Building the Perfect Monster
If you watched the previous installments, the techniques in this video will lock down your structural needs for a bigger squat.
Lifting: A Gauge of Truth
You could lie about how hard you train, the foods you eat, and your gym PRs…but progress will only happen if you're true to the weights.
WATCH: The Team Talks About the Team
Fifteen years of team members share their experiences and reasons of being a part of elitefts.
The Problem of Oversimplification
With a complex organism such as the human body, answers to questions must contain a broad analysis covering various components.
Meet New Team Member Meana Franco
With guidance from hall-of-famer Steve Goggins, Franco is poised to make her mark in the sport.
Nutrition Advice from Generation X (to Y and Z)
When your elders say “eat your veggies,” you young'uns better listen.
Constructing Your Program
The second segment of my guide to off-season programming. It's what you choose to do between competitions that matters.
Veteran's Perspective of the Platform
Are you obsessing over the minutiae and overlooking the big picture?
Breath Control for Optimal Performance
Appease your moral conscious by taking the prophalctic approach to birth control. Oh sorry…you said breath control.
Preventing Adaptation to Exercise
Bodybuilding magazines have promulgated the myth of muscle confusion. While it sounds ridiculous, a slight tweaking in your exercises will grease the path of continued progress.
Why "Chest Up" in the Squat is Wrong
Fixing your thoracic spine position, can immediately add 10-15 percent to your squat.
The Powerlifter's Guide to Off-Season Programming
SWOT analysis is crucial in developing a business plan, but can it also be applied to your powerlifting?
Top 10 Meet Day Tips for the Competitive Lifter
No matter how long you've been around, there's sure to be one or two on this list you've never heard.
The Importance of Tracking Volume
One can not ignore the necessity of regulating training volume. Rest in peace, Mike Mentzer.
Building Size with Crossfit
If you joined Crossfit to look like Rich Froning, you may need to broaden your approach. This is how I transitioned to powerlifting.
The Long Road to a 900-Pound Bench
At the RPS Battle of Champions: Connecticut State Championships I accomplished a life-long goal.
The Building of Mike Strom
As Strom prepares for Worlds, his coach reflects on what it took to get there.
Friday Technique Video: Bands Setup
This man will kick you so hard in the chest, you will crap your ribs out. Literally. Out of your butthole.
Pause to Re-evaluate Your Squat
This one movement will eliminate the most common weakness found in squats.
You Will Be Stronger
At the last Learn to Train seminar, I saw attendees do amazing things. The Powerlifting Experience will be even better.
Memories of Westside
You all have heard a lot of stories, now let me cut through Dave's Westside bullshit.
Purposeful GPP: Applying Science to Your Conditioning
Have you ever tried actually PROGRAMMING your GPP?
Training Complexes to Shatter Plateaus
Post-Activation Potentiation will add some spring to your static strength, produce new slabs of muscle, and develop a powerful physique.
Heroically Overcoming the Villiany of Injury and Depression
Super Zane snorts kryptonite like an ammonia inhalant and laughs in the face of rehabilitation.
Friday Technique Video: Mastering the Sumo Deadlift
This man can punch you so hard your teeth will hit your girlfriend like shrapnel. Listen to him.
The Tools of the Trade
If your max squat is 600 pounds it doesn't hurt to use a bar that supports twice that.
Using Gear to Overload Your Raw Strength
If you aren’t wising up to the value of gear for raw lifting, Joe will choke you out with a pair of Krait Knee Wraps.
Big Wave Surfing and Powerlifting are Similar, Dude
Is driving out of the hole on a squat PR any harder than burying the rail on a sweet wave? Hell yeah, it is!
3 Contrarian Training Strategies
You are embarrassing! You come in here…doing those stale-ass sets, in that stale-ass program, as part of your stale-ass training cycle…and you expect results?
Increasing Proficiency in the Olympic Lifts
With attention to detail, effort, and intelligent progressions, Olympic lifts can be both enjoyable and highly effective in developing a range of physical qualities.
Duffin's Special Exercises to Maximize Glute Development
Video of my two favorite developmental tools for strength athletes that do not engage their glutes optimally.
2014 APF Senior Nationals Preview
The winners of this weekend qualify for the WPC World Championships…who will they be?
3 Ways the Platform Prepared Me for the Stage
How becoming Strong(her) made me a better figure competitor.
Gear for the Raw Lifter: Know Your Weapons
Are you afraid that the chalk police will find illicit lifting paraphernalia in your gym bag?
My Unique Methods for a World Record Squat
Not any old training system will give you an 860 raw squat at 220.
You Ain't Shit But Neither Am I
In a world in which society is more connected than ever before, where has individual connectivity gone?
Are You Box Squatting or Squatting to a Box?
This man can break your leg like a Kit-Kat bar. Listen to him.
The Dark Side of Program Comparison
Teach your kids to be the best they can be, not the best on YouTube.
Top 20 Things Men Should Know About Female Powerlifters
You think you know about female powerlifters? You don't know the first thing that is going on in their heads.
Motivation From Within
How far would you push yourself when you believe the only person who will ever know is you?
4 Steps to Target Your Deadlift Plateau
This man can punch through your face and pull out your spine. Listen to him.
Dave Tate's Guide to Supplemental Movements with FULL Video
Updated with Dave Tate's FULL presentation (video) on supplemental strength from the LTT8.
How I Deadlifted 800 Pounds Raw
Hard work, unorthodox movements, and correcting weaknesses produce a BIG deadlift PR.
"Hey, I Think I Wanna Do a Powerlifting Meet…"
Elitefts™ equipment + Metal Gear + mental toughness = record lifts
Dizenzo's 900-Pound Bench Program
This month's bench-building program will drive your gains into The Vincent Zone.