When to Build Strength, When to Display It
When to Build Strength, When to Display It
Think about it. How do you prioritize these aspects of your training?
Building the Raw Squat
Building the Raw Squat
While the squat is still the most technical lift we see in powerlifting, the gear whores and raw zealots have much more in common than we think.
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
WATCH: Dave and Jim Are Back
There’s a lot of history shared between these two men. Now they’re adding to it.
WATCH: Table Talk — Geared to Raw Lifting
WATCH: Table Talk — Geared to Raw Lifting
The progression of gear usage is not linear; a lot of lifters actually return to raw after spending years in gear. This can be almost as challenging as learning the gear in the first place.
Breaking the 600-Pound Bench Barrier
Breaking the 600-Pound Bench Barrier
My road to 600 can be broken down into two phases of training: the Raw Strength Phase and The Equipped Peaking Phase. Here’s how I did it.
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
Building An All-Around Team: Find Your Role
In any successful group or team, there are three key positions that must be filled. Does your team have them?
Reset Your PR's
Reset Your PR's
In a perfect world, you’re always getting stronger and your PR’s are always moving higher. Well, this world isn’t perfect, and you need to remember that if you want to get stronger.
An Introduction to the Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete
An Introduction to the Yearly Training Plan of the Strength Athlete
In this first article of the series we look at the underlying purpose of a strength athlete’s training and the importance of the mesocycle.
USPA Drug Tested National Powerlifting Championships — Meána Franco PRs in Every Lift
USPA Drug Tested National Powerlifting Championships — Meána Franco PRs ...
I needed to regain confidence in myself as a lifter and take a step out of my comfort zone. I accomplished this at USPA Nationals.
Is Your Coach Giving You What You Need?
Is Your Coach Giving You What You Need?
There are a lot of coaches to choose from and they all think they’re the best. What criteria should you use to judge them?
WATCH: Chris Duffin and Raw Bench Phenom Leroy Walker
WATCH: Chris Duffin and Raw Bench Phenom Leroy Walker
In this second interview, Walker and Duffin discuss the life cycle of athletes, adversity, and talent.
WATCH: Table Talk — The Reason Powerlifting Records Are Being Shattered
WATCH: Table Talk — The Reason Powerlifting Records Are Being Shattered
Raw records have been dropping at unprecedented rates in recent years — and Dave thinks he knows why.
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
WATCH: Clint Darden Reviews Client Bench Press
From setup adjustments to training intensity, Clint’s coaching adjustments are all explained in this video.
How Dave Tate Is Setting 90-Pound PRs
How Dave Tate Is Setting 90-Pound PRs
When I left the certification with Douglas Heel, I told him that his system has had the biggest impact on my thoughts on strength training since finding Westside Barbell.
Squat Q&A: Zercher Squats, SS Yoke Bar Breathing, and Tight Hips
Squat Q&A: Zercher Squats, SS Yoke Bar Breathing, and Tight Hips
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: the squat.
How To Build A Bench Press with Trashy Triceps
How To Build A Bench Press with Trashy Triceps
If you train smart and put in the work, your nagging pains will not stop you from hitting a PR.
Setup Rules for the Bench Press
Setup Rules for the Bench Press
Regardless of what program you think works best for you, the form used to complete the lift is still the same.
Parallels of Lifting and Life — Confidence, Arrogance, Priorities
Parallels of Lifting and Life — Confidence, Arrogance, Priorities
Chad shares how difficulties in a personal situation had him look to lifting for answers.
WATCH: Spotting 101 — The Squat
WATCH: Spotting 101 — The Squat
Knowing how to properly spot is not only important for the safety of the lifter but also for your own.
WATCH: Set Yourself Up For A Bigger Bench
WATCH: Set Yourself Up For A Bigger Bench
Sometimes a visual is the one thing an audible coaching cue lacks. Give these tips a try.
WATCH: Best Secondary Movement for the Squat
WATCH: Best Secondary Movement for the Squat
This week Dave answers the question: If you could only pick one exercise as a secondary movement for squats, what would it be and why?
WATCH: 2016 Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games — Powerlifting
WATCH: 2016 Special Olympics Ohio Summer Games — Powerlifting
With lifters from Madison County competing and elitefts providing the equipment, this event meant a lot to our community.
WATCH: Knee Wrapping Technique for PR Attempts
WATCH: Knee Wrapping Technique for PR Attempts
If I don’t want to punch you in the face during my wrap, it’s not tight enough. Here’s how to do it right.
Verbal Cues Every Set — A Reminder of Your Duty as a Training Partner
Verbal Cues Every Set — A Reminder of Your Duty as a Training Partner
If your training partner’s technique is poor it will take a lot more than empty encouragement to make him better.
Bench Press Q&A: Shoulder Retraction, Bar Path, and Pec Tears
Bench Press Q&A: Shoulder Retraction, Bar Path, and Pec Tears
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: the bench press.
WATCH: Table Talk — What If Other Competitors Lie About Drug Use?
WATCH: Table Talk — What If Other Competitors Lie About Drug Use?
Mentally preparing for a meet isn’t easy but what if you also have to worry that the other lifters are lying about steroids?
WATCH: 2016 Training Camp — All Footage with JL, Swede, and Casey
WATCH: 2016 Training Camp — All Footage with JL, Swede, and Casey
Following this exclusive elitefts event, we have shared coaching videos and lessons from the weekend. Here’s everything in one place.
Are You Just Going Through the Motions?
Are You Just Going Through the Motions?
Life is meant to be lived. Stop sleepwalking through life and waiting for things to happen.
RPS Canadian Nationals — My First Meet Post Shoulder Surgery
RPS Canadian Nationals — My First Meet Post Shoulder Surgery
I believe you should treat every injury as a gift. While fighting to make it back to the platform I learned many things.
