The Squat Bar Isn't Bad For You
The Squat Bar Isn't Bad For You
I know it might FEEL bad, and you might feel banged up from squatting with it, but that does not mean you should be avoiding the straight bar.
The Westside I Remember
The Westside I Remember
With our Westside Table Talk episode coming up I thought I’d add more background to this article on Westside and the lifters I met there
Optimal Arousal in Powerlifting
Optimal Arousal in Powerlifting
Ever step onto the platform with raging, psyched up adrenaline coursing through your veins…but you end up missing the lift?
Why I Walked Away From Powerlifting
Why I Walked Away From Powerlifting
The moving parts behind the competition life are brutal. Go all in, and know when to get out.
How to Achieve Your Training Goals
How to Achieve Your Training Goals
The more bases you cover, the better chances you have of winning the game. Remember, meet prep is 24/7. So, what’s your plan?
The 6s and 7s of Training and Nutrition
The 6s and 7s of Training and Nutrition
Exercises or food you ranked high at some point may not be serving you anymore? It’s time to reevaluate what you lift and put in your mouth.
Opportunities for You in Collegiate Powerlifting
Opportunities for You in Collegiate Powerlifting
I ask four colleges for more information to help parents and high school lifters how to be better prepared to earn a scholarship or a powerlifting club invitation.
#128  Naomi & Tom Sheppard | Top UK Total | #1 Ranked Powerlifter
#128  Naomi & Tom Sheppard | Top UK Total | #1 Ranked Powerlifter
Naomi and Tom Sheppard join Dave Tate’s Table Talk Podcast as guests in the 128th episode.
The Most Underutilized Training Tool to Break PRs 
The Most Underutilized Training Tool to Break PRs 
You likely see it every day in the gym and just think of it as a safety feature for your training. You’re not entirely wrong but USE it!
#126 Greg Nuckols : Host of Stronger by Science
#126 Greg Nuckols : Host of Stronger by Science
Greg is the Head of Content at Stronger By Science and co-owner of MASS.
How to Put 100kg on Your Total in 15 Weeks
How to Put 100kg on Your Total in 15 Weeks
Dropping from the 320s to the 250s and competing as a 308 to a 242, I was forced to switch up my training split. Here’s the split!
Louie Simmons Shocks Boris Sheiko
Louie Simmons Shocks Boris Sheiko
In 2016, Boris Sheiko met Louie Simmons for the first time. Here’s how they spent their time together and what they talked about.
I Am Bryan Doberdruk
I Am Bryan Doberdruk
It all began with Bryan buying a used monolift from elitefts. One thing led to another and nearing ten years, he’s still on the team as an athlete.
The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The greatest powerlifter of all time has learned a thing or two about how to be the best in the world. He approaches life the same way.
#119 - 8x WPC World Champion: Doug Heath
#119 - 8x WPC World Champion: Doug Heath
Learn how the 20-year-old version of Doug met Louie Simmons and his lifting career blasted off the ground in this podcast episode!
I Am Jo Jordan
I Am Jo Jordan
Powerlifting is a small and fleeting part of Jo’s existence. Although one of his top priorities, the joy of life is family. Learn more!
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
Talk to any strength coach or trainer, and in some way, they have been influenced by Louie Simmons. Here are 7 ways he influenced me.
The Beginner's Guide to Powerlifting
The Beginner's Guide to Powerlifting
Everything you need to know to enter the world of powerlifting is right here.
12-Week Omni-Contraction Program for Powerlifters
12-Week Omni-Contraction Program for Powerlifters
Use the omni-contraction method and the different contractions (concentric, eccentric, and isometric) to improve your powerlifting total.  
4-Week Hypertrophy Block for the Powerlifter
4-Week Hypertrophy Block for the Powerlifter
In 4 weeks, relieve tired muscles, add muscle or lose fat, and reenergize your CNS for the next cycle with this hypertrophy block.
7 Deadlift Myths—Busted!
7 Deadlift Myths—Busted!
These deadlift myths have been around for too long and it’s time they disappear. Get ready to feel SHOCKED, LIED TO, or ANGRY.
