Chris Szorc: Live. Learn. And Pass On.
Athletes and coaches within the sport, living, learning, and passing on.
Beaten Down and Broken
Do not push through legitimate injuries because you are too tough or hardcore.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Adjustable Bench
When will there be a competitive adjustable bench?
Mick Manley: Why You're Stupid
If there is a reason why you aren’t going to a certain gym, training with a team if one’s available, or doing a meet, you’re really doing yourself a disservice.
Ten Training Principles from the Art of War
Training is a daily battle in which our will and desire are tested.
Grip Training: More Than an Afterthought
Grip strength has always been an important aspect of training for athletes and strength sport competitors alike.
Monster Garage Gym: It's Time to Let Johnny Out of the Bag!
Who is Johnny, and why in the heck is he in a bag?
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Cardio Anyone?
As powerlifters, we need to avoid that dreaded first symptom of heart disease, sudden death.
Mick Manley: Catch up, Part 1
If you want to progress in powerlifting, you have to work on things you suck at, plain and simple.
Monster Garage Gym: To Compete or Not to Compete, That Is the Question
The competition is like a period at the end of a sentence.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 3)
The third segment in Brian Carroll’s journey to a strong(er) back.
Powerlifting from a Teenager's Perspective
My dad, who would later become the best coach I ever had in my life, started showing me new powerlifting lifts.
Brian Schwab: Take it to the Meet
A decade at the top.
Looking at Brain Schwab’s numbers on the platform.
Specialty Bars Revealed
We incorporate two of the specialty bars from elitefts™ into our regular training cycle.
You Ask, We Answer with Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 4)
Dave shares some advice that may help you as you work through your injury issues.
Strength Inc: 15 Minute Q&A with Ed Coan Inc Adviser & Strength Inc Founder Ed Coan answers your questions.
You Ask, We Answer With Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 1)
“To go from shit to suck, is a big step” – Dave Tate
A Lion in Iron: Ladies, Measurements Don't Matter
The scale, caliper measurements, bodyfat percentages…is that the only way you determine your client’s success?
Has Powerlifting Turned Negative?
It’s better to spend the time helping others than tearing them down.
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 3
In the third and final part of this series, I’ll detail the downstreaming strategy in regards to attempt selection.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: The Long and Winding Road
The road back to the platform can be long and winding.
Six Lessons Learned from the LTT6
Thanks to the elitefts™ team for making this experience amazing. Not only did I take away these six lessons, I also benched 170 pounds at the compound.
A Case for Sanity and Powerlifting, Part 2
There are three fundamental strategies any reasonable athlete or coach can use to choose one’s attempts.
Elitefts Classic: 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions
You’ve read the book, you know the program. Here’s how to perfect it.
Sadistic Strength Methods: Sadiv Sets
If pulling heavy from the floor is one of your favorite pastimes, then Sadiv sets are right up your ally.
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated, Part 3
Are you doind the right things and listening to the right people?