The Mandatory Deload
The Mandatory Deload
My biggest mistake over the last few years was competing too much and training through injuries. Taking time off was probably the most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do.
Deadlift Q&A: Block Pulls, Tension, Hip Mobility
Deadlift Q&A: Block Pulls, Tension, Hip Mobility
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: deadlifting.
WATCH: Table Talk — Lat Training to Build a Raw Bench Press
WATCH: Table Talk — Lat Training to Build a Raw Bench Press
A lot of lifters say the lats are the most important part of a strong bench press, but few know how to train them correctly.
So You Made Weight, Now What?
So You Made Weight, Now What?
You’ve put 8-16 weeks of hard work into your meet prep. Why ruin it 24 hours before the competition?
Metabolic Stress Based Hypertrophy Training
Metabolic Stress Based Hypertrophy Training
This protocol seems to be at least as effective (if not more effective) than training in traditional rep ranges, while at the same time remaining far less expensive in terms of recoverability.
A Refresher on Traditional Periodization
A Refresher on Traditional Periodization
Before there were a bunch of fancy training programs, and after Milo carried the growing cow a bit further each day, there was traditional periodization. Let’s review.
WATCH: Table Talk — The Early Days
WATCH: Table Talk — The Early Days
What did a typical day in college look like for Dave back in his 20s?
WATCH: Bench Press Instruction with JL, Swede, and Casey
WATCH: Bench Press Instruction with JL, Swede, and Casey
In this final collection of footage we’ll share from our April training camp, the three expert coaches demonstrate the proper way to learn and improve the bench press.
York Barbell Hall of Famer Rickey Dale Crain
York Barbell Hall of Famer Rickey Dale Crain
Inducted in 2000, he is a five-time IPF World Champion, 10-time national champion, and much more.
Three Days at Kabuki Strength Systems
Three Days at Kabuki Strength Systems
Through our many adventures, Chris Duffin and I trained, went four-wheeling, ate A LOT, and talked about many aspects of coaching and programming.
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
2016 APF Equipped Nationals — Qualifying for WPC Worlds
What I overcame for this meet is far more than I have for any other.
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters  — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
There are two types of squatters: hip squatters and back squatters. The proper way to execute the lift depends on which technique is best for you.
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
Practical Programming Adjustments Determined By Age
If you aren’t considering this factor, your training is suffering.
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Hardcore Lifters
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Hardcore Lifters
The information in this article is meant for lifters who care about only one thing: building the biggest powerlifting total possible.
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Normal Lifters
Building A Great Lifting Crew — Advice for Normal Lifters
The majority of people that go to the gym want a place where they can have fun, get stronger, and not be stressed in an overly-competitive environment. Here’s how to do it.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should a Powerlifter Use a Sled or Prowler?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Should a Powerlifter Use a Sled or Prowler?
You can use a sled or a prowler for a lot of reasons. People like them for conditioning but I think they’re best used for recovery and restoration when you’re getting ready for a meet.
WATCH: Reintroducing Dynamic Effort Bench Day
WATCH: Reintroducing Dynamic Effort Bench Day
I just added speed work back into my training after a long time without it. Here’s how I’m doing it.
Training Through Injury: The Edema Press
Training Through Injury: The Edema Press
A broken back doesn’t mean you can’t build your bench. Try this movement to teach better stability through squeezing your glutes and bracing your abs.
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
50 Things All Handlers Need to Know
This list and the included video give you what you need to know before, during, and after the meet to help your lifter reach their competitive goals.
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Recovery and Weight Class Transition
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Recovery and Weight Class Transition
JL, Swede, and Casey continue their question-and-answer session by addressing how lifters can increase recoverability and maintain strength during weight loss.
3 Reasons You Can't Lock Out Your Deadlift
3 Reasons You Can't Lock Out Your Deadlift
I’ve heard many times that there’s no technique to deadlifting, you just grab the bar and pull. I have to disagree.
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
WATCH: Do You NEED A Dynamic Effort Training Day?
Power output is what you’re looking for. Will a speed day produce it?
WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin
WATCH: Reno Hardcore with Guest Chris Duffin
Kabuki, mental aspects of training, masculinity, geared vs. raw lifting, RPE — it’s all here in this video with two all-time great powerlifters.
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
Lifting on the Platform — In Honor of My Father
The journey was difficult but I walked away accomplishing something much more important at the Women’s Pro-Am than a big total.
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Through a lot of ups downs since 2002, I’ve learned things both the hard way and the easy way. In one quick read, here are 137 of the best things to remember about conjugate.
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
Wish They Could All Be California Meets
The whole point of the US Open was to show Tarra and instill some confidence in what I already knew: that she would still be able to perform well at a lighter bodyweight.
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Overtraining, Openers, and Body Composition
WATCH: Training Camp Q&A — Overtraining, Openers, and Body Composition
JL, Swede, and Casey answer multiple questions in this video, ranging from how to control training intensity to picking openers to nutrition for powerlifters.
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
If you aren’t getting stronger or making gains, you’re doing something wrong. Your first job is figuring out what that is.
WATCH: Carlos Reyes —  From Pro Strongman to Pro Powerlifter
WATCH: Carlos Reyes — From Pro Strongman to Pro Powerlifter
In transition from strongman to powerlifting, and now from the XPCs to Boss of Bosses, Carlos shares his journey.
WATCH: Table Talk — The Best Accessory Exercises for the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
WATCH: Table Talk — The Best Accessory Exercises for the Squat, Bench, a...
If you want to build your total, you need to pick the right accessory movements for all three lifts. Here are my favorites.

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