate, Charles Bailey, was there. Charles and I have a good time at meets together. He keeps me calm by talking trash and giving me a hard time throughout the meet. He also gave me invaluable advice throughout the day by reiterating things Jeremy went over with me time and time again. However, hearing it live and when I needed it the most really helped. Thanks Charles for all of your help and support Saturday. By the way, those leprechaun chucks are still gay!
I was glad to be placed in the second flight of the squat. It gave me ample time to get ready without being rushed. As I warmed up Louie, Bob, Dave and Charles all gave me pointers and support. This was really helpful. No matter how much Mr. Anon bashes lifters and lifts on the internet, he must never have been to a meet before, or he just sucks. I enjoy the meet environment more than anything. Everyone is helpful and supportive of one another. This meet was no different.
Here are my squat warm-ups:
1 x bar - 3
1 x 135 - 3
1 x 225 - 2
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 405 - 1
1 x 515 - 1
1 x 585 - 1
After the warm-ups, we sat down and my team was doing their best to keep me calm. I was so damn nervous because this was my first ever raw full power meet. I was doing something I never thought I’d do, and I was busting with nervousness. I was the first lifter in the second flight. My guys pulled me to the side and reminded me that this is just another ME day and to calm down. I walked to the platform sweating and shaking, but ready to hit my numbers. This is how my squats went:
Opener – 620 - 3 whites good!
Second – 660 - 3 whites good!
Third – 700 - 3 whites good!
Man, I was so excited getting all of my squats and even more excited smoking 700 pounds on my third. I was so proud of that 700. I knew I could do it. I was so focused for that third attempt. Mission One completed: 700 pound squat PR, nine white lights, and one step closer to my goal.
I didn’t want to aggravate my pec, so I went really light during my bench warm-up set. This was the one lift I knew I didn’t have to worry about – at least when I was healthy. My original plan was to get 520 – 530, but things changed when I got injured. I had taken 405 for an opener a week earlier, so I knew that was there, but I just wasn’t sure after that. I was prepared for the worst on bench. I knew that the bench would hurt me on my quest for an elite total, but the 700 pound squat helped.
Here’s how the bench went:
Opener – 405 - 3 whites good!
Second – 455 - 3 whites good!
Third – 500 - 3 reds no good!
After the 455 felt so easy as I pressed it, I thought 500 would be in the bank. When I brought the 500 down, paused and pressed up, I could feel my pec screaming in pain, but I kept pushing. My left side was at lockout, but my right side was lagging badly and I couldn’t finish it. I was very pissed off about this. I really wanted 500, but in reality I knew it was a shot in the dark. The problem now was figuring out what I needed to pull to get an elite total. Elite total for 308 raw is 1728. I was going to have to pull 575 to get this total. The most I ever pulled in the gym was 565, and I just about blew a gasket with that. My original opener for the deadlift was 520. We changed it to 530, so I wouldn’t have such a big jump on my second attempt. Plus, if something happened I would have another run at it on my third.
Here’s what I did on the deadlift:
Opener - 530 - 3 whites good!
Second - 575 - 3 whites good!
Third - 600 - 3 whites good!
Wow, a 600 pound pull from…me? I was stoked after that lift. I never thought I would pull 600, but it was easier than the 575. I added even more to my total to increase the elite total I was set out to achieve. What’s funny about all this is that I had to rely on lifts that I never really train. Somehow they pulled me through. Ironic.
I want to thank a lot of individuals who helped me throughout this process. I want to first thank my wife and daughter. They’ve helped me so much throughout this training cycle. It has been the hardest thus far. Their support and love has been the backbone to achieving what I sought. I want to thank Jeremy Frey. For the past year, Frey has done more for my training and lifting than I’ve thought was possible. His training methods, his knowledge and his ability to put up with me have been very much appreciated. Thanks to Dave Tate, Jim Wendler and EliteFTS for giving me an opportunity to represent such a great company and to be a part of the greatest team in powerlifting. I want to thank all of my training partners at NeboBarbell: Tim Hudgins, Kelly Wofford, Jonathan Britt, Josh Kneen and Lavan Clement for helping me and supporting me. Without you guys, I couldn’t have accomplished my goals. Thanks to Mark Farris and his crew in Asheville. Thanks to all of my fellow team members here on Team EliteFTS for your support and help. Thanks to Jesse Rodgers and the SPF for putting on such an amazing meet and venue for the Ironman Classic 2010. Thanks to all the spotters and loaders who have the hardest jobs during a meet. Congrats to Charles Bailey on his big 2500 total, Dave Hoff on his huge 2685 total and to all the lifters at the meet. Thanks to Melissa Garret and her fiancée Josh for taking such a perfect picture during the meet. Amber Sumter, Mrs. Rodgers, Joe Lattimer and all the other judges for doing such a great job collectively as a team for this meet.
Final Results Recap:
700 Squat
455 Bench
600 Dead lift
1755 Total
Elite Total Full Power Raw
1st Place Raw Full Power Men’s Open
1st Place Raw Full Power Men’s Sub masters
Meet Best Lifter Raw Full Power
Set New SPF World Records:
SPF 308 Raw Full Power World Record Men’s Open
SPF 308 Raw Full Power World Record Men’s Sub Master
NC SPF 308 Raw Full Power State Record Men’s Open
NC SPF 308 Raw Full Power State Record Men’s Sub Masters
Elite Fitness Systems strives to be a recognized leader in the strength training industry by providing the highest quality strength training products and services while providing the highest level of customer service in the industry. For the best training equipment, information, and accessories, visit us at www.EliteFTS.com.