4 (Big) Training Mistakes You're Making
4 (Big) Training Mistakes You're Making
When I decided to be on the platform competing with the best of the best, I had to fix these mistakes. You should too.
Pro Squat Tip: Perform Eccentrics
Pro Squat Tip: Perform Eccentrics
If you’re new to the squat or lose technique once it gets heavy, train the eccentric to become one with the bar.
Can We Just Let Pee Pee Be?
Can We Just Let Pee Pee Be?
Urinary Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine, which can happen in both males and females—more than half of women experience it.
The Power of a Good Training Partner
The Power of a Good Training Partner
Beyond the obvious benefits of camaraderie and mutual encouragement, there are some definite positives to having a good training partner.
5 Max Effort Cycles to Break Your Next PR
5 Max Effort Cycles to Break Your Next PR
How you set up your max effort work is crucial to setting up the rest of the session. Don’t just pick random exercises here.
6 Pre-Internet Gains You Can Use Today
6 Pre-Internet Gains You Can Use Today
You live in a time of instant access to knowledge to get better at your sport. Before the internet, how did the strength greats ever manage?
How to Run a Successful Powerlifting Meet
How to Run a Successful Powerlifting Meet
At Showtime Strength & Performance, we have run close to 30 powerlifting meets of all sizes and for competitors of all types. Here’s how we do it.
3 Ways to Get Stronger Using Your Mind
3 Ways to Get Stronger Using Your Mind
Your battle to succeed in powerlifting is won or lost in your mind long before you chalk up and curl your fingers around the knurling of a barbell.
Powerlifting Advice and Idols
Powerlifting Advice and Idols
You never know who is looking up to you, and wouldn’t it be a damn shame if you turned out just to be another asshole with a singlet and a status.
I Am Dani LaMartina
I Am Dani LaMartina
Who’s Dani? Where is she from? What are her passions? What is she accomplishing in her practice and lifting career? She tells you here.
Never Fear Change
Never Fear Change
Trying to get stronger or bigger? Carrying too much fat? Regardless of the goal, change is inevitable. Embrace it to reach your goals.
What is Wrong with Powerlifting?
What is Wrong with Powerlifting?
Absolutely nothing. That may not be the best question to ask if we’re looking to improve this wonderful sport.
Year One at The Bear Cave
Year One at The Bear Cave
There is no beginning and end, no start or finish, just a boundless chasm of opportunity here. Oh, and the door still sticks.
Foam Training Alternatives for Bench Pressing
Foam Training Alternatives for Bench Pressing
If you’re looking for alternative ways to keep pressing for extra recovery or to safeguard wear and tear in elbows and shoulders, it’s here.
Calming the Storm Between Attempts
Calming the Storm Between Attempts
There are lots of articles and tips on getting you revved up to perform. THIS ISN’T ONE OF THEM. Learn to conserve your energy between sets.
PR Your Next Bench Training Session
PR Your Next Bench Training Session
If your movement is constrained, how will this directly affect your bench stroke? A LOT. Try these four stretches.
Why Powerlifters Should Front Squat
Why Powerlifters Should Front Squat
What moves 600 pounds, won’t necessarily move 700 pounds. Reassessing my situation, I realized my thoracic extensors were weak.
5 Suggestions for the Garage Gym Powerlifter Training Conjugate
5 Suggestions for the Garage Gym Powerlifter Training Conjugate
Here are my suggestions if you are training in your garage, thinking about competing in a powerlifting meet, and are intrigued about the conjugate method of training.
Cueing Athletes and Clients: Work With Them, Not Against Them
Cueing Athletes and Clients: Work With Them, Not Against Them
Cueing athletes and clients is heavily dependent on their learning style. Ask them how they learn best and use the information to your advantage!
Why You Should Perform Pause Squats Above the Knees
Why You Should Perform Pause Squats Above the Knees
Do you want a bigger squat? This Russian secret will help.
