Five Weeks Out - RAW
Five Weeks Out - RAW
Things are in the right direction and it's time for more ICE.
Squat Training and Cycle
Squat Training and Cycle
Hopefully this program can give you some ideas on how to get strong, do it smart and make progress.
What Bob Youngs Taught Me
What Bob Youngs Taught Me
I don’t have to squat 1000 lbs—or even 500 lbs—to tell you what I learned about life, death, and strength in just a few email messages from Bob Youngs.
Bring your Bench Press Alive with the Dead Bench
Bring your Bench Press Alive with the Dead Bench
A one second pause at the bottom of the bench press movement causes a 55 percent disruption of the benefits derived from stretch-shortening during the bench press.
S4: Week 1-4 of 12 Training Plan
S4: Week 1-4 of 12 Training Plan
This is week 2 of a 12 week plan I’ve been creating for a group of lifters in the gym.
Bench by Numbers
Bench by Numbers
The more intently you focus on single points during a training session the more the body will do what you want it to do.
Train Technique to Unleash Hell in the Gym
Train Technique to Unleash Hell in the Gym
I can’t figure it out, but it seems to me the word “technique” is a bad word in powerlifting.
Knee Wraps: The Ins and Outs
Knee Wraps: The Ins and Outs
Are you getting the best support and rebound from your wrapping style?
Scott Yard: 8 Weeks Out
Scott Yard: 8 Weeks Out
I’m toast and it’s football season, so to the man cave I go.
5 Squat Tips for Immediate Improvement
5 Squat Tips for Immediate Improvement
The following article is a quick five tips to help you with your squat.
Beast Reality, Volume 1
Beast Reality, Volume 1
Before you read this, if you’re impatient, don’t go any further.
Feeling Weak and Overtraining
Feeling Weak and Overtraining
Now I know why everything feels heavy, I overtrain…
The First Time, What was it Like?
The First Time, What was it Like?
Now that I think about it, I’ve had a lot of shitty “first times.”
One Week of RAW
One Week of RAW
On the 3rd rep of 660 I dropped the bar and decided to walk away without risking injury.
The Seven Principles and You
The Seven Principles and You
Whenever we evaluate programs to decide how good they are, we can always come back to the seven fundamental principles to help point us in the right direction.
Big, Strong, Powerful, and Dying…
Big, Strong, Powerful, and Dying…
It usually starts like this—an elbow to the ribs in the middle of the night from your spouse.
Commit to the Pull
Commit to the Pull
The great Kaz said, “Commit to the pull.”
What is a Perceived Max?
What is a Perceived Max?
I usually pride myself on having common sense and being able to understand things.
Al Caslow: 2 Weeks Out
Al Caslow: 2 Weeks Out
Feeling extremely run-down now, so that’s good. It means I’m putting in work.
5 Front Squat Advantages
5 Front Squat Advantages
Here are five advantages front squats have over regular squats.
Leigh An's Powerlifting Recipes of Awesomeness
Leigh An's Powerlifting Recipes of Awesomeness
Take two grilled cheese sandwiches put burger between and enjoy the awesomeness!
I remember chanting to myself over and over, “Get under the bar and just get it done.”
How to Get Huge at Breakfast Time
How to Get Huge at Breakfast Time
Hopefully this gives you an idea what it takes to be big and strong, and by extension of those, awesome.
Dizenzo's WORLD RECORD: 1 Mile Jog in Less than 15 Minutes
Dizenzo's WORLD RECORD: 1 Mile Jog in Less than 15 Minutes
Just kept busy and did a little work this week after the meet.
Part VI: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part VI: So You Think You Can Bench?
See what Josh learned in Part 6 of So You Think You Can Bench?
Deadlift and Learn
Deadlift and Learn
I learned that what I have been doing is working just fine and as long as my lifts keep moving.
Training and Living with Lupus: A Trial by Fire
Training and Living with Lupus: A Trial by Fire
If there is someone out there who is crazy enough to get back into weightlifting after being diagnosed with lupus, I’ll be the first to tell you that it can be done.
