Beast Reality: Shitty Days
Beast Reality: Shitty Days
It is hard to admit to ourselves that we may need to bow down to the demons to allow ourselves the time to recharge.
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 4)
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 4)
One size does not fit all. Not every guy is going wear the same tuxedo to the prom.
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Strength Training in the Military (Part 3)
Last we heard from Jesse Pierce, he was working to meet the Army’s physical fitness standards. Has he achieved his goal?
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
Conventional Pulling for the Sumo Deadlifter
I have a sure-fire way to add pounds to your deadlift and help you blow past your current PR.
How You Take Your Total From Novice To Elite
How You Take Your Total From Novice To Elite
Training tips from Marc Bartley and Dave Tate to take your total from novice to elite.
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 1
Clint Darden: Questions in the Compound, Part 1
There is nothing that makes up for the feeling that comes from squatting, bench pressing, or deadlifting.
No Bullsh*t: Because You Will Never Beat Me
No Bullsh*t: Because You Will Never Beat Me
There I was, fifteen years later, staring down my greatest friend and my worst enemy.
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
What I Learned from Dave Tate: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
To be truly successful in powerlifting, one must be seriously motivated.
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
Eric Maroscher: Video Inquisition (Part 1)
What you eat makes a giant difference on the platform.
Freak Critique: Adam Driggers’ Deadlift
Freak Critique: Adam Driggers’ Deadlift
When you rip, you are at the mercy of wherever the bar goes with the rip.
Science of Lifting: Isometrics
Science of Lifting: Isometrics
Isometric lifts, lifts where the muscles contract without causing movement at the involved joints, might be an under-appreciated tool for lifters and athletes.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 9)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 9)
Have you tried this shrug variation to build your deadlift?
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated (Part 4)
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated (Part 4)
If you have time to answer texts and play angry birds, then you are probably not meant for this.
It’s better to be proud of true, small accomplishments than great, elaborate lies.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 8)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 8)
This is the hardest exercise for hamstrings.
APRE: The Fastest Way to Get Strong
APRE: The Fastest Way to Get Strong
APRE: The Scientifically Proven Fastest Way to Get Strong by Elitefts™ Columnist Bryan Mann
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Training Logs: Do More Than Just Track
Remember in math class when your teacher told you to show your work? Well, you need to do it again.
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
It’s not about whether it’s right or wrong…it’s about if you’re doing it right!
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 5)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 5)
To build structural static strength, incorporate reverse hyper swings.
Genetics Versus Hard Work
Genetics Versus Hard Work
The implications on parental physical condition at the time of procreation.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 4)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 4)
If your hands cannot hold it, typically your body is not ready to lift it.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 3)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 3)
Learn how goodmornings can improve your deadlift.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Baby Steps
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Baby Steps
He’s back…and he’s getting ready to take the platform!
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
Matt Wenning has Ryan perform sumo deadlifts to correct conventional pull weaknesses.
No Bullsh*t: Is Your Prehabilitation/Warm Up Actually Hurting You?
No Bullsh*t: Is Your Prehabilitation/Warm Up Actually Hurting You?
This warm–up will get you under the bar in ten minutes or less.
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 1)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 1)
Matt targets the pull in the same expert fashion that he did with the squat.
Just Sayin': Powerlifting and Strength Sports vs. Bodybuilding
Just Sayin': Powerlifting and Strength Sports vs. Bodybuilding
Powerlifters? Not so sexy. Bodybuilders? Way sexy.
How 810-Pound Deadlifter Marshall Johnson Uses Cardio
How 810-Pound Deadlifter Marshall Johnson Uses Cardio
Elitefts Pro Powerlifter Marshall Johnson details how he implements cardio into his training program.
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 2)
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 2)
Driggers shares another nugget of wisdom…this time about locking out.
Sumo Deadlift: EliteFTS Roundtable Discussion
Sumo Deadlift: EliteFTS Roundtable Discussion
This article originally appeared on the site in 2007.
Reno Hardcore: Train Less as You Advance
Reno Hardcore: Train Less as You Advance
I think the biggest and hardest change for me was learning to train less.
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 1)
Adam Driggers: Advice Through the Years (Part 1)
I have some worthy advice to share from Rick Hussey with you.
Three Things You Need to Know about Training
Three Things You Need to Know about Training
Dave Tate debunks these common training myths.
Three Cues to Improve Your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
Three Cues to Improve Your Squat, Bench, and Deadlift
A few cues to hone in on perfect technique.
How to Wear a Powerlifting Belt
How to Wear a Powerlifting Belt
This is a great starting place.
The Abadjiev Method (Part 1)
The Abadjiev Method (Part 1)
The history behind the madness: Ivan Abadjiev
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Squatting 750s, benching high 400s and pulling over 800 every meet as a drug-free 264.6-pound man is unbeatable on American soil.
Strength Inc: 14 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan
Strength Inc: 14 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan Inc Advisor & Strength Inc Founder Ed Coan answers your questions.
Marshall Johnson: Iron Battle on the Mississippi
Marshall Johnson: Iron Battle on the Mississippi
Do I have the confidence to go up to my planned third attempt, or take the same weight?
Kentucky Strong: Prison Strong?
Kentucky Strong: Prison Strong?
If you want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen.
Gear vs. Raw Training Minus Bro-Science
Gear vs. Raw Training Minus Bro-Science
Do you really know how gear works or are you relying on Bro Science?
Are You Training Too Heavy?
Are You Training Too Heavy?
Challenge yourself, both mentally and physically, by doing movements that are hard.
Baby Power (Part 1)
Baby Power (Part 1)
This cycle is the most important training I have ever written for someone.

Items 1417 to 1475 of 2156 total