Powerlifting Basics: Go Easy on the Croutons
Powerlifting Basics: Go Easy on the Croutons
You are only a new lifter once, and that is a gift to take seriously. Don’t squander it by dabbling in the post-elite aspects and methods of training.
The Best Lower Body Warm-up Ever!
The Best Lower Body Warm-up Ever!
Don’t skimp out on a warm-up to only tweak your back squatting 135. I know from experience.
The Most Important Facets of Team Training
The Most Important Facets of Team Training
Here’s what my crew abides by in setting up our team training. The process starts with tryouts.
Why an Experienced Lifter Should Use a Coach
Why an Experienced Lifter Should Use a Coach
The best way I can explain this concept is to tell you a story about a pilot and his air traffic controller.
Journaling for Training Success
Journaling for Training Success
Your training log serves so many roles for you to ultimately reflect, analyze, and attack your goals and performance. For less than a dollar, get started today and see how practicing mindfulness puts more weight on the bar.
Mental Preparation and Imagery for Peak Performance
Mental Preparation and Imagery for Peak Performance
There’s a big misconception that to conquer the weights you need passion and anger. Research and personal experience disagree. If you’re prepping for a powerlifting meet, it’s time to train your mind.
2 Exercises to Get Your Stalled Deadlift Moving Again
2 Exercises to Get Your Stalled Deadlift Moving Again
If your deadlift sucks at lockout, mid-position, or from the floor, you’ll want to add the stiff-legged deadlift and Romanian deadlift into your training program. Here’s how to do them correctly, with a sample training template to get started.
My Favorite Bar, So Far...
My Favorite Bar, So Far...
A straight bar is a straight bar is a straight bar, right? WRONG!
12 Tips for a Stronger, Safer, More Efficient Bench Press
12 Tips for a Stronger, Safer, More Efficient Bench Press
Lifting, and the bench press for that matter, is not rocket science, but you do need to use your brain. Use these twelve tips to fix your damn technique and showcase all of your strength.
The Misuse of Post-Activation Potentiation and Pre-Exhaust in Powerlifting
The Misuse of Post-Activation Potentiation and Pre-Exhaust in Powerlifting
What does the literature tell us about using exercise before the main work we want to improve that day? It tells us A LOT.
No One Makes It Alone
No One Makes It Alone
It’s a long way to the top so find the main players who’ll walk beside you to make you better along the way. It’s easy to find people that look impressive but are they really everything they say? Are they all fluff with no substance?
What To Do When You Don't Enjoy Training Anymore
What To Do When You Don't Enjoy Training Anymore
Remember, you’re human. It’s OK to feel this way about training and one day you inevitably will. With these six suggestions, plan and prepare for this ugly feeling and destroy ASAP to enjoy training again.
Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Juggling Powerlifting, Life, and Love
Meet two love birds, Aaron and Kelly Grosos, and learn how they make it work as competitive powerlifters.
How to Come Back From Multiple Injuries
How to Come Back From Multiple Injuries
A personal account of my two-year journey from a broken radius, broken ulna, and a torn ACL (all on the same day) to coming back stronger than ever. Tons of people have broken bones and torn muscles and ligaments before, in and out of competition, and this is just one of those stories.
Ernie Frantz and the History of Frantz Multi-Ply Gear
Ernie Frantz and the History of Frantz Multi-Ply Gear
What you are about to read is a truly loving portrait of a powerlifting legend, written by one of the few who knew him best (and a great powerlifting coach in his own right).
Be Willing to Feel Pain
Be Willing to Feel Pain
This is certainly anti-quit training. Learning to be uncomfortable and not stop or run away is priceless in hard training.
Technique Over Aggression
Technique Over Aggression
Here’s what I’ve learned to become an elite lifter at 220: accumulate faults and then fix them over the course of an off-season. You’ll be surprised how it all aligns if you just stop, reflect, work, and listen.
The Dogg Shitt Method 2
The Dogg Shitt Method 2
Add these six weeks to the DSM 12-week template, and you have yourself an awesome 18 weeks of training!

Items 60 to 118 of 2156 total