Leigh An's Powerlifting Recipes of Awesomeness
Leigh An's Powerlifting Recipes of Awesomeness
Old-time favorites: Mac and Cheese and Grilled Corn-on-the-Cob.
Working with Kiefer
Working with Kiefer
After about 5,762,987 trillion text messages and half as many e-mails back and forth between Kiefer and myself, we came up with a plan.
McMillan: 4 Weeks Out
McMillan: 4 Weeks Out
Tonight’s shirt work went pretty well.
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
20 Items You Need in Your Gym Bag to be Stronger
Of course, you’ll find this in Chad Aichs’ bag, but you’ll also find it in McMillan’s.
Part V: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part V: So You Think You Can Bench?
By this point in the process, I wasn’t anywhere near an expert, but things were starting to click.
Dizenzo Benches 800
Dizenzo Benches 800
Everyone must have been scared of me. Either that or nobody wanted to fly to Connecticut to lift.
Squatting from Head to Toe
Squatting from Head to Toe
Here’s what you need to know about The Box Squat.
Tips for Your First Raw Powerlifting Meet
Tips for Your First Raw Powerlifting Meet
Here are some tips for those of you who are considering your first powerlifting meet.
Part IV: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part IV: So You Think You Can Bench?
The good news was that my shoulder felt fine with the much-needed grip change.
Best Bench Press Video
Best Bench Press Video
We asked Dave for his “best bench video ever” and this is what he ended up with.
Frequently Asked Bench Questions
Frequently Asked Bench Questions
The next week you could rotate to some reverse bands with shirt off boards
Part III: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part III: So You Think You Can Bench?
The first thing I learned here was I wasn’t using the proper intensity and mindset in my warm-up.
Bombing into Triumph
Bombing into Triumph
Bombing out of a meet sucks.
Part II: So You Think You Can Bench?
Part II: So You Think You Can Bench?
Who knew the traps were an important part of the bench press?
Powerlifting for Sport: Five Reasons Why Your Athletes Should Be Doing It
Powerlifting for Sport: Five Reasons Why Your Athletes Should Be Doing It
I will give you five very good reasons why powerlifting exercises and repetition schemes should be used in your athletic conditioning programs.
So You Think You Can Bench?
So You Think You Can Bench?
I knew I was a wreck when it came to form and setup on the bench press.
Greek God Gainer Dessert
Greek God Gainer Dessert
This recipe is rich and satisfies any chocolate dessert craving.
T.W.I.T. Julia Ladewski
T.W.I.T. Julia Ladewski
This week in training…featuring Julia Ladewski.
Leigh An's Powerlifting Recipies of Awesomeness
Leigh An's Powerlifting Recipies of Awesomeness
Grilled Buffalo Chicken Wings with a side of man ranch.
The Periodization Bible
The Periodization Bible
Another problem with the Western method of periodization is that many abilities aren’t maintained.
Dizenzo Reaches Fat Loss Goal in 12 weeks
Dizenzo Reaches Fat Loss Goal in 12 weeks
This is embarrassing, I was more of a mess than I thought when I started.
McMillan's Daily Meals
McMillan's Daily Meals
Here is an example of my normal day and my meals.
Q&A with Dave Tate
Q&A with Dave Tate
The Answer Man helps guide you from shit to suck, from suck to good, and eventually from good to great!
I just returned from a consulting engagement with a division 1-football program. I was contracted to review and give insight on their strength-training program.
Defining Intensity
Defining Intensity
There seems to be a lot of confusion over what exactly the word “intensity” means in a weight room setting.
Are You Normal Down There?
Are You Normal Down There?
Well you should wonder, but in case you haven’t, I have. And this is what I came up with.
Advice for the Gear Novice/Beginner
Advice for the Gear Novice/Beginner
It’s a learned skill, so you have to practice.

Items 1830 to 1888 of 2156 total