Discipline and Regret
I was first introduced to powerlifting in 1983 by my sixth grade geography teacher, Mr. Spero Tshontikidis. In addition to teaching, Mr. Tshontikidis was a competitive powerlifter in the ADFPA.
The Seven Components of Getting Stronger While Training by Yourself
If there’s one thing I learned over the course of the past five years, it’s how to train by myself and be successful.
Sleep or Not to Sleep?
And if all else fails, I’ll do what all other powerlifters do with nagging injuries, I’ll ignore it.
Want to Train Here? I Need to See Your Resume First
Recently, I had several inquiries about training and memberships at my gym.
Tips for the Raw Powerlifter
For raw lifters, the important thing to remember is that you’re training for raw strength.
Kirschen's Powerlifting 101: What’s Up With The Chains?
If you’re familiar at all with the sport of powerlifting, the idea of using chains as a training tool is probably nothing new.
The Long Road to My First Meet
This past weekend I competed in my first powerlifting meet, but before I get into an account of the actual event, some background information is probably in order.
Newton’s Way of Squatting
If you have been frustrated by recurrent back issues and can no longer perform traditional squats, try one of these methods.
If you are looking to smash your bench PR before the end of the year, here you go!
Need Help Programming? Follow Along with Vincent Dizenzo's Bench Tr...
I’m looking forward to my first intensification block in a few weeks when I can blast weight up like I’m used to.
Of Broomsticks But Not Bed Knobs
The three key ways that I use broomsticks are helping clients understand what a neutral spine feel likes and how it needs to be maintained during lifts, assisting with flexibility and mobility, and assisting with postural assessments.
Under The Bar: Does Your LIft Off Suck?
What I needed was a Lift Off but what I really wanted was the Perfect Lift Off.
Jason Pegg: My Trip to the IPA Nationals
Well, it’s been a long time coming, but the meet was finally here.
Things I Would Do Differently
When I put a post about needing article ideas, I got some real good ideas from a bunch of guys. The one I kept getting the most was, “What would you do differently?” So, here is a list of things I would do differently if I could go back in time. Please keep in mind that this is just my
Paying the Bills – My First Year in Powerlifting
So how exactly does one get mixed up in the sport of powerlifting?
Starting a Powerlifting Club
My father once told me that a good teammate is someone who can carry his own weight and some of yours too when you need him to.
3 Things You'd Better Know if You Want Strong(er) Triceps
Kicking back some thoughts on tricep training…
Saving Face: Effective Spotting of The Bench Press
At this point, I began asking myself WTF!? and wondering if this is a regular thing.
Then I woke up and realized that I come from a sport where knee wraps appear under bench shirts, then disappear, then reappear only to have never been there in the first place. The point here is that unless you were there, you have no
Advanced Squat Cycle
I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Paul Childress recently and talk about how he sets up his squat cycles before a meet.
Energy System Development for Powerlifting
Energy system development is seemingly one of the hottest concepts in the fitness industry lately.
The elitefts™ Learn to Train 3 Seminar "LTT3” and the Lies We Tell ...
Just twenty minutes in and the seminar is already worth ten times the cost of admission.
Under The Bar - Training Environment
Over the past few months, I’ve been asked repeatedly what I feel the most important aspect of training is.
The Greatest Program in the World
Choosing the “right” program can be an intimidating decision. The truth is, this might not be as critical a decision as you think.
Going Pro
I started experimenting with single ply gear a few months ago including Metal IPF V-Type Squatter, Metal IPF King Presser, and Metal IPF Deadlifter.
Strength 101: Part IV - Training Periodization
Parallel systems train multiple skills simultaneously, and they progress mainly by manipulating volume, intensity, and technique as a way of teaching the body what to expect from a competition.
The Road To Winning USAPL Raw Nationals
I started my raw journey back in December of 2008. After an equipped meet in April 2008, I left the meet feeling empty.
Power Clean for the Strength Athlete
Whether your sport is powerlifting, strongman, football or any other “strength” sport, the power clean should be part of your workout plan.
Set Up to Squat Huge
The solution may be as simple as lowering the rack a notch, pulling your elbows down or taking a better breath.
Lightning Deadlifts
Until recently, the deadlift was the bastard child of the strength and conditioning community!
Shirt Training...Rough Start but a Strong(ish) Finish
This was only my second time in this shirt and I was already trying to touch. Had I just worked down from high to low boards, I would have saved time and energy.
Beast Reality Volume 1, Issue 2: APA 2010 New England Winter Iron Bash a...
Do you ever have those surreal moments in life? They seem to occur more frequently as I grow older.
Where Busting Your Ass Actually Pays Off
I know that when I bust my ass during training I will get stronger.
Strength 101: Part II - The Methods of Strength Development
A lifter uses multiple lifting techniques because the body has many different modes of adaptation.
Learn How to Caslow Your Own Powerlifting Program
A quick setup description of how I plan training is generally built on five movements at each workout.
Hard to Train…but Training Hard: Part IV
There have been many, many times that I’ve looked at something someone was going through and said “Thank you God for my wheelchair; because I really couldn’t have handled THAT.”
Under The Bar: Competence
You learned your skill, but more importantly you learned that is only the beginning of mastery – not the end.
Hard to Train…but Training Hard: Part III
Growing up, I hated things that made me feel “different” or “not normal”.
Brian Schwab: APF Gulf Coast Recap
I’ve been training for meets non-stop for years and although I’m not injured physically, I need a break mentally.
Incorporation of Strongman Training in Athlete Lifting Cycles
There exists a multitude of components to consider when incorporating Strongman training into a standard lifting cycle.
How to Win Meets and Influence Squats and Deadlifts
I would like to share with you a movement that has been extremely beneficial to my athletes.
Partial Movement Training For The Deadlift
This article will explain how to use partial Deadlifts to improve your pull and also some pitfalls you should avoid.
Tales of a Fit Mom: Training Partners
I’ve been back to training for one month now. Not working out…training.
Extreme Depth: Unsafe and Unfair
Squat depth has been a matter of controversy in powerlifting since the 1970s and continues to be so.
Brian Schwab: APF Raw Nationals Results
My point from this is that meet conditions are never perfect, whether or not you plan for them to be.
Weightlifter's ADD
I’m one of those people who spends a great deal of their time trolling the Internet for the newest, latest, and most unconventional ways for getting stronger.
What Powerlifting Means to Me
Powerlifting has given me confidence, wisdom, compassion, respect, physical strength, and many other things I’m most likely not even